College research paper
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Skills
Question: Talk about the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Skills. Answer: Presentation: Enterprise and advancement are the two most significant quality of associations, which help it in gaining a serious edge over the contenders (Shendage, 2012). These are the two aptitudes, which is of most extreme desperation in the current situation of the worldwide market. Kiichiro Toyoda established the framework of the Company in the year 1937. Since the time the commencement, the Company is consistently sending new and rising patterns in their business partner to give its rivals a solid rivalry in the Automobile business (Imai, 2012). Be that as it may, the earned acclaim of selling the biggest number of vehicles on the planet is presently in question as it is confronting a solid rivalry from Germanys Volkswagen. There is a critical necessity of incepting the enterprise and development abilities to add new measurements to the items, which could help in ruling the market by pulling in included clients (Scarborough, 2012). This report attempts to cover the technique of the Company alongside its present situation in the market. It additionally shows the need of business enterprise and development abilities in the Company. Procedure of the Company: The procedure of the Company builds the relationship of its trademark with the beginning, which approves the goals as Lean turn of events and Instant Production (Imai, 2012). The technique of the Company brags on specific standards, which are going about as the main impetus in the assembling of biggest number of cross breed vehicles on the planet. These powers incorporate examining the test, having trust in collaboration, regard, interest to bring improvement and perception (Shim Steers, 2012). Further, they have faith in long haul reasoning as an establishment of the board choices. Besides, they trust in following a procedure in taking care of the distinguished issue. The Company puts stock in creating initiative quality in workers to continue adding qualities to the association. The association empowers learning through a nonstop recognition of the central issue (Imai, 2012). Current situation of the Company: Toyota Motors has the notoriety to sell the biggest number of vehicles around the world. It is the primary organization to accomplish a worldwide offer of in excess of 10 million units, an accomplishment never accomplished by any contender (Sundberg Sjdahl, 2012). In any case, the Company is getting a firm rivalry from one of its rivals Germanys Volkswagen. China is the greatest market for any engine brand yet in the long run it has risen as a genuine test before the Company to get hang available (Rajasekera, 2013). Further, this is for the explanation that Toyota has a negligible pieces of the pie in China, which is just 4%. Business enterprise and advancement: Business enterprise and advancement are the two best component of an authoritative conduct that produces separating results in the middle of the contenders (Shendage, 2012). There are three sorts of advancement, which incorporate Revolution, Renewal and Resilience. They have innovativeness in them, which gives new measurements to the associations. Also, they put stock in rivalry and have solid assurance for inventive thoughts (Shendage, 2012). Upheaval identify with a way, which shows a damaging nature of an untouchable for upgrading the opposition in the market (Christensen, 2013). Restoration is a procedure, which an organization adds to its current deduction to limit the disappointment execution in the market (Keeley et al., 2013). Versatility connotes the most fundamentalist methodology of an association, which is extremely uncommon by and by however has the capacities to deliver wonder for the Company (Christensen, 2013). Further, there are two kinds of development, which incorporate the supporting advancement and the problematic advancement (Keeley et al., 2013). Supporting advancement incorporate focusing on its clients dependent on set up realities that had helped associations in their accomplishments. Be that as it may, the troublesome sort of advancement has confidence in such items, which are lesser in quality however coordinate with the changing idea of client conduct (Keeley et al., 2013). This sort of development forces its adherents in welcoming the less expensive item to benefit from the developing criticalness for a lesser evaluating of an item. Mindful variables impacting the initiation of Entrepreneurship and development in the Company: Beginning of business and advancement aptitudes in the Toyota cars can possibly bring the ideal outcome for the Company (Scarborough, 2012). Be that as it may, the genuine disappointment of the Company in the China part has constrained it to go for a troublesome and a restoration sort of advancements (Shendage, 2012). Also, these advancements are incredibly useful in empowering the Toyota Company for a less expensive creation to coordinate with the market necessity. In any case, the Company flopped in promoting the China advertise, which has made enough explanations behind the selection of these sorts of developments (Rajasekera, 2013). The Toyota Company need to give strong essentials to its administration for building up separate jobs for its administration (Sundberg Sjdahl, 2012). This in reality is useful in guaranteeing most extreme consideration of the work duties in the Company. There are various procedures, which help in winning the serious edge. These procedures incorporate assurance of ventures targets and computation of suppositions (Rajasekera, 2013). This can help in a near lesser disappointment in the business activities of the Toyota Company (Scarborough, 2012). Be that as it may, to deliver an ideal outcome with the assistance of business enterprise and the development abilities, it requires a profound investigation of the vehicle showcase in China. The fundamental explanation behind the failure show of the Toyota Company in China was the high evaluating (Idrac, 2013). The item, which the Company offered to the market, is a lot costlier than General Motors. The showcasing individual of the Company misinterpreted their objective clients in China, which brought about a colossal misfortune to the Company (Maimonides, 2013). The contribution of the Company as Yaris increased just a normal of 1,250 vehicle deals in a month. Nonetheless, other took off high by selling in excess of 12,000 vehicle deals in a month. Additionally, this has contributed essentially for the prerequisite of business and advancement aptitudes in the Company to alleviate the misfortune happened. SWOT investigation of Toyota: Qualities Immense brand picture Overall flexibly chain Responsive advancement capacities In view of responsive advancement abilities, the Toyota Automobile has ceaselessly sent various methodologies to accomplish a main spot in the realm of market. Offer of 10 million units is an accomplishment, which no organization has ever accomplished (Hoque et al., 2013). Additionally, this just depicts the authority quality in the Company. Shortcomings Wrong investigation of potential market, for example, China Similarly costlier contributions Wide scope of items, which adds heaps of fields to deal with Wasteful way to deal with China brought about an immense misfortune to the Company. Also, an unfit deliberately approach brought about a normal demonstration of the Company. By the by, the Company has just around 5% shares in China, which is relatively extremely low than the consolidated portions of Volkswagen and General Motors (Messaoud, 2013). Openings Rising requests in creating nations Developing interest in prevalent electronic vehicles Keeping on a nearby look on the present pattern of some potential market, it is obvious that tremendous open doors are there for the Toyota Automobiles. All things considered, the Company couldn't perform up to its notoriety in China. In any case, some other potential markets, for example, India where Toyota can put their brilliant show with the assistance of Suzuki Company. In any case, Suzuki has a ruling presentation in India with half of pieces of the pie (Ng Tan, 2015). Dangers Control of market by sensible cost contenders Relatively speedier advancement of contenders Developing business sector pattern for the ease vehicles is a genuine danger to the Toyota Company. This without a doubt has brought about a normal demonstration of the Company in China. Besides, the Company couldn't support their equivalent notoriety in China where other outside organizations, for example, Germanys Volkswagen has a sound develop. The methodology to put significant expense vehicles to the objective market was a wasteful methodology, which is obvious with the pieces of the overall industry of the Company in China (Fung, 2014). Proposal dependent on SWOT investigation: Creation of minimal effort engines is the principal suggestion for the Company to contend in the potential market, for example, China where they have demonstrated a normal presentation. Causing coordinated effort with Other Companies to can work wonder for the Company. For a model, Suzuki has half pieces of the overall industry in India. In addition, this is a reasonable sign towards the way that a joint endeavor of the Company with the Suzuki may create an amazing outcome in India. This could likewise demonstrate its value in creating sensible item offering in potential markets. To make an intensive report before planning the objective market to meet with the necessities of the objective clients. The genuine disappointment in this part intensely influenced the situation of the Company in China. The Company need to acquire fast development abilities their contributions, which could help in delivering client amicable items that fluctuates with the topographical and the social contrasts. End: The Toyota Company since the time its origin kept it occupied with conveying new considerations to create quality item. In any case, the Company couldn't continue a similar notoriety in China, which is to be sure the potential market on the planet. The enterprise and the development aptitudes are the two best highlights of a hierarchical conduct, which acquires responsive nature associations concerning the market swelling. Nevert
Friday, August 21, 2020
Business Proposal Checklist
Clarify how vitality developed after some time Into a consumable decent. Does It despite everything fulfill the first requirement for which It was made? Why or why not? How have our fundamental requirements for vitality changed? As per Breach (20061 the day by day vitality use per individual has expanded from 2,000 kcal when people were only trackers to 244,526 kcal in 2000. From the earliest starting point of humankind, we have utilized vitality, First by setting wood and different materials ablaze, utilizing creatures to aid tarry undertakings, to utilizing apparatus, to at last developing to the enormous utilization of vitality today.Today vitality Is as yet expected to cook our DOD and make our day by day lives simpler in this manner fulfilling the first need. In spite of the fact that vitality is as yet essential, I accept people utilize an excess of Reference: Breach, A. J. (2006). Vitality: Physical, natural, and social Impact (third De. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Pren tice Hall. WOK-Q: What is the association between populace development and vitality use? How are each interrelated to the gracefully and request of vitality utilization and creation? Clarify your answer. The Increase In populace Is upheld by the consistent increment of our utilization of energy.Modern culture is reliant on a gigantic measure of vitality. In the event that that vitality were not accessible or in the event that it declined at any huge sum, it could detrimentally affect the populace. Should vitality supplies decay, cost will increment, and the financial tested populace may need to abandon required fuel or power. On the off chance that they are as of now underneath a continuing level, this could be shocking. WOK-Q: Why is it more costly to transmit power locally than over significant distances? It would be ideal if you list different purposes behind this. For what reason would a vitality plant need to appropriate power locally if there are less benefit margins?According to Breach (2006), 10% of electric vitality Is lost In the transmission procedure. Of the 10%, eight percent Is misfortune locally. There are higher misfortunes of vitality at low dissemination voltage. Along these lines, the expense to transmit power locally is increasingly costly. The expansion in piece of the overall industry, showcase development, and no real way to capacity unused vitality, would be reasons why a vitality plant would need to disseminate power locally despite the fact that net revenues were less. Penetrate, A. J. (2006). Vitality: Physical, ecological, and social effect (third De. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall.WOK-Q: Explain what is implied by base burden, middle of the road burden, and pinnacle load. For what reason are these incepts imperative to understanding the creation of power and vitality the board? How do these identify with the end clients of the item? As indicated by Breach, base burden is the essential measure of power that is cons tantly required. Base burden is produced by the utilities enormous offices. Halfway burden is the measure of power that gradually cycles on and off. Pinnacle load is the time where interest for power is the best. Pinnacle load is normally just a couple of hours a day.Utilities satisfy top burden need by utilizing extra generators that can be expressed rapidly. Power can't be effortlessly put away. In this manner, request must be foreseen by the service organization. Season and time of day are the prevail drivers of utilization. Enough power should be provided to fulfill need on the most sultry day of summer. Keeping up a dependable electric framework without intruding on capacity to the purchaser can't be practiced without the equalization of gracefully and request. Portray the degree of harm done to the force matrix during Hurricane Strain in Mississippi, Texas, and Louisiana.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Nursing Concept Research Paper - 1375 Words
Nursing Concept (Research Paper Sample) Content: Nursing ConceptName:Institution:IntroductionHerth (1990) carries out a descriptive study using Dimonds Bereavement Adaptation Model where he investigates the relationship between concurrent losses, hope, coping style and grief resolution. In regards to Wonghongkul et al. (2000), their study examines the uncertainty in illness theory, the theory of the stress of appraisal and coping as well as the perspective of hope in a correlational study. Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) report the powerful influence hope has on living. In their pilot study, data is collected to compare three measures of hope as well as a hopelessness measure, later examining their interaction with an anxiety measure. The concept of hope involves a future-oriented expectation where individuals expect to attain goals valued by the person or developing important relationships as well as maintaining them. In this case, Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) link hope to happiness, achievement, perse verance as well as health that all affect mental stress, behavioral and physical health. In agreement with Wonghongkul et al. (2000), uncertainties in diseases forms one of the key experiences that each cancer survivor has to face. In this case, the ability to adopt stress appraisal and coping is documented to have a positive influence on well-being. This paper will thus serve the purpose of analyzing the three literature sources on the influence hope, anxiety and uncertainty have on treatment outcomes in terms of disease recovery.Comparison of the studiesThe study by Wonghongkul et al. (2000) works on three conceptual frameworks including the uncertainty in illness theory by Mishel, Herths perspective of hope as well as Lazarus and Folkmans stress appraisal and coping theory. In Mishels framework, information is availed concerning the effects that uncertainty poses on several types of appraisal that in turn influence the coping strategies used. The hope concept, Lazarus and Folkman s theory and Mishels theory are created in a multidimensional of hope in which the belief of positive desired outcome being a reality has a feeling of confidence in the patients recovery. The concept of coping relates to the ability of the affected to deal with the demands imposed on them by the transaction between the environment and person. Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) insinuate that the more hope possessed by an individual, the better the individual can undertake adaptive coping strategies. Higher levels of hope are associated with reduced psychological distress vital to success in psychotherapy. Qualitative research previously carried out report readiness behaviors as important in recovery from sexual assault indicating that hope is a key component of healing. In studies on individuals with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) they reported higher hope with the higher perceived social support obtained from friends and family. Besides, in studies that examined hope in tr aumatic health events such as cancer or impending surgery, dispositional hope acts as a facilitator for psychological outcomes.In reference to Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014), interventions for traumatic conditions are targeted at raising hope that also alleviates symptoms of anxiety. Hope is thus one of the powerful factors in emotional healing occurring in a continuum of hopelessness and hopefulness. Measurements on these factors are made according to Beck Hopelessness Scale, Synder Hope Scale as well as Hearth Hope Index and Miller Hope Scale. In reference to Herth (1990), previous studies in grief resolution were limited to loss of conjugal in persons older than 65 years. Older persons are herein perceived to experience conjugal loss differently from younger individuals and thus higher morbidity, and mortality rates arise subsequently. Men are indicated to experience bereavement in a different manner from women with the risk of emotional and physical deterioration being gre ater in bereaved males. In regards to Herth (1990), most studies are centered on the spouse within the first year after the loss of conjugal whereby the bereavement period in older persons extends over several years. Hope is also conceptualized as a factor that can affect coping and individual appraisal. In the study, Wonghongkul et al. (2000) define uncertainty as a factor that can influence hope. Their research works on a conceptual framework in which the uncertainty surrounding breast cancer survivors affects stress appraisal in turn affecting the use of coping strategies. Demographic variables such as age and years of education are incorporated in this framework to study how uncertainty and coping strategies are influenced. ReflectionHerth (1990) investigates the relationship between hope, coping style in a hospital, hospice or nursing home settings and the effect hope has on grief resolution. In this case, conjugal bereavement is studied as a complicated life experience that cr eates significant adaptive challenges on the surviving spouse. Grief resolution is made up of complicated tasks in which enormous demands are placed on the coping skills of the patient. This is key in elderly persons who experience the loss of their lifetime mates. Nurses are at this moment requested to use their strategic position to assist the grieving elder patients. The study thus gives findings concerning the importance of hope level, setting as well as the various styles of coping in grief resolution. A similar subject is echoed by Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) who visualize hope as a universal concept with significant influence on peoples lives. The difference between this perspective and the one offered by Herth (1990) is the fact that the latter narrows down on a hospice setting. Herth (1990) studies the effects of hope in grief resolution. On the other hand, Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) relate more to comparisons on three measures of hope and one on hopeles sness, as well as their interactions with measures of anxiety. Hope in this case is defined as a future-oriented expectation whereby a person wishes to attain valuable goals and develop and nurture important relationships. There exists a similarity between the concept presented by Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) and Herth (1990). Hope is portrayed as a link to more happiness, perseverance and good health. In this case, these qualities of hope buffer the effects stress poses on mental, physical and behavioral health. The study by Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) lies within a current context whereby lifestyle conditions such as cancer and old age are increasingly being reported. This explains why the study deploys a theoretical framework incorporating interventions made on posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD) scenarios. While testing their hypothesis, their methodology considers variables such as level of education and ethnicity that are key elements characterizing current g lobal co... Nursing Concept Research Paper - 1375 Words Nursing Concept (Research Paper Sample) Content: Nursing ConceptName:Institution:IntroductionHerth (1990) carries out a descriptive study using Dimonds Bereavement Adaptation Model where he investigates the relationship between concurrent losses, hope, coping style and grief resolution. In regards to Wonghongkul et al. (2000), their study examines the uncertainty in illness theory, the theory of the stress of appraisal and coping as well as the perspective of hope in a correlational study. Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) report the powerful influence hope has on living. In their pilot study, data is collected to compare three measures of hope as well as a hopelessness measure, later examining their interaction with an anxiety measure. The concept of hope involves a future-oriented expectation where individuals expect to attain goals valued by the person or developing important relationships as well as maintaining them. In this case, Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) link hope to happiness, achievement, perse verance as well as health that all affect mental stress, behavioral and physical health. In agreement with Wonghongkul et al. (2000), uncertainties in diseases forms one of the key experiences that each cancer survivor has to face. In this case, the ability to adopt stress appraisal and coping is documented to have a positive influence on well-being. This paper will thus serve the purpose of analyzing the three literature sources on the influence hope, anxiety and uncertainty have on treatment outcomes in terms of disease recovery.Comparison of the studiesThe study by Wonghongkul et al. (2000) works on three conceptual frameworks including the uncertainty in illness theory by Mishel, Herths perspective of hope as well as Lazarus and Folkmans stress appraisal and coping theory. In Mishels framework, information is availed concerning the effects that uncertainty poses on several types of appraisal that in turn influence the coping strategies used. The hope concept, Lazarus and Folkman s theory and Mishels theory are created in a multidimensional of hope in which the belief of positive desired outcome being a reality has a feeling of confidence in the patients recovery. The concept of coping relates to the ability of the affected to deal with the demands imposed on them by the transaction between the environment and person. Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) insinuate that the more hope possessed by an individual, the better the individual can undertake adaptive coping strategies. Higher levels of hope are associated with reduced psychological distress vital to success in psychotherapy. Qualitative research previously carried out report readiness behaviors as important in recovery from sexual assault indicating that hope is a key component of healing. In studies on individuals with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) they reported higher hope with the higher perceived social support obtained from friends and family. Besides, in studies that examined hope in tr aumatic health events such as cancer or impending surgery, dispositional hope acts as a facilitator for psychological outcomes.In reference to Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014), interventions for traumatic conditions are targeted at raising hope that also alleviates symptoms of anxiety. Hope is thus one of the powerful factors in emotional healing occurring in a continuum of hopelessness and hopefulness. Measurements on these factors are made according to Beck Hopelessness Scale, Synder Hope Scale as well as Hearth Hope Index and Miller Hope Scale. In reference to Herth (1990), previous studies in grief resolution were limited to loss of conjugal in persons older than 65 years. Older persons are herein perceived to experience conjugal loss differently from younger individuals and thus higher morbidity, and mortality rates arise subsequently. Men are indicated to experience bereavement in a different manner from women with the risk of emotional and physical deterioration being gre ater in bereaved males. In regards to Herth (1990), most studies are centered on the spouse within the first year after the loss of conjugal whereby the bereavement period in older persons extends over several years. Hope is also conceptualized as a factor that can affect coping and individual appraisal. In the study, Wonghongkul et al. (2000) define uncertainty as a factor that can influence hope. Their research works on a conceptual framework in which the uncertainty surrounding breast cancer survivors affects stress appraisal in turn affecting the use of coping strategies. Demographic variables such as age and years of education are incorporated in this framework to study how uncertainty and coping strategies are influenced. ReflectionHerth (1990) investigates the relationship between hope, coping style in a hospital, hospice or nursing home settings and the effect hope has on grief resolution. In this case, conjugal bereavement is studied as a complicated life experience that cr eates significant adaptive challenges on the surviving spouse. Grief resolution is made up of complicated tasks in which enormous demands are placed on the coping skills of the patient. This is key in elderly persons who experience the loss of their lifetime mates. Nurses are at this moment requested to use their strategic position to assist the grieving elder patients. The study thus gives findings concerning the importance of hope level, setting as well as the various styles of coping in grief resolution. A similar subject is echoed by Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) who visualize hope as a universal concept with significant influence on peoples lives. The difference between this perspective and the one offered by Herth (1990) is the fact that the latter narrows down on a hospice setting. Herth (1990) studies the effects of hope in grief resolution. On the other hand, Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) relate more to comparisons on three measures of hope and one on hopeles sness, as well as their interactions with measures of anxiety. Hope in this case is defined as a future-oriented expectation whereby a person wishes to attain valuable goals and develop and nurture important relationships. There exists a similarity between the concept presented by Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) and Herth (1990). Hope is portrayed as a link to more happiness, perseverance and good health. In this case, these qualities of hope buffer the effects stress poses on mental, physical and behavioral health. The study by Carretta, Ridner and Dietrich (2014) lies within a current context whereby lifestyle conditions such as cancer and old age are increasingly being reported. This explains why the study deploys a theoretical framework incorporating interventions made on posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD) scenarios. While testing their hypothesis, their methodology considers variables such as level of education and ethnicity that are key elements characterizing current g lobal co...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Gambling Is The Largest And Most Financially Significant...
Gambling is Canada’s largest and most financially significant entertainment industry. The world of gambling is not limited to solely the casino. It has a presence everywhere, even innocently, from video games to Wal-Mart arcade games. In the adult world there are various types of gambling, ranging from horse racing to scratch lotto cards. One could argue that gambling is a regular part of life. We have become almost desensitized to it because it is so apparent in our world today. Gambling is considered a fun, exciting past time. The most appealing part about gambling is obtaining money without actually having to earn it. Not only is gambling appealing to citizens, but also it is rather appealing for the state. It accounts for 267,000 full†¦show more content†¦One of the major costs of gambling is problem gambling, also known as an addiction to gambling. Problem gamblers are not only a risk to themselves, but they disrupt the lives of other people, such as their partn ers, parents, children, or friends. The government providing treatment for problem gamblers does not necessarily repair the casualties committed by the gambler. One third of all gambling revenue is produced by problem gamblers, therefore society is wrongfully profiting off the backs of the helplessly addicted. As of right now, there is no national policy on problem gambling. There is no focus on educating the public on what is responsible gambling or the prevalence of problem gambling. Problem gambling needs to be addressed, because the onus of self-control cannot be placed on those who have a serious impulse control disorder. In the words of John Maynard Keynes, â€Å"Individual liberal is important, but it was never the sole consideration because it always had consequences for other individuals†. As much as people have the right to make their own informed choices about gambling, they also have the duty not to infringe on the rights of others. This is similar to John Mil l’s claim that â€Å"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others†. This is not to say that the state has a duty to parent individuals, but that the state has the duty to intervene if one
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Internet - Ethics of Online Medical Records
The Ethics of Online Medical Records Abstract: This paper describes the ethical implications of developing a national online medical database. Such a database would contain the lifetime health records of every U.S. resident by combining information from a variety of sources. The advantages of such a system are many, but in the end, the question remains whether patients want to trade privacy for better healthcare. A lonely ninety-year-old Chinese woman walks into a clinic. Without any medical records, the physicians diagnose her with stroke, and she is immediately hospitalized. Two days later, her son arrives at the hospital, apparently quite angry with the doctors. He informs the physicians that her mother has†¦show more content†¦Today, the medical records of most Americans are scattered across multiple clinics and hospitals, possibly across several states. The task of piecing together a patients medical history can become quite time-consuming and laborious, as the files first need to be located and then faxed [5]. The possibility of combining medical records into a central medical database would solve many of these problems, as well as bring new benefits. With a shared medical database, doctors would have vital information about a patient at their fingertips. Very little time would be lost in looking for a patients medical records and piecing the data together. A shared medical database would save lives by providing accurate and complete information to doctors, especially those not familiar with their patients. For instance, if a person had a serious accident while vacationing in a different state, the doctors there would have instant access to his medical records in his home state. Locating the patients family doctor and faxing the patients medical history would be unnecessary. If the patient has allergies to certain drugs, the doctors would be aware of it, thus avoiding further complications [6]. With more complete information, doctors would be given the power to treat an unfamiliar, out-of-state patients in a timely and effective manner. Sharing medical data would also enormously benefit organizationsShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Substance Of An Action1685 Words  | 7 Pagesand government agencies use the AHIMA Code of Ethics as a frame of reference. The AHIMA Code of Ethics echoes the commitment of all to endorse the profession s values and to act ethically. Individuals of good character and through their good faith can determine what the moral questions are and seek to make dependable ethical judgments that must have within them the ethical principles to practice and apply. 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Anyone with some simple computer equipment can communicate their ideas to countless people at one time through what can truly be called the world s first true mass mediaRead MorePrivacy Policy Essay example1343 Words  | 6 Pagesinformation which is collected, stored and analyzed about individuals, both in public and private databases, this topic touches off strong feelings and fears. It is vital that everyone as users of the internet, be it government, internet service providers, or individuals, need take the issue of internet privacy very seriously, while basing all actions towards the issue with the moral statement of, ‘Rights aren’t free, they’re earned’. Reynolds (2010, p.117) defines information privacy as the combination
Reflection free essay sample
And also there some difficulties and things which I have to correct for next time if I have to write this type of assignment. First I will write about positive things which I found helped me finishing this case study on time. Case study started on 17 th September, when I went ward for this I was clear of my objectives and goal to achieve. I got chance to select any patient I want from any where I choose, so I have chosen the patient from same ward I m working. Therefore I was very familiar with patients and their relatives, especially disease condition of the patients. I have chosen a patient whom I was caring since her admission. But for the case study I needed more than just routine caring but patient. Thus very easily that patient has given verbal consent to make case study on her disease condition. I built good rapport with the patient which made it easily to communicate and give health education to her. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Next things is I got so much support from ward incharge, as I couldn’t get any kind of leave, she arranged my duties all morning shift as I wanted and allocated me only for that cubicles where my case study patient was. I’m really thankful for her doing that. In ward other nurses also tried to make those 5 days duties easily for me and helped a lot in my work.Similarly my lecturer helped me a lot during the case study, she came to ward when I was doing case studying explained objectives and gave time to clear doubts. She watched closely during the course and advised to finish when there was time. She advised lot of time to plan and organize the time. However there were some difficulties like doing duty and part time studying is hard. I can’t give as much time I give for studies. During this case study period, in some weeks I got only one off mostly that will be on Sunday, and sometime called for duty because of lack of nurses. I tried my best to finish before, so that I can give for feedback.But duties were too hectic and too tiring, some days I was unable to touch the assignment. Unavailability of books from library after reserving that book for long time most difficult situation I faced. Similarly inaccessibility for hinari and ebsco full text researches was also a problem I faced. Lot of my time I spend on searching for articles, researches and journal for literature review. Likewise because of unable to manage time, ACLS classes and exam took lot of time which I could have given to case study. Unfortunately, I m not very good at managing my time, I believe this was biggest problem.So for future improvement I must learn how to manage my time. There were so many other interruptions during the case study time. Although there was a lot of work in preparing this assignment, improvements always can be made. If again I got chance to write this type this of assignment, I will start writing case study same day I start caring the patient. This time i started writing case after finishing five days of clinical. I thought I can write this with in few days. But know I realized that if I would want best out this assignment I would have given enough time for this, prepared more, and organized.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Naked Egg Drop Lab Report Essay Example
Naked Egg Drop Lab Report Paper Things we learned that was relevant to the lab were what Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy was. Potential Energy is stored energy due to objects relative position, while Kinetic energy was energy of motion; amount of energy depends on objects mass and velocity. The lab with the roller coaster showed examples of when the coaster was at the highest point that it had more Gravitational Potential energy and that by the time it reached the bottom or the lowest point of the hill it had the most amount of Kinetic Energy. The goal of the lab was to make a contraption that if an egg was dropped from about 18 Ft it wouldnt break or even crack. We tried to absorb the force of the egg so that it wouldnt hot the ground with too much energy. The contraption had a net made of yarn to catch the egg and not have it bounce too much; it was slanted slightly so the egg could roll down into a soft pile of cotton that lined the bottom of the box. The purpose of the lab was to make a contraption that would prevent an egg from breaking if dropped from about 18 feet high. We will write a custom essay sample on Naked Egg Drop Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Naked Egg Drop Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Naked Egg Drop Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The egg was to land at the highest point of the net and roll gently down into the cotton lining at the bottom of the box. Materials: * Box 22 x 45 x 29 * Net (yarn) * Cotton Balls * Large Paperclips The data does make sense. If someones data was off the way it could affect our results was it could slight miscalculations or false information. Ways we deal with this data is we do at least 2 trials and average up the data to ensure that the data would be a bit more accurate. The way the results relate to the purpose statement is it helped determine the exact height of the drop, how much kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy the egg has at a given point, and how much force and impact the egg lands with. For example I could calculate the height of the drop, too make sure the calculations are accurate, using the d=vi t+1/2 tat; I calculated that the drop should be around 6. 71 meters or about 18 Ft, which is pretty close to the actually height . Errors that could have occurred were miscalculation, incorrect information, wrong time, wrong measurement, etc. We had several timers to make sure we had the timing as accurate as possible and we compared are data to make sure we got the same data. The goal of this lab was to make a contraption that would stop the egg from breaking when dropped from about 18 Ft and to find out how much potential and kinetic energy the egg has at a given time.
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