Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hamlet Appearance vs Reality Essay

Appearance vs. reality in Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, is a jaded yet common theme. This play is teeming with characters that play their roles behind a veil of duplicity. They often appear to be one way when they really are something entirely different. Things within the play appear to be true and honest but in reality are polluted with evil. Many of the characters within the play hide behind a mask of dishonesty. Four of the main characters that hid behind this mask are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and King Claudius. From behind this mask they give the impression of a person who is sincere and true, in reality they are overwhelmed with lies and evil. One of the most obvious examples of appearance vs. reality in Hamlet is the character of Claudius. Claudius longed to be king, rule the land and crown his queen. He gave no regard to the feelings of the family. He was jealous and ruthless in pursuing his dream†¦ruthless to the point of murder. He pretends to be concerned and upset with the actions of Hamlet and his well being, when in reality he is frightened that Hamlet is aware of his deadly secret. It was as if he cast a spell on the whole kingdom for his own self-fulfilling interest. Our â€Å"innocent† Claudius even summons spies to investigate the origin of Hamlet’s madness†¦not for the good of Hamlet but for himself. He is indeed a jaded character, whose kind aura masks the face of a selfish murderer as he says â€Å"whose whisper o’er the world’s diameter, as levels as the cannon to his blank transports his poisoned shot, may miss our name and hit the woundless air. Oh come away! My soul is full of discord and dismay! †- Claudius, act 4 scene 1, lines 42-46. This quote demonstrates how Claudius seems to be worried about Hamlet and his actions when he is really fearful of him discovering the truth. In addition, the king’s royal associate, Polonius, appears to be a loyal and trustworthy servant to the kingdom throughout the play, willing to take on tasks and burdens requested by their majesties. However, in reality Polonius is an evil, greedy selfish man, who serves not his kingdom but himself. One example of this is how Polonius appears to be happy, concerned and supportive of his son, Laerte’s, journey to France. He seems to be supportive of his son until he sends Reynaldo as an emissary, in order to detect what sort of mischief he stumbles upon in France. In addition, Polonius, again, displays his devious characteristics when he spies on Hamlet and Ophelia in an attempt to analyze Hamlet’s madness. He soon orders Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet, as he brainwashes her with lies about Hamlets motives, when in reality Hamlet is truly in love with Ophelia. Once again, Polonius proves his scheming behavior when he listens in on Hamlet and Gertrude’s conversation while in the bedchamber. Hamlet finally teaches him his lesson when he unexpectedly murders the â€Å"rat. † In reality Polonius is anything but a loving father watching out for his children, he uses everyone to his advantage and for his own purposes; this proves as evidence for his sneaky demeanor. Even two of Hamlet’s childhood friends are victims of the appearance vs. reality theme. They were sent and bribed by the king and queen to try and determine the cause of Hamlet’s insanity. They approach Hamlet as long-lost pals when they are really anything but. They were there not as friends but hired help for Hamlet’s condition. In act 2 scene 2 line 299, Guildenstern quotes â€Å"What should we say my lord? † Completely denying the fact that they were sent for by the king and queen. Hamlet quickly reveals the truth and says, â€Å"Were you not sent for/ And there is a kind of confession in your looks, which your modesties have not craft in color. † (Shakespeare 2:2:278) From these words he is demanding an answer from his schoolmates as to their unexplained arrival. At the end he tells them nothing. As the play continues his â€Å"friends† are asked again by the king to go to Hamlet and try again to find the real reason for Hamlet’s behavior. Hamlet insults them at every chance knowing that they are lying to him about their purpose of the visit, â€Å"’Tis as easy as lying: govern these ventages with you finger and thumb, give it breath with your mouth†¦ † (Shakespeare 3:2:348) The twins show their appearance of being Hamlets friends but in truth they have a hidden reason for visiting with Hamlet. Both show that it will be very difficult for Hamlet to uncover the reliability hidden within the lies. Throughout the play, characters help to show the theme, which is appearance verses reality. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Polonius, and the king all appear to be good and honest. As Hamlet finds out, all contain lies and have hidden intentions within them. As each character is presented in the play all appear to be good and honest making it a hard for Hamlet to uncover the hidden truth about the nature of each character. Throughout the play everyone puts up a front so to speak, for different reasons. Hamlet believed that the world was corrupt and deceiving, this led him to become violently ambitious. Claudius was manipulative and cunning, and used his greed to achieve what he desired. Deception is a major theme of the play. Obviously throughout the play there are many discrepancies between appearance vs. reality. It seems everyone is jaded and full of deception or ulterior motives. With such controversial people in the kingdom, it is quite appropriate to state that there truly is something rotten in the state of Denmark.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Internal and external environment Essay

Introduction Internal and external environment of each company is a concept of poles apart. The knowledge of human is influenced by various factors that are surrounding the environment in which that an individual is placed. A continuous and steady improvement is the order of the day for increasing the human efficiency in working environment. â€Å"THE modern business man is the true heir of the old magicians. Every thing he touches seems to increase ten or a hundredfold in value and usefulness. All the old methods, old tools, old instruments have yielded to his transforming spell or else been discarded for new and more effective substitutes. In a thousand industries the profits of to-day are wrung from the wastes or unconsidered trifles of yesterday†(Scott, Walter Dill, 1998 Increasing Human Efficiency in Business, Chap. I. pg. 1) The era of computerization is system based approach at every level of working, whether it is in business, management, information technology or any industrial and social sector. The adherence to system has been fruitful in all aspects and also in locating the risk areas that can be monitored to avoid such risks with appropriate standards of management techniques and tools. Definition of system and Manager’s adoption of principles of system A â€Å"system† is defined as â€Å"an organized, unitary whole composed of two or more interdependent parts (subsystems) where the whole contains identifiable boundaries from its environment (suprasystem). † The practice of system is based on system principles and methods which are to be understood by a manager are : (1) Define company as a system (2) Establish system objectives (performance criteria) (3) Identify wider systems (environment). (4) Create formal subsystems (including a humanistic, psychosocial subsystem (5) Integrate the subsystems with the whole system (if not the subsystems themselves, whatever interrelates them with other subsystems. There are various aspects that are co-related with systems approach in terms of management of external and internal environment and how management theory is applicable in legal matters and what is the status of manager in communication in solving complex issues that arise from time to time in both external and internal environment. This is another way of stating that a manager has to be dynamically competitive and work advantageously in both environments with the prop of system theory. Systems theory as prescribed above, requires a complete in-depth understanding about working of a company apart from day to day analysis of performance within and outside environment of a company. The tools that are effective in measuring and managing the affairs of a company are viz., time management, risk management, supply chain management, team management, customer relation management, operation management, management of information systems, decision supportive systems and organizational behavior. A continuous persisting efforts of a manager produces emergence of new ideas and strategies apart from assisting in identifying key areas of a problem. It can also be stated that problems produce some of the best systematic ideas that are recognized as best strategies in the long term for the benefit and growth of a company. †And while the body is confined to one planet, along which it creeps with pain and difficulty; the thought can in an instant transport us into the most distant regions of the universe; or even beyond the universe, into the unbounded chaos, where nature is supposed to lie in total confusion. What never was seen, or heard of, may yet be conceived; nor is any thing beyond the power of thought, except what implies an absolute contradiction†. â€Å"But though our thought seems to possess this unbounded liberty, we shall find, upon a nearer examination, that it is really confined within very narrow limits, and that all this creative power of the mind amounts to no more than the faculty of compounding, transposing, augmenting, or diminishing the materials afforded us by the senses and experience†(Raleigh, N. C Alex Catalogue, An Enquiry concerning Human understanding, Sec. II. The origin of ideas, pg. 11) Ideas are the final output of thinking process, which has to undergo a brain storming session, group discussion and after several workshops, a company launches a new product.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Country Analysis Project (CAP) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Country Analysis Project (CAP) - Research Paper Example This led to massive climate changes over time because of overgrazing which desiccated the land and led to the encroachment of the Sahara desert. This led to massive migration and settlement along the fertile Nile valleys and formed a more centralized society. In the Nile valley, a Neolithic culture rooted by 6000BC. In this era, there was development of several dynastic cultures in the upper and the lower Nile. The lower Egyptian communities coexisted with the southern communities for over 2000 years, but remained distinct culturally and at the same time, retained close trade contact. According to the CIA World Fact Book, Egypt is one of the world’s earliest civilizations. This is because of the richness in the regular Nile river floods, plus the partial segregation that the desert provides to the east and west. In 341 BC, the last native dynasty ruled over Egypt but fell under the Persians, who were later toppled by the Greeks and Romans. From the seventh century BC, the Arab s ruled Egypt for six centuries. A local military social group, the Mamluks, took control and continued to rule after the invasion of Egypt in 1517 by the Ottoman Turks. The completion of the Suez Canal made Egypt an important global transportation hub, though it was also in massive debt. To protect its investments, Britain seized control of Egypt in1882, though nominal allegiance to the Ottoman Empire went on until 1914. By 1922, Egypt was partially independent from the United Kingdom. It got full sovereignty in 1952 after overthrowing a British backed monarchy (Stannard, p. 112). Egypt’s economic assessment The economy of this country relies mostly on agriculture, petroleum exports, media and tourism. Since 1979, the United States foreign aid has granted Egypt an average of 2.2 billion dollars per year, making it the third largest recipient of foreign funding. The government has invested heavily in physical structures and communications. However, the largest revenue source is tourist and partly traffic. Economic growth Before the 2011 uprising in Egypt, the country was enjoying a rising GDP acceleration, which reached a height of 7.1 % in 2006/2007. This was from rise in both public and private investment, with a continued, substantive economic investment. However, labor productivity continues to show sluggish growth, which presents a potential harm to the gross domestic growth. Poverty Though there are low incidences of extreme poverty, a whopping 43.9% of the total population leaves under ?2 per day. With this, it has an enormous challenge of transforming growth to poverty eradication. Reforms will aim at development of human capital, creation of jobs and productivity. Economic structure In Egypt, the largest economic sector of both labor force and output is in services. Industrial activities propel growth in revenue. At the second position is agriculture as a source of employment, though has the least output. For future growth, creation of jobs is imperative, especially in the industrial sector and increasing agricultural and services productivity for long term economic structural transformation (Rotberg, p. 79). Fiscal and monetary policy Between 2002/2003 and 2006/2007, Egypt’s budget deficit fell from 9.0% of their GDP to 7.7%. This is because the government lowered subsidies on fuel and held back wage growth. Interest payment and subsidy depress the government’s capital spending. Rapid supply and money growth continue to drive up inflation rates (Rotberg,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A CSR for the Abu Dhabi Culture Authority Research Paper

A CSR for the Abu Dhabi Culture Authority - Research Paper Example The impressive hotel took a total of 3 years to build and was opened in November 2005, however there were a number of restaurants and spas that were not opened until the following year as they were not complete by the time the time hotel was opening its doors to the public (Kempinski Group). The hotel can be said to belong to the hospitality as well as luxury industry considering the expensive cost of staying in even the cheapest room available (Kempinski Group). The organization deals with the provision of room and board among other various services involved in the hospitality industry and besides the provision of hotel rooms, there are a number of other facilities that are present within the structure such as restaurants, spas, and other sporting and health facilities that are available to those who are residing in the hotel (Kempinski Group). The building was designed by an architect named John Elliot who was a Senior Vice President at an international firm whose main specialty was in the designing of luxury hotels called Wimberly, Allison, Tong and Goo. The hotel was financed and is owned by the Abu Dhabi government and is under the management of the Kempinski Group. The hotel cost 11.02 AED to build and is the second most expensive hotel in the world after the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore (Kempinski Group). In total, the hotel has 92 suites as well as 302 rooms. 22 of these suites are reserved for hosting various heads of state with ke y public figures having stayed at the hotel before such as the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (Kempinski Group). The hotel has also been able to hold its own financially generating an impressive revenue of over 50 million U.S dollars annually (Kempinski Group). The cheapest room that is available in this hotel is what is known as the Coral Room that costs $400 a night with the most expensive being the Palace Grand Suite that goes for $11500 a night (Kempinski Group). There are a number of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Landlord and Tenant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Landlord and Tenant - Essay Example In the most recent landlord and tenant code, the Code for Leasing Business Premises in England and Wales 2007, break clauses are supposed to be only conditioned on prompt rentals, surrender of occupancy and leave behind no existing subleases whilst other conditionalities referring to the general state of the leased premises should only be dealt with later in the same way they are dealt with in ordinary expiration of normal leases. This is a welcome development in the issue of break clauses because case law is replete of instances when conditionalities have become sources of highly contentious conflicts that posed difficulties in the determination of tenants’ rights to make use of break clauses previously agreed upon between them and their respective landlords. One very outlandish case where failure to totally comply with conditionality to the last letter resulted in the tenant losing his right to exercise a break clause is the case of Osborne Assets Ltd v Britannia Life Ltd [1997]. In this case, the tenant, Britannia Life Ltd, wanted to exercise its right to a break clause which was written into the contract of lease and where such contract conditioned the option on total compliance with, among others, painting the leased premises with three coats of paint. Britannia was able to comply but with only two coats of paint prompting the court to declare it in breach of the condition and the forfeiture of its right to exercise the break option. Fortunately, subsequent case law saw courts applying a more judicious and practical method of determining compliance with conditionalities by stressing on the word ‘material.’ Some earlier cases also followed the similar approach of strictly requiring tenants their absolute compliance with c onditionalities in break options to the extent that even trivial breaches can cause their forfeiture. The cases of Trane (UK) Ltd v Provident Mutual Life Assurance [1995] EGCS 21, Bairstow

Monday, August 26, 2019

Summarize the argument of Lilian Furst, Romananticism,pp.1-6. What is PowerPoint Presentation

Summarize the argument of Lilian Furst, Romananticism,pp.1-6. What is meant by the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic uses of the term romantic - PowerPoint Presentation Example as many-faceted, and, incidentally, as long-lived as Romanticism had to manifest itself in any number of directions, and it is fundamentally this that confounds the task of definition.†(p.6) Jacques Barzun: â€Å"Unfortunately, definitions of romanticism already exist by the dozen and have remained without effect. One reason is that definition is not enough. We must also have a clear conception of the many proper uses to which a comprehensive term of this sort can be put.†(p.3) Intrinsic romanticism is as old as humanity. It will never disappear, for it is a human constant. Human beings live in the era of materialistic civilization. Man is bent upon conquering nature and believes that he has to wage a permanent war with it. Camaraderie has given place to mutual suspicion and cutthroat competition. This is the reality. Realism is critical, but romanticism can as well be the new vision, the future hope for ushering a benevolent era. â€Å"Modern man does not experience himself as a part of nature but as an outside force destined to dominate and conquer it.†(Schumacher, p.11) He feels elated to announce and conduct a battle with the nature in an effort to improve the standard of living of human beings without applying proper thought. He is cutting the branch of the tree on which he is sitting. We live in a society that has drastically narrowed our sensitivity to moral and spiritual issues; the problem we face is how to deal with a belief structure that has blocked both psychological and spiritual development. If there is a new agenda, a new vision now emerging within our society, how might one help put it into practice? It left deep impact in every area, politics of the time, aspirations of the people and in some countries it became the voice of the revolution. It impacted and transformed fiction, drama, poetry, sculpture, paining and all forms of concert music and ballet. Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers in the field of romanticism. His writing mean

Sunday, August 25, 2019

DNA Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

DNA - Term Paper Example the compound was not fully understood until 1953 when Francis Crick and James Watson made their famous suggestion that DNA existed as a double helix in the journal Nature (â€Å"DNA History†, 2004). DNA was first isolated in 1869 by Friedrich Miescher, and nearly a full century passed before the Nobel prize was awarded to Watson and Crick for the structural determination of the compound (â€Å"DNA History†, 2004). This determination was made using a technique called x-ray diffraction, where x-rays are shot through a specimen, diffracted onto a screen or film, and the resultant pattern is analyzed to give the original structure, a technique still widely used today in modern biochemistry (Suryanarayana, 1998, p.4). Watson went on to become the director of the National Center for Human Genome Research. The Human Genome Project, or project to map the entire human DNA code, was a major revolution in science that gained much media attention in the last two decades (â€Å"DNA History†, 2004). The full chemical name for DNA is deoxy-ribo-nucleic acid, so names because it lacks the hydroxyl group that at the 2’ position found in the RNA sugar ring (Calladine, 2004, p.242). DNA is a polymer, or a compound that exhibits many repeating monomer units. Because each individual monomer of DNA is a nucleotide, it is referred to as a polynucleotide (Hallick, 1995). Each nucleotide monomer consists of three distinct pieces: a phosphate group, the 5-carbon sugar (deoxy-ribose), and one of four nitrogen containing bases attached to the sugar. The four nitrogen containing bases are adenine and guanine, collectively referred to as the purines, and cytosine and thymine, collectively referred to as the pyrimidines. Purines and pyrimidines differ in the composition of their ring structure (Hallick, 1995). When a nucleotide is bound to a sugar and a phosphate, it is called a nucleotide, but when it is bound to just a sugar with no phosphate, it is called a nucleoside (Hallick,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Travel agency website Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Travel agency website - Essay Example Travel agency is a business which sells and trades travel related products and services to the end-user customers on behalf of the third-party travel suppliers. These third-party travel suppliers include airliners, hotels, cruise liners, tour companies.In addition to dealing with ordinary tourists, most travel agents have a special department devoted to travel arrangements for business travelers, while some agencies specialize in commercial and business travelers. Some agencies also serve as general service agents for foreign travel companies in different countries. There are many travel agents working around the world. They usually work on the basis of taking some compensation for each service sold by the agency to the customers. The main function of the travel agents is to act as an agent, which is to sell travel products and services on behalf of a supplier. Consequently, unlike other retail businesses, they do not keep a stock in hand. A package holiday or a ticket is not purchas ed from a supplier unless a customer requests that purchase. Travel agencies became more commonplace with the development of commercial aviation starting in the 1920s. Originally, the agencies largely catered to middle-class customers, but the post-war boom in mass-market package holidays resulted in travel agencies on the main streets of most of the cities, catering to a working class clientele looking for a cheap overseas holidays. There are three different types of agencies: these are Multiples, Miniples and Independent Agencies. The former comprise a number of national chains, often owned by international conglomerates. It is now quite common for the large mass-market tour companies to purchase a controlling interest in a chain of travel agencies, in order to control the distribution of their product. The smaller chains are often based in particular regions or districts. Independent Agencies usually cater for a special or niche market. Some cater to the needs of residents in an up-market commuter town or suburb, or concentrate upon a particular area or group or an activity such as sports. There are 2 approaches of travel agents. One is the traditional multi-destination travel agent based in the originating location of the traveler and the other is the destination focused travel agent that is based in the destination and delivers an expertise on that location. All travel agents generally have a well-maintained website through which the customers book their tickets and travel plans. The popularity of the trave l agency depends on the user interface of the website of that particular travel agency. One such travel agency website has been developed. To develop any website, we need to take into consideration the various aspects of building a good user interface of the website. The travel agency website can be used to book tickets, check trip deals and trip packages, create trip itineraries, etc. The main options of which the user might want to perform are: Home: The web site home page will have certain information about some or all of the options. Vacation Packages: The vacation packages provide the vacation packages customers usually prefer. Search Vacations: The user can search for vacation packages if he or she wants to go on a vacation with a package. Search Top Deals: The user can search for the top deals in the vacation packages and select the best ones. Flights: This option deals with booking of flight tickets to the respective destinations. Search Flights: The user can search for the flights going to their destination. The user can search and book tickets here. Top deals: The user can search for the top deals in the flight tickets to the desired destination and also book the tickets for the destination. Hotels: Here the customers can book hotels for accommodation. Search Hotels: Users can search for hotels for accomm

Maurya's Understanding of the Relationship between God, Humans and Essay

Maurya's Understanding of the Relationship between God, Humans and Nature - Essay Example It brings out a  clear  faith  of human beings on their  religion  and God on the various aspects of nature and Gods plans and outcomes that they cannot  control. We can  identify  this  faith  in religion and  fear  of nature when Maurya makes a  remark  of desperation saying, â€Å"God spare us, and we'll not see him again. He  has gone  now, and when the  black  night is falling I'll have no son left me in the world† (Synge, 2008). It  further  demonstrates the interdependence of humans on their  religion  and  nature  for survival even though the various fates that may befall them. They depend upon the sea for food for survival and of Gods  control  and protection against the various risk fatalities that face them. God’s role in Maurya’s  life In the play, Maurya depicts continual faith in God to be her  protector. This is to protect both her and men in her family. She believes in the  overall  power   and  control  of God over all people and nature. She acknowledges the fact that all humans and  nature  are God’s creations and that they are  different  entities functioning independently and affecting each other. Additionally, she believes that a human can affect the functioning and  state  of nature and vice versa. As such, people live in  dread  of the harsh possibilities that the sea holds against them that they can neither control nor predict. They, therefore,  opt  for God's  protection  and put faith in their religions to help them cope with such fears. Even after losing all the other men in her family to the sea with the same faith, Maurya still believes in prayer. This shows the need for  religion  and  faith  in dealing with what one cannot  control  that instills fear. Maurya holds her  faith  for fear of her remaining son’s life until the time when he  too  escaped from her by nature, and she makes peace with God, her faith and fear of the unknown fatalities of nature. This is evident in the  remark  that â€Å"They are all  dead  now there is nothing else greater the  sea  can do to me† (Synge, 2008). Nature’s role in Maurya’s  life It is ironical that Maurya fears the same  sea  that she mainly depends on for daily food. Her life is full of constant fear for the lives of the men in her family against the sea that feeds them (Synge, 2008). Though she acknowledges the fact that the sea and the winds are what  provide  them with food and  transport, she lives in the  constant  risks they pose to her family. Over the years, she has lost many men to the sea, but their  dependency  on the same  sea  for life leads them to  accept  such risks and their fates to the  sea  to ensure they are able to  maintain  life. She finds herself to be helpless to the fatalities of the  sea  to her family as one by one escape from her. As a result, they  accept  the deaths of those taken by the  sea  and continue on with their fishing activities with  faith  in their  religion  for protection against facing the same fates. Maurya’s acceptance of god and natures roles of death in her life is evident in Mauryas response to Bartley when she says, â€Å"†¦and I, an old woman looking for the grave?† (Synge, 2008). This shows her acceptance of death. Towards the end of the play, Maurya accepts the sad fact that all humans must  die  at one time or another through various means.  She accepts that her lost  family  is now  together  in accordance to her religious faith and further prays for the protection of the still living

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Drunkard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Drunkard - Essay Example As the story unfolds, each new event hits the reader with an unexpected scenario. Larry lives up to his task and gets Mick out of the pub, sober and early, though not in any way the reader can imagine. O'Connor's tenacity at weaving reality into a humorous irony leads to an unexpected ending to their adventure. One of the most remarkable aspects of O'Connor is that he uses everyday situations and language to paint his humor. When they are burying Mr. Dooley you could feel the simple self gratification of Mick's attendance when he experiences, "a pleasant awareness that however much he would miss poor Mr. Dooley in the long summer evenings, it was he and not poor Mr. Dooley who would do the missing". Mick was glad to be alive and looking forward to the pub. He whispers to his friend Crowley, "We'll be making tracks before they break up". Bolting toward the pub before the last prayer falls silent he worries "in a crowd like that a man might be kept waiting". Once safely on a barstool he orders some lager beer and turns to chat with his friend Crowley. As his back is turned, young Larry decides to taste Mick's beer. Once again, O'Connor turns the mundane into a comedy with the use of plain language and lack of props. After tasting the bitter brew Larry recalls, "I was astonished that he could even drink such stuff.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Failures of Reconstruction Essay Example for Free

Failures of Reconstruction Essay General William T. Sherman’s meeting with the black leaders who would become successful and prominent leaders of black people in the United States of America on January 12, 1865 somehow foreshadowed the coming of Reconstruction in this era. The meeting which united both white and black Americans who wished for the abolition of slavery was also the start of the partnership between these liberals and the blacks. In a decade, several incidents happened which marked the greatest times in the black American history. Four days after the meeting, a land was given to the black Americans and mules that were not being used by the army were also given to them. This land will be the residence of more than 40,000 freed slaves. Because of this, they hoped that their emancipation will not only free them from slavery but also give them the freedom to be economically independent and have genuine freedom. However, it seems that the fight for freedom can be forgotten and reconstruction, that thing which should be uniting the shattered country will fail and become one of the greatest failures in the American history. Why did Reconstruction fail? Who was the one to blame? While there are these black Americans who highly anticipated their freedom and liberals worked in redefining freedom for the rest of both the black and white Americans, there will be a problem that will fail the reconstruction era. After a decade, people got tired of fighting for freedom and soon, there are problems in line with the new administration. After the black Americans were indeed successful to establish their own lives and building churches, schools for black children and institutions, a decade later, the fight for their freedom and rights suddenly met silence. Andrew Johnson confiscated all lands that were given to black Americans thus starting the failure in land reform which was given in 1865. At the same time, he is not in favor of the rights being pushed by the Republicans for the sake of the Black Americans. His views regarding the freedom of the African-Americans were not in line with what these former slaves ought to have. Hence, his ideas of reconstruction were the same reason why it failed. The politicians from the south cannot accept emancipation and the liberty that slaves must have while the president is not in favor of the Reconstruction being pushed by the slaves and the Republicans. The failure of Reconstruction was brought by the fact that there are people who cannot accept the reality of emancipation and pushed what they wanted best for themselves than what is right for the rest of the United States of America. Works Cited Eric Foner. Give Me Liberty! An American History, 2e Volume II eBook from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Abraham Lincoln The Man That Changed America History Essay

Abraham Lincoln The Man That Changed America History Essay This one man was able to fight for, work for, and love his country so much that he single-handedly brought about changes that had previously only been dreamt of. This astonishing individual accomplished more in 30 years than most men do in their entire lifetime. Perhaps one of the most remarkable men in the history of the United States, Abraham Lincoln changed the course of our history forever. On February 12, 1809, Nancy Lincoln gave birth to a son, whom she named Abraham. This child, named after his grandfather, was born in Hardin County, Kentucky. Abraham had two siblings, Sarah, who was two years older, and Thomas, who was three years younger. However, Thomas, Abrahams only brother, unexpectedly died shortly after birth. The Lincolns were not a significantly wealthy family; they lived in a log cabin, and Thomas Lincoln worked very hard for every cent he earned. In fact, Thomas had to take on two jobs, farming and carpentry, in order to support his family. Partly on the account of slavery, but chiefly on the account of the difficulty of land titles in Kentucky, Thomas Lincoln moved his family to Pigeon Creek, Indiana. (Lincoln Bicentennial). In 1716, after buying property, Abraham helped his father with much of the work involved in settling into this 160-acre piece of land. Just two years after the move, in 1818, the Lincoln family suffered yet another tragedy when Abrahams mother died from contaminated milk. Just a year after Nancys death, Abrahams father remarried a widow, with three children of her own, by the name of Sarah Bush Johnston. Abraham and his stepmother grew very close, and she treated him as if he were her own child. She encouraged him to grow in his knowledge and understanding of things, and was said to have started his childhood education. (Burns). Although Abraham had previously gone to school for a couple of months, he never had any inspiration to learn until he received this encouragement from his stepmother. If one put all of Abrahams schooling together, one would find that he received less than one year of actual school in his entire life. This means that Abraham Lincoln had so little education, that he could be considered a completely self educated man. He showed a special interest in books and reading and knew his Bible very well even though he never attended church. At the age of 19, Abraham Lincoln had grown into a man of 64 and was stronger than anyone in town, leading to his first job offer. The offer came from a man by the name of James Gentry, and it was to bring a shipload of cargo to New Orleans. After delivering the cargo, with James Gentrys son, on a boat Abraham had built by hand, James was amazed by Abrahams incredible skill and reliability. He asked Abraham to work in his local store, and Abraham jumped at the opportunity to make some more money. While working there, he would often hear men speak of politics; this sparked an interest, which slowly grew to a flame, in young Abraham. During this time, however, Abrahams sister, Sarah, died giving birth to a child, causing much grief in his life. Soon after her death, Abrahams relatives wrote his father, saying how greatly efficient and productive the soil in Illinois was. This inspired Thomas Lincoln to once again move his family to a different part of the country. (Lincoln Bicentennial ). This time however, Abraham did not stay with his family for very long. Instead, he went up to New Salem, Illinois, and life on his own had finally begun. Between 1831 and 1832, Abraham tried various occupations, and learned very much, including the basics of mathematics. However, when the Black Hawk War began, Lincoln was one of the first to enlist in the American militia. Abraham never saw any action personally, but he was still elected captain of his company. He served his men as best as he possibly could until the war ended, just a couple months later. Once safely back in New Salem, Abraham took on the job of postmaster, and was placed in charge of the local post office. As word of this honest, hardworking, and diligent man spread throughout Salem and the surrounding towns, Abraham acquired the nickname Honest Abe. During this time, Abraham learned more grammar and began to develop a formal and proper way of speaking. He decided to run for state legislature, ultimately beginning his political career, but lost to one of his rivals. This defeat did discourage Abraham Lincoln, but rather, drove him to persevere, strive for excellence, and be the best he could be. In 1834, Abraham made a second attempt at politics, and once again ran for state legislature, only this time, he won. He was representative of the state of Illinois and gained the approval and trust of many of his fellow countrymen. After he won the election, he took up the study of law. With his love of debating, storytelling, and reading, he found his calling in law and politics. (National Museum of American History). While he was a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln grounded his principles and opinions, especially those on slavery, making this an extremely pivotal point in his life. Lincolns years as a lawyer influenced his character, and that character eventually influenced our nation. (Kalantari). His ability to ease the witnesses, as well as the entire atmosphere of the courtroom, made him a great lawyer. For the next 25 years, Abraham served as a lawyer aside from his political career. The men and women of Illinois held such affection for Abraham Lincoln that they re-elected him three times over the next six years. In 1840, just after his third re-election, Abraham proposed to a woman by the name of Mary Ann Todd, whom he had met the year before. After breaking up and getting back together, they finally got married in November of 1842. Less than a year after their marriage, Abraham and Mary welcomed their first baby boy into the world, and named him Robert Todd Lincoln. For the next two years, Abraham not only continued to serve as state representative, but he also showed devotion to his family, proving himself to be a great father. In 1846, Abraham and Mary conceived yet another child who they named Edward Baker Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln enjoyed his time as the representative of Illinois, but it was not long before he realized that he was capable of much more. Impelled by this realization, Abraham ran for U.S. representative in 1847, at the age of 38. He won the election, but served in this position for only one term. Once this term ended, Abraham fell back on his career as a lawyer, and continued to study law books. For the next five years, Lincoln devoted much of his time to studying the issue of slavery as well. (Lincoln Bicentennial). During this time, however, Abrahams son, Edward, died at the young age of four. The Lincoln family took his death very hard and later learned it had most likely been due to a bad case of tuberculosis. In that same year, Mary gave birth to a third son, named William Wallace Lincoln. His birth guided the family through the struggle, and helped them to move on. Just three years later, in 1853, the Lincolns had yet another son, who they named Thomas Tad Lincoln. Their sons brought Abraham and Mary great joy, and Abraham was said to be a very loyal and committed father. In 1854, Abraham was again elected as state representative; however, he resigned in order to run for the U.S. senate. During his campaign, he gave a speech declaring the United States would either become all free or all slave because a house divided against itself cannot stand. It was after this debate that Lincoln received his first considerable national fame. (Abe Lincoln). Despite his national fame, Abraham lost this election. Undeterred, he made yet another attempt at the U.S. senate, in 1858, however, he was once again out-voted. Two short years later, Abraham Lincoln took the biggest step of his political career. That year, 1860, Abraham jumped at the opportunity to run for president of the United States. Not sure if he would make it or not, Abraham was campaigning against some of the top competitors in the country. After a long, hard, and stressful run, Abraham was finally elected the sixteenth president of the United States of America. Almost immediately after his election, southern states began to drop out of the union, angered by the new anti-slavery president. Eleven states ended up dropping out, and their anger eventually turned to violence in 1861, marking the beginning of the Civil War. The North fought for the abolition of slavery, and the South fought for keeping slavery. As the war raged on, Abraham Lincoln continued to fight for the right of all men as equals. Not only was Abraham fighting to free the slaves, but he was also fighting to reunite the North and the South. He believed that in order to stand, the United States had to join together as one country, instead of being a split nation. As the war neared it ´s third year, Abraham Lincoln issued one of the most important documents in history: the Emancipation Proclamation. The Proclamation declared that  ´all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforth shall be free ´ (National Archives and Records Administration). This document aided the northern states in the war by: allowing blacks to fight for the union army, redefining the civil war as a war of freedom, and strengthening the union soldiers mentally. The Emancipation Proclamation is quite possibly the greatest document of human freedom. (National Archives and Records Administration). As the war continued to be fought, Abraham ´s fourth year as president came near, and the time for elections came around. In 1864, Abraham Lincoln was re-elected as president of the United States. He continued doing his presidential duties just as well, if not better than before. A year after his re-election, Abraham and his wife went to see a show in Ford ´s Theatre, Washington, D.C. Around 10:00 p.m., an actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth entered the presidential booth, and shot Abraham Lincoln in the back of the head with a pistol. Abraham survived through the night, but died around 7:30 the next morning. Booth, motivated to kill President Lincoln due to disagreements on slavery, escaped, but was found and shot a few weeks later. Abraham ´s death only motivated more people to fight for the freedom and equality of all men and women alike. The very same year he died, the Civil War came to an end with the South surrendering. Due to Abraham Lincoln ´s perseverance and willpower, slavery was abolished, and America was made a free country. America ´s future had been set on a new path. The old life was thrown away, and a new chapter had begun for all Americans, black and white. Abraham accomplished more in his last few years than one could even dream to accomplish in an entire lifetime. Abraham Lincoln, one of the most extraordinary men to ever live, changed the future, lives, and hearts of Americans forever.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Senegalese Peoples Clothes Cultural Studies Essay

The Senegalese Peoples Clothes Cultural Studies Essay Senegal is a unique country with many languages, 36 to be exact. Linguists divide the languages into two different families. These families are Atlantic and Mande. The Atlantic family is generally found in the western part of the country. It includes Wolof, Serer, Fula, and Diola. The Mande languages are found in the eastern part and include Bambara, Malinke, and Soninke. French is the official language, because it was inherited from the colonial era when Senegal was under French rule. The most dominant language is Wolof. Wolof is related to Fula, which is also spoken by a large part of the population. The other languages are Bainouk-Gunyaamolo, Balanta-Ganja, Bayot, Crioulo, Upper Guinea, Badyara, Ejamat, French, Fulah, Gusilay, Jalunga, Jola-Fonyi, Bandial, Jola-Kasa, Karon, Hassaniyya, Kerak, Kuwaataay, Laalaa, Mandinka, Kobiana, Maninkakan, Western, Mankanya, Mlomp, Ndut, Nko, Noon, Oniyan, Palor, Pulaar, Bedik, Saafi, Serer-Sine, Soninke, Wamey, Wolof, Mandjak, Bainouk-Samik, an d Xasonga. There are probably many different languages in Senegal because many other part s of Africa have different languages because they were colonized by different groups and when people come into Senegal, they bring their language with them. Education for the deaf uses American Sign Language. They also have twenty ethnic groups of varying size, a very high amount for such a small country. One ethnic group is called the Mandà © people. These people have been primarily Muslim since the 13th century. Many of the Mandà © people believe in initiation groups such as Chiwara and Dwo and they believe in the power of Juju. The Mandà © peoples arts are primarily carvings and jewelry. The Mandà © produce beautifully woven fabrics, which are very popular in Western Africa. They also make necklaces out of silver and gold, bracelets, armlets, and earrings. The bells that are seen on the necklaces are meant, spiritually, to be a way of contacting spirits, ringing in both worlds so their nonliving ancestors could hear them. Mandà © hunters wear a single bell, so that it can be silenced when stealth is vital. Women wear multiple bells, giving a sense of community, because of their harmonious ring. Much of the music of the Mandà © people is played on a kora, a stringed instrument wit h at least 21 strings. It is performed by families of musicians. The Mandà © languages are Mandika, Soninke,  Bambara,  Dioula, Bozo,  Mende,  Susu, and  Vai.   Another Senegalese ethnic group is the Wolof. Wolof is the most dominant group, with 43.3% of the population. They are also mostly Muslim. Next is the Fula, the second most populous ethnic group with 23.8% of the population. They speak the Fula language and were Islamized long ago. A slightly smaller group, the Serer, encompass 14.7% of the Senegalese population. They speak the Cangin languages. The other ethnic groups are minor, representing less than 5% of the population. Europeans  and  descendants of Lebanese migrants are also present in Senegal. They are around 50,000 in number. The ethnic groups share many commonalities, including, while not the exact same languages, some language similarities. A lot of the words in each language are cognates from a different language. Also, they have no cultural boundaries. For example, it is common for a member of one ethnic group to marry someone from a different ethnic group. As mentioned earlier, Muslim is one religion found in Senegal. Muslims make up 92% of the population. 2% of the population is Christian (mostly Roman Catholic) and the other 6% are indigenous beliefs. The Islamization of Senegal dates back all the way to the eleventh century. The Christian part of Senegal is fairly recent. Women have high rates of illiteracy. They are responsible for cooking, cleaning, and watching the children. They are also in charge of agricultural work, like weeding and harvesting crops like rice, most commonly. In recent times, cultural change has led women to become office clerks, retail clerks, and unskilled workers in tuna canning factories and textile mills. There is a large range of housing types in Senegal. Most of the houses in Dakar, the capital city, are European-style. Outside of Dakar, circular mud huts are common in the villages. Professional builders build the houses out of brick and industrial cement. Along the coast of Senegal, there is an interesting mix of European and African architectures, such as in the island of Goree, which is famous for it. Normally, the men build the houses and the women decorate and maintain them. The Office of Moderate-Rent Housing is trying to implement low cost housing in Dakar. There is an average of 4.9 people in each household. Most Senegalese families have about ten people. Polygamy is common in Senegal. It has caused an extra woman living in a household and more children. Technology in Senegal has come a long way. Now, the African Regional Center for Technology, which has over 30 member states, is located in Dakar. Most research centers in Senegal are focused on agricultural issues. Dakar also has a center for mining and medical research and an institution directed toward African food and nutrition problems. Most of the Senegalese peoples clothes are made of local cotton. Clothes that are dyed or hand woven are reserved for special occasions. Dying is a special skill that is traditionally passed down from mother to daughter. They use vegetal chemicals, particularly indigo. While dying is passed down through the female side of the family, weaving is transmitted between the males of the family. Just like in the U.S., the fashion varies depending on the occasion. For women, they wear a Muslim gown called a bubu after work. They also have a head tie selected to match the color and design of the bubu. They like radiant colors. After work, men wear a shirt over short trousers. Hair dressing is another thing that is important to them. Girls often have their hair braided with beads and boys have their head shaved according to their familys style. For special occasions, they wear gold, silver, iron, and copper jewelry. For the Senegalese, breakfast normally consists of porridge or grits with milk. A traditional lunch is cooked rice with fish and vegetables served in a tomato sauce. For dinner, they can expect meat or fried fish. After they eat, they drink water to quench their thirst, but if they have visitors, they will offer them mango juice, or industrially made pop drinks. For almost all of Senegal, an important tradition is lively baby naming festivals. When the baby is about one week old, the older members of the village they are in assemble in the morning and name the baby while killing a goat, sheep chicken, or cow, dependent upon the familys wealth. After that part of the ceremony, the rest of the village joins and the party continues until late at night. There is a lot of dancing and singing for the baby. Tabaski is a two day celebration where Muslims slay a ram to honor when, from history, Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, Isaac, to God. Celebrated around the world, including Senegal, by Muslims is Ramadan. It is a 30 day festival for spiritual reflection and prayers where all of the Muslims fast from sunup to sundown. They have to abstain from food, drink, gum, and any tobacco. They are not even supposed to swallow their own saliva. This is also for sympathy for the less fortunate. One popular form of Senegalese music is drumming. The tama is a single faced drum that has strips of leather attached to the outside and the base. The drum is held under one arm and beat with the other. The arm holding it is squeezed to adjust the pitch and tone. The other popular form of music is folk music. This music is played with the kora. The final type of music is singing where many voices come together to produce a song. There are also traditional Senegal dances. The most popular of which is the sabar dance. It is performed at weddings, parties, and other celebrations. The dance is unique and also competitive. During the dance, people gather in a large circle, and individuals or pairs go in the center and show off their best moves. The dancers show stomping footwork, outstretched arms, and jumps. Senegal is a unique country with a diverse culture. They have many ethnic groups, many similar languages, dominantly Muslim religion (with some others), long, decorative dresses, delicious food, beautiful art, interesting festivals and Muslim traditions, and energetic music and dances. They have medium sized families with a few people per household and some unique combinations of architecture.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis :: Health Medicine

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis There are several diagnostic tests used to detect Multiple Sclerosis (referred to as MS). An MRI (multilple resonance imaging) can confirm a diagnosis by showing lesions and sites of inflammation in the brain. Although the presence of lesions is common in Multiple Sclerosis sufferers, the absence of lesions is not a sign that the disease is not active. An electroencephalogram (EEG) can isolate changes in brain waves when introduced to audio or visual stimuli. The Evoked Potential test measures the speed with which nerve impulses travel. Demyelination significantly reduces the speed of nerve signal transmission and can be detected with this test. Lumbar punctures and spinal taps are also used to test spinal fluids for the presence of certain immuno-proteins present in Multiple Sclerosis sufferers. Facts about Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system and is believed to be immune mediated. This debilitating disorder affects at least 350,000 people in the United States. The disease occurs in young adults with the mean age of onset of 30 years. Women make up 70% of the MS population. This gender preference remains unexplained. Clinical Features The symptoms of MS may be mild or severe, of short or long duration and may appear in various combinations, depending on the area of the nervous system affected. Complete or partial remission of symptoms, especially in the early stages of the disease occurs in approximately 70% of MS patients. The initial symptoms of MS are often blurred or double vision, red-green color distortion, or even blindness in one eye. However, visual problems tend to clear up in the later stages of MS. Inflammatory problems of the optic nerve may be diagnosed as retrobulbar or optic neuritis. MS patients will have an attack of optic neuritis at some time or other and it will be the first symptom of MS in approximately 15 percent. This has led to general recognition of optic neuritis as an early sign of MS, especially if test also reveals abnormalities in the patient's spinal fluid. Most MS patients experience muscle weakness in their extremities and difficulty with coordination and balance at some time during the course of the disease.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Impact of African-American Sitcoms on Americas Culture Essay

The Impact of African-American Sitcoms on America's Culture Since its start, the television industry has been criticized for perpetuating myths and stereotypes about African-Americans through characterizations, story lines, and plots. The situation comedy has been the area that has seemed to draw the most criticism, analysis, and disapproval for stereotyping. From Sanford and Son and The Jefferson’s in the 1970s to The Cosby Show (1984) and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in the 1990s, sitcoms featuring black casts and characters have always been controversial. However, their significance upon our American culture cannot be disregarded. During the 1950s and 1960s, 97% of the families were Caucasian. In the first five years of the 1990s, nearly 14% of the television families were African-American (Bryant 2001). These statistics obviously show the substantial impact our American culture has had on African-American television families. Sanford and Son was set in the early 1970s. They were a very low class, low-income family that was very disjointed. The father, Sanford, spent most of his time drunk and putting his son down. There were few, if any, family values emphasized. The only positive message conveyed was that the son and dad loved each other. One of the next popular African-American shows to appear was The Jefferson’s. It was about a nouveau riche African-American couple, George and Louise Jefferson. Jefferson was a successful businessman, millionaire and owned seven dry cleaning stores. They lived in a ritzy penthouse on the East Side. In fact, the theme song referred to the fact that they â€Å"were movin’ on up!† They lived their lives filled with money and success. It was the first television program that... ...way to a safer place where he could be raised properly. This sitcom emphasized positive African-American stereotypes, such as honesty, love, strong family values, and success. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air also demonstrated that the problems money can bring were not confined to one race. Starting with Sanford and Sons through the progression of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, it is evident that the changes transpiring in society are slowly entering the television industry. What would have been acceptable in the 1970s would be totally unacceptable in this day. No longer is an African-American father in a sitcom shown as a worthless, rude individual. The father figure is now shown more as a responsible, loving, and moral person with more realistic faults. Color now seems, through evolution, to be taken out of the equation for the African-American television families. The Impact of African-American Sitcoms on America's Culture Essay The Impact of African-American Sitcoms on America's Culture Since its start, the television industry has been criticized for perpetuating myths and stereotypes about African-Americans through characterizations, story lines, and plots. The situation comedy has been the area that has seemed to draw the most criticism, analysis, and disapproval for stereotyping. From Sanford and Son and The Jefferson’s in the 1970s to The Cosby Show (1984) and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in the 1990s, sitcoms featuring black casts and characters have always been controversial. However, their significance upon our American culture cannot be disregarded. During the 1950s and 1960s, 97% of the families were Caucasian. In the first five years of the 1990s, nearly 14% of the television families were African-American (Bryant 2001). These statistics obviously show the substantial impact our American culture has had on African-American television families. Sanford and Son was set in the early 1970s. They were a very low class, low-income family that was very disjointed. The father, Sanford, spent most of his time drunk and putting his son down. There were few, if any, family values emphasized. The only positive message conveyed was that the son and dad loved each other. One of the next popular African-American shows to appear was The Jefferson’s. It was about a nouveau riche African-American couple, George and Louise Jefferson. Jefferson was a successful businessman, millionaire and owned seven dry cleaning stores. They lived in a ritzy penthouse on the East Side. In fact, the theme song referred to the fact that they â€Å"were movin’ on up!† They lived their lives filled with money and success. It was the first television program that... ...way to a safer place where he could be raised properly. This sitcom emphasized positive African-American stereotypes, such as honesty, love, strong family values, and success. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air also demonstrated that the problems money can bring were not confined to one race. Starting with Sanford and Sons through the progression of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, it is evident that the changes transpiring in society are slowly entering the television industry. What would have been acceptable in the 1970s would be totally unacceptable in this day. No longer is an African-American father in a sitcom shown as a worthless, rude individual. The father figure is now shown more as a responsible, loving, and moral person with more realistic faults. Color now seems, through evolution, to be taken out of the equation for the African-American television families.

Jet Airways :: Case Study

Introduction: Accounting is the pillar of every company to measure its growth, loss, revenue , capital, its really specify the real terms in foam of figures and sometimes in tables, in accounting there are certain rules are obtained to make more accuracy while playing with figures. To apply and the all ‘ rules of game‘of an business we taking an aviation company known as â€Å"Jet Airways† before we get into, here are some intro points about this company. History: Jet Airways was found in 1st April 1992 by Mr. Naresh Goyal and they started their operation after one year may 5th 1993, Jet began international operations from Chennai to Colombo in March 2004. The company was listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Jet airways India’s second major airline in terms of market shares after Indigo airlines based at Mumbai known as India’s economic capital in addition to being its India’s widest network with 3000 flights a day with 76 destinations worldwide, main operations are handle from Mumbai but secondary hubs are Delhi (Nation Capital of India) Kolkata and Bangalore, It has an international hub at Brussels Airport, Belgium. Founder &Management: Naresh Goyal, the founder Chairman of Jet Airways, India’s premier airline, has over 4 decades of experience in the Civil Aviation industry. After graduating in commerce in 1967. Mr Goyal begin his travel business with GSA for Lebanese international airline, himself chairman holding 80% of company shares. Currently this airline running with six boards of directors: 1. Mr. Javed Akthar 2. Mr. Iftikar M. Kadr 3. Mr. Aman Mehta 4. Mr. James Hogan 5. Mr. Gaurang Shetty 6. Mr. James Rigney After an overview of jet airways now we mould its ratios and figures: Accounting Principles & Standards: Accounting principles are main consideration , certain standards like rules of operations are pillar characteristicis to built accounting statements. Accounting principles can be presented in many ways, sometimes its create confusion for readers mainly for beginners, but still acoounting principles are main tool to obtained financial statements. Its hold the whole acoounting process together. In order to make useful, there are some characteristics such as being practical and dependable. As a dependable for it must be acurate, unbiased and verifiable and practically accounting information must be compareable, prepared in a time frame, user friendly, consistent and able to differentiate. In accounting beside these characteristics, certain operational rules are obtained are following: †¢ How a firm matched their revenue with expenses †¢ At what time expenses are revenue has been reported

Saturday, August 17, 2019

An Essay About Lalo Guerrero

He had recorded about 700 songs. He was invited by three presidents, including former president, Carter, Bush, Sr. and Clinton, to the White House.   His songs have remained in the hearts of every Chicano, for his songs have appeared in almost all of the Latin music genres yet to be known, including folk songs and children songs.   He was born on the Christmas Eve of 1916 (Original Chicano Productions, 2007). HE was named as Eduardo Guerrero Jr. Early Career Early in his career, as most Mexican have experienced in his time, he and his music was rejected by his fellow Mexican and was labeled as â€Å"pocho†. His career started on 1939 as a member of the group Los Carlistas that was under the production of Vocalion Records. This man was born in Tucson Arizona and has not even finished High School. Through his perseverance and his faith to his music he is now the well-known â€Å"father of Chicano Music†, Mr. Lalo Guerrero. Born in a family who has just got enough income, Lalo has pushed his way to being the musician, writer, composer and performer that he is through hardship. He performed on movies such as His Kind of Woman and Boots and Saddles.   Later on he has toured throughout the Southwest with his orchestra which played and performed at Los Angeles. Lalo Guerrero’s Legacy When his single, â€Å"Pancho Lopez†, became a national hit, he purchased his own club and has his orchestra perform there every night. For about 60 years, Lalo Guerrero has captured the hearts and mind of the Chicanos with his heart warming music and his captivating performances. He continually performs for 60 years in the United States of America, Mexico and even to France. At the age of 80 he still manages to sing and record songs, as a matter of fact, his last album, which is â€Å"Chavez Ravine† was actually recorded when he was already 86. It is quite amazing that at such golden age the father of Chicano music had greatly helped advance the Chicano music to a new level of audience. According to Lalo Guerrero himself in an interview made by John Rogers Associated Press on December of 2005, â€Å"the bilingual parody hit, ‘Pancho Lopez’ have started his success†.   It was actually drafted from the famous novelty song, â€Å"The Ballad of Davy Crockett†, which was used in the 1955 Walt Disney production, Lalo Guerrero using its melody have invented a parody that stars a Mexican character that originated from the small state Chihuahua (John Rogers Associated Press, 2004). It was rewritten in English to captivate an ever more large audience which have loved and cherished Lalo Guerrero’s other hit parodies, such as, the ever famous â€Å"Pancho Claus† along with â€Å"Tacos for Two†, â€Å"There’s No Tortillas† and â€Å"Elvis Perez†, to name a few. Luis Valdez has acclaimed his movie entitled â€Å"Zoot Suit† to LAlo Guerrero’s Pachuco hit â€Å"Marijuana Boogie†. He was considered as the father of Chicano Music, not only because of his contribution to Chicano Music itself but also since â€Å"he has done the music way before it was even considered as a genre† (John Rogers Associated Press, 2004). His concept revolves on merging the traditional Mexican music with the genre’s that were in the mainstream. His dream and his passion are to perform in a large crowd and make people happy thru the means of his music. He has brought the Chicano Music the recognition that it needs, through his efforts to make the Chicano music known and enjoyable. The Achievements and What He has Become Late in his life he has received several medals and recognitions, including the National Medal of the Arts that was given to him by President Bill Clinton himself. Lalo Guerrero was a face of a happy man, a man who has completed his life (Guerrero, 2007). In Aristotle’s word, he was a man who has lived a good life. He has achieved greatness and he was satisfied with whatever it is that he has accomplished. He himself remark that he have lived a â€Å"great life† and he is proud of living the life he had the way he did. LAlo Guerrero, again in an interviewed made by John Rogers Associated Press, states that â€Å"everything that has happened in his singing career was never planned†. He further clarifies that at first he has been writing songs just about anything and everything that pops to his mind. The musicians and performers that have influenced his music, includes, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, The Beatles and Chuck Berry (John Rogers Associated Press, 2004). He himself has influence a lot of other singers and performers. Comedian Cheech Marin admired him for the way that Lalo Guerrero have combine â€Å"street-humor and music†, she regarded his works as a â€Å"Chicano Art†. Other musicians which recognized his influence are Linda Ronstadt and Culture Clash (John Rogers Associated Press, 2004). Lalo Guerrero’s Memory Lalo Guerrero died on March 17, 2005, peacefully, contented and fulfilled. He has lived eighty eight golden years sixty years of which was dedicated to music and performance. He was one of the great artists who not only became great singers but has also become great achievers. He did not only create songs but have created a new music. It is a music that is considered distinctly as Chicano music, a music that stays in the hearts of those who have lived to hear them. It is the music that would repeatedly remind the different generations of Lalo Guerrero. When our generation and the generation that would come after ours talks about Chicano Music or even just mention the term, Lalo Guerrero would come to mind. He has become the trade mark of Chicano music and even of the Chicano’s itself. Lalo, have dedicated his life to the enrichment and proliferation of Chicano music. References Guerrero, M. (2007). Lalo Guerrero: The Father of Chicano Music. John Rogers Associated Press. (December 25, 2004). Father Of Chicano Music Still Rocks. Desert News. Find Articles. Com. Retrieved on October 27, 2007. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: Original Chicano Productions. (2007). Lalo Guerrero: The Original Chicano. Retrieved on October 27, 2007. Retrieved from the World Wide Web

Friday, August 16, 2019

Professional Growth Development Essay

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In every profession it is essential for an individual to develop and grow professionally. Leaning is a ritual aspect in professional development. Each day presents new demands that call for specified techniques in solving them. This paper studies career development for registered nurses working in the ICU.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first step an individual needs in personal growth is to personally understand themselves that is creating and having self-awareness. This involves an understanding of ones self what an individual is and where they are their own environment as well as their perceptions. When a person understands what and where they are the benefits he or she is likely to get one various like, it would enable the individual to establish the essential steps they need to take so as to be more competent in certain particular situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In essence by establishing myself as an individual; I am able to establish the aspects within me that require development in order to be competent (Johnson 2003). This would also help me professionally, and as well to become the person I desire to be. Self-awareness offers a launch pad and foundation from where I can charter and enhance my development and thus the probability of becoming the nurse I want to be. The other benefit of self-awareness is that it enhances my individual sense of sensitivity and aids me to present myself in the way that I wish to as well as create the kind of impression I desire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The other significant benefit about self-awareness is that an individual like me is able to communicate effectively (Johnson 2003). In view of the rational nature of the nursing profession as relates to practice; patients, families as well as the interdisciplinary health care organizations self- awareness is crucial as it provides me with a foundational knowledge of my self- understanding as well as self- knowledge. My individual familiarity with myself as a nurse that is born out of the realization of my self- awareness is a basis for self-acceptant as well as self-appreciation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However for me as an individual to attain a high level of self awareness I have   to overcome certain personal factor that, become a barrier bas a tutor (nurse tutor/speaker) the fear is an emotional response that the nurse has to learn to deal with to achieve the full potential of self awareness. As a nurse I have to understand my personal fears as this would enable me get the support I need to progress and how to change to be the person I want to be. Additionally as a nurse I must be ready to change so as to be the person I want to be. I must abandon the â€Å"old† ways which have or were hindering me from being the teacher /speaker I want to be.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The individual nurse has to build within him/her as high level of self-esteem so as help develop the process of self-awareness. High self esteem makes an individual feel great about him/her self which makes it easy for self-exploration.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to expand the level of my self-awareness as a nurse I should be able to involve myself with others through conversations so as to learn more about my personality. For instance a nurse I can engage myself with colleagues to understand who I am, and what the teaching professional is all about. She can also engage with students too. This I can achieve by; asking questions then sharing the response I receive with my colleagues. I can also adopt the approach of self-interrupted, where I periodically challenge the participants to offer examples as well as concepts learned up to that point (Jeff Menguin 1968).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The effect of dialogue is that it can help me to develop my self –awareness in two broad categories, when the nurse is expressing her/himself, she or he begins to develop the speech skills as well as self-understanding is raised to a new lever. The process of dialogue enhance the aspect of clarity that is needed both in speech and teaching skills similarly suggestions as well as observations the colleagues as well as students together with others would promote the level of awareness as relates to aspects of themselves that were initially unknown to them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second aspects for the nurse to consider while trying to develop his/her speech/teaching skills is the theory of critical thinking critical thinking can generally be defined as the intellectually disciplined process that an individual employs actively and skillfully to analyze, synthesize with the aid of concepts to evaluate information generated by observation or experience. Thus critical knowledge presents the individual with an integral competent in the development of self-awareness and its addition to reflection as a nurse enables them to understand their encounters. For instance as an nurse educator who has a problem of too much â€Å"teacher talk† and I make proposals to her colleagues as well as others is likely to find better solution to my discussion skills. The critical thinking process would enable me nurse to understand the other aspects that coalesce to form situation during my speech or teacher talk sessions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Brookfield (1987) critical thinking involves first identifying as well as challenging the assumptions the nurse educator is likely to make. The nurses should then consider the significance of the context under which she operates and then explore as well as be very imaginative to find other alternatives. I can then engage in what is known as reflective skeptism. However it does not have to be in this sequence   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the best ways an individual may best achieve the best approach toward great critical thinking would be through reflections. As an individual nurse educator, I should try to flashback on my past experiences that helped my speech or teaching skills growth and those that as well as changed the speech /teaching skills, however these aspects could either be personal or professional. I should then analyze as well as evaluate my response to these situations like the kind of approach I took. Further I should look at what I normally do when attempting growth or change as relates to my profession as well as personal life. I should then consider the various results of my approach and whether the approach elicits the desired change or growth and finally consider the various steps I took to make the approach work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The third option involves the theory of envisioning, that is trying to imagine what may be. This theory presents the nurse teacher with a look and understanding at what they wish to be and therefore a chance to grow. For instance an individual who wants to change but engages in the same process to obtain the desired change will always have the same results and thus be in the same familiar position he or she does not want to be in. thus it is essential for one to reflect on their past experiences of growth as well as change in their lives to determine the degree of changes as well as growth envisioned and at the same time achieved was aided or influenced by their sense of recognizing the possibilities of the outcome.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In most cases the nurses’ educator may view the chances of growth as a result of her or his life experience. However it is prudent for the individual nurse educator to find ways to expand this vision of growth to become something achievable and desired.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In essence an individual’s thought process offers an essential component to expanding their vision as the thinking patterns greatly affects the process of vision. Creative thinking thus presents a very effective as well as efficient means to development growth and change if well incorporated to the critical thinking concept as well as that of reflection. The integration of these three processes is vital as they help to broader the individual’s vision and equal aids him or her in understanding as well as referring their options and or possibilities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The focus of creative thinking is usually based on â€Å"exploring ideas generating possibilities† as well as finding various correct answers instead of first a single answer (Harris, 1998). According to Harris (1998) creativity is the ability to appreciate new ideas and change and be ready to play with ideals as well as Charles, possibilities. In view of this definition a nurse educator may be able to develop my speech/teaching skills through the exploration of newfound ideas. Like in instances when I engage in discussions with my friends or colleagues both at personal and professional level I am able to find new ways to which I can make my presentations. This new developments may serve to enhance the educators speech /teaching skills   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are about five principle ways in which the creative thinking process is able to manifest itself; firstly there is the evolution process where the already existing ideas are broadly expanded as well improved on. This can be summarized as â€Å"a work in progress† in essence the nurse should by has learned or as well mastered. She can thus begin the process of synthesis that involves choosing an idea from two or more ideals. The chosen is an integration of the other thoughts resulting in a better way which she can present during her speech and at the same may be a best way to approach and make presentations to her audience. The third step of revolution process where a new idea that is considered best but is totally different from the previous one may be developed. For this case I can as a nurse during my presentations should look for new innovation ways even if they involve radically changing the already learned ideas. This may involve a new approach to new audience that she has not handled before to enable her meet their expectations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fourth aspect of creative thinking involves reapplication of â€Å"old† ways to new situations for instance if in a previous speech certain phrases or processes worked and she or he is faced with a similar audience, she can reapply the same processes used. The final aspect would involve change of direction. This entails the speaker/teacher shifting attention for one perspective to another to fix the demanding situation.      References Combs A, 1962: Perceiving, Behaving A New Focus for education Association for   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Supervising and Curriculum Development, Washington DC Lemin K, 1947. Group Decision and Social Change in Reading In Social Psychology.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Holt, NY. Mentoring Relationships   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mark came up to me last week and broached the subject of mercy killing of terminally ill patients by medical staff. He explained how painful he is finding it attending to such patients feeling their pain, hearing them groan in pain and breaking the bad news to the kin. As an intern, this had taken toll on him and with time he would become disillusioned. We talked over the issue and discussed what the consequences would be. We have developed a tight professional bond since he was assigned to me as his mentor. We reinforce each other when the pressure is too much. Mostly, he draws from my large experience to find solutions to his problems while I rely on his youthful vigor that makes me feel rejuvenated at times when am hopeless. Our relationship is therefore complementary. Mentoring involves two individuals where a person acts as the guide who is more knowledgeable in a certain filed to a new entrant in that field. As the mentor I provide my protà ©gà © with source of information and advice. The protà ©gà © presents me with questions, observations and ideas for scrutiny and recommendations. This relationship is beneficial to us both in terms of profession growth. The protà ©gà © can always walk up to me whenever encountered with a problem. He or she is guaranteed of my accessibility and availability to discuss professional issues. In my interactions with my protà ©gà ©s, I recount to them the various instances my protà ©gà ©s have saved the day for me. I once overlooked a skin rash when diagnosing a patient only for my protà ©gà © to point it out to me. It later proved to be the key to our treatment. Some of my mentorship relationships are long-term others short term. They usually end once the protà ©gà © has gained enough knowledge. I usually wean off my protà ©gà © in terms of assistance or help with time as he or she gains more experience. Our relationship will continue till the point where the protà ©gà © is fully assimilated in that field. My mentoring relationships therefore are temporary processes with the aim imparting knowledge on new nurses in our hospital. Through this mentorship program we are able to enhances the ability of new employees to exercise their full career potential. (Developing mentoring)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Theoretical approach taught in schools cannot be fully relied on in the real world especially in the nursing world. A new nurse will need hands-on experience to learn how to carry out various delicate tasks. Instead of leaving a new nurse to grope in the dark, I provide him or her with tested and proven solutions or workable plans. As the protà ©gà © internalizes these skills, I gradually fade further into the background. I let him or her more freedom to work on his or her own without close supervision. The protà ©gà © is developing new knowledge and applies his or her original ideas to it. Over time, he or she acquires knowledge that would be useful in advancing his or her career. Mentorship does not necessarily come at the onset of one’s work life. It can also apply where an experienced individual in one field decides to practice in a different field. He or she will look for guidance from those who preceded him or her in that field. (Developing mentoring). When I decided to switch to being nurse educator ten after becoming a Registered Nurse, I armed myself with an MBA. But even with this theoretical base, I would not have matured into all rounded educator if the senior educators did not mentor me. They guided me on how to handle and motivate student nurses. Usually, the mentor will have undergone the protà ©gà © stage at a point in his or her life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our mentorship program helps individuals achieve potential growth in their nurse careers. Inexperienced entrants gain confidence through our mentorship. When they start out, they fear that they will fail to live up to the professional expectations. They want to deliver but are not given full chance to prove their abilities. This is especially so in fields that requires maximum care in handling work. That is, when work involves delicate procedures such as nursing. Through our mentorship programs however, a person who has been through it all guides the new nurses through the operations of the hospital. We also give the protà ©gà ©s support in delicate organizational operations. We push for the protà ©gà ©s case to the hospital’s administration to ensure that the protà ©gà © is allocated more satisfying roles in the hospital. Our mentorship program also provides the protà ©gà ©s a forum to present their ideas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New entrants after observing operations and by applying knowledge learnt elsewhere may develop ideas to improve our operations. He or she will present these ideas to his or her mentor putting forward all major points of the idea, its merits and demerits and other issues such as cost. Together we brainstorm the issue to see how workable it is. We as the mentors straighten out any assumptions that the protà ©gà ©s may have wrongly made drawing from our advanced knowledge and our wealth of experience in that field or organization. This would give the idea a more realistic and workable face. We as mentors are also able to easily gain audience with the administrators to push for the adoption of the idea.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a mentor, I also provide psychological support to new entrants who find the hospital environment to be too hostile. The first few days at work are usually frustrating to the point that some may consider quitting. Most of the workforce will not care how well a new nurse has adapted to the job. They expect speedy service and will grumble at the slow service offered by a new nurse. Some of the seniors are even very hostile to the new nurses.   We step in to reassure the protà ©gà © and make him or her (protà ©gà ©) to feel appreciated and welcome. I also provide an opportunity for the new nurses to make friends especially with my colleagues. This makes the new employee feel welcome. (Developing mentoring)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My mentorship services can either be formal or informal. Formal is the sense that its start can be traced to a particular time. Both my protà ©gà © and I know that we are getting into a mentorship program and both approve of it. Our roles are set out clearly for both of us. This mentorship program is mostly assigned in that the faculty allocates the protà ©gà © to me. It can also be self-appointed. Here, the protà ©gà © approaches and arranges with me for a mentorship services. This relationship is usually long and its results measurable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mentorship relations that are informal do not have a specific beginning time. It just happens that I find myself in a mentor-protà ©gà © relationship with another person. Rather it is not what we had set out to do. It’s the situation that makes one of us to rely on the other for guidance and counseling. This relationship develops due to another relationship in place between us. When it’s evident to both of us that we are in a mentorship relationship and approve of our roles we continue to play them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A new nurse may be inducted in to a hospital through an organized mentorship program usually by assignment. He or she learns the hospital’s style of doing things. Such a program ensures a new nurse fits in and is able to deliver quality service. It boosts his or her confidence and job security. Whenever I offer mentorship services, I achieve self-gratification and also strengthen my leadership skills.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What my protà ©gà © and I settle for depends on the issues at hand.   Different people will have different needs. As mentor I sometimes determine future job my protà ©gà ©. I usually encourage the protà ©gà © to raise his or her level of education to achieve faster rise through the ranks. I also provide guidance to my protà ©gà © on what line specialize in depending on his or her strengths. I also advise the protà ©gà © on how to avoid certain mistakes in their careers that would hinder their rise. (Developing mentoring)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My mentorship relationships are built on key individual characteristics found in both of us. We must have adequate understanding of each other. Only then can we help each other out. Only with good understanding of each other can we combine to set up goals. Both of us are more comfortable with each other and can open up more easily if we are familiar with each other. Another key characteristic is respect. I should not look down at a new nurse as incapable rather should see him or her as an individual with a potential to be exploited. I must believe in my protà ©gà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s abilities and treat him with dignity. Communication between us is key. Without a functioning communication, neither the protà ©gà © nor I would be in a position to put across ideas, questions or recommendation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We start by identifying the needs and determining our end goal. Then we put in place a clear plan indicating the specific roles of each party, and the formula for achieving our end goals. Then we develop the framework by which to adopt the plan. The program is then set up with regular appraisals done to determine its effectiveness. (Canadian Nurses Association, 2004)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The cost of a mentorship program is forbidding. It requires a lot of resources to set up. It is also prone to sabotage by either parties. The mentor may also take advantage of the protà ©gà © either financially or sexually. To prevent such problems I usually insist on meeting normal our meetings and in my office. Workplace Violence In my career so far, the worst experience I have had was to work under a menacing senior nurse as a greenhorn. She had a bad tempered and I took the worst of it. She would constantly shout and gesture at me. I could no right thing in her eyes no matter how hard I tried. She heaped blame on me on things that were even beyond me as an intern. What hurt me most was when I did a good job and expected praise only to get a reprimand for a certain commission. I started feeling that I was in the wrong career and almost quit in frustration. Only after I talked to another senior nurse who was my mentor did I regain my interest in my vocation. She told me to stand my ground and engage my senior in a reasonable controlled argument. She also told how to report the issue to the administration if the harassment did not stop immediately. When I did not back off when the bully came at me, it took her by surprise and she ended up breaking down. She explained her fears and hardships to me, which she wa s passing on to me. The behavior stopped immediately and my job became more fulfilling to me. When Rose, one of my protà ©gà ©s, approached me with the same problem, I related my experience to her. I told her that she should neither give up on her vocation nor accept bad treatment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Workplace violence is violence meted against employees of an organization. It could be across employees of the same rank who unite and make life hard for others or it would cut across different ranks. Here, the seniors mistreat the junior rank employees. Work place violence could be verbal or physical. It includes sexual harassment, racial slurs or mere rudeness. It can also occur from the customer being served. Some customers are very rude to the new employees when being served. Some jobs have higher risk of workplace violence than others.   Social work services and cab drivers are examples of work groups, which face a lot of hostility from customers.  Workplace violence meted to a junior officer by a higher rank officer is very prevalent. It even passes off as effective management. This is especially in high-tension work environment such as a theater in a hospital.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I always address the problem of work place violence when mentoring my protà ©gà ©s. I spell to them what is work violence, how to recognize it and the options open to the protà ©gà ©Ã‚  Ã‚   Nurses are usually the recipients of verbal onslaught and physical attacks b physicians. Nurses are also victims of attacks by their colleagues who gang up to victimize a targeted member or their workforce. The victims of these bullies have to deal with many accusations and insinuation that are untrue. The bullies usually blackmail their victims or just use threat of violence to stop them from reporting. When they zero in on a target, they are sure that they will not get punished making them bolder in their attacks. The victims recoil further unable to take any action.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bullying of nurses by fellow nurses is most unfortunate as this is supposed to be a team that functions together in provision of health care. Most of these attacks are prompted by jealousy especially where senior nurses see new recruits as having had an easier time when joining the profession. They brand them demeaning names and  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   withhold information from them. They sabotage their work and heap blame on the young entrants. The poor attitudes of the senior nurses are passed on to the physicians who also ridicule and harass the new recruits.   The new nurses are criticized at the slightest of mistakes. The bullies may make crude remarks or use non-verbal language to hit out at the recruits. They make work environment for the new nurses very hostile. (O’Reilly, Pauline, 2005)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I usually present to my protà ©gà ©s the effects of this violence on new nurses in the long run.  When faced by continued bullying, most nurses want to quit. They were previously enthusiastic about the vocation and had great ideas in mind on how to care for their patients. Not being given a chance to develop into fully skilled careers frustrates them. They become disillusioned and want to leave. Constant intimidation and humiliation leaves them greatly dissatisfied. This leads to high turnover of nurses as more nurses quit causing acute nursing shortages. Most of them will quit at the first opportunity o getting on their job. Others will even opt for a lower paying job than nursing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bullying also harms the victims both bodily and mentally. New nurses feel unappreciated and disliked for their hard work. The constant reminders about their failures get to them. They cannot get an outlet from constant pressures and threats. The workload is made much more difficult by withholding of some necessary information. Hospital administrations do not provide an avenue for them to air their grievances. In fact they are supposed to forward their complaints through the same nurses who oppress them. Pushed to a corner, they develop escapist tendencies such as drug abuse, alcoholism and depression. They also exhibit other characteristics such as insomnia, general unkemptness, irritability and sheer timidity. They experience burnout and may suffer from nervous breakdown. Some may even turn suicidal due to the frustration.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some victims of bullying internalize the inferiority complex. They see the whole process as a rite of passage that everybody must undergo. They take the abuse in their stride and will act timidly lest they provoke the bullies. They feel that at one time it will be over. Instead of actively fighting the oppression, they expect that through their passiveness they will gain acceptance and be spared from further attacks by the bullies. (O’Reilly, Pauline, 2005)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To the hospitals, they get reduced productivity from their nurses. There is huge nurse turnover as more nurse’s walk away. High turn over leads to high cost of training and recruitment affecting the hospitals bottom line. Nurses who remain have a big workload and this hurts the quality of service delivered. This is serious having in mind the sensitivity of healthcare provision. The hospital also misses out on creative ideas and innovation that the new nurses would have implemented. They are not only denied a chance to air them but it is also constantly drummed into them how useless they are. If some of these ideas had been considered, hospitals would make huge steps towards achieving better service delivery and cost cutting and increase efficiency. When the hospital administrations allow the vice to go on unabated, they are killing growth opportunities that would have otherwise been available to them at very low cost. Nurses cannot attempt anything new for fear that it does not take off, it would lead to further attacks and humiliation or even loss of jobs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most bully nurses are arrogant, inhumane and selfish. They fall back onto threats and intimidation when running their workplaces. They fear new nurses who might have better qualifications and who might replace them at some point. To wad off this threat, they attack the perceived rival. They are not open to any different point of view and will enforce their view on everybody.   They usually hold a key supervisory role earned through domination of those under him or her. They expect everybody to rise through the ranks slowly just as they did no matter the qualifications. In their roles they use coercive force. Victims of bully attacks are usually new nurses who are very enthusiastic about putting skills they learn in to use. They are ambitious which the senior nurses interpret as a threat. (O’Reilly, Pauline, 2005)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In general, the patient stands to loose when bullying is allowed to escalate. Bullying kills team effort among the nurses of different ranks. These nurses and physicians are supposed to operate as a team in order to save lives. Disharmony among nurses would have negative impact on quality of health care. It may even lead to loss of lives. This would spark off another blame game, which would most probably point at he new nurses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To overcome bullying in hospitals, the administration should put a stop to the vice. They should put in measure that allow for reporting and prompt penalizing of bully attacks. They should put it clearly that all workers of the hospitals should be treated with dignity and respect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The administration should also organize for effective communication avenues for the hospital staff. Junior nurses should access the hospital management at all times. The hospital administration should enhance communication between the various work groups. Bonding sessions and team building activities should be organized. The hospital should make the nurses to feel appreciated and wanted not as free riders that should be admonished. Higher ranks of hospital staff especially senior nurses should be made to be supportive of the junior nurses in their early period of the careers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another strategy to overcome bullying in hospitals would be to encourage the victims to take up Non-Violent Communication. This means that while they do not absorb the vilifications and abuses, they do not react in the same manner used by the bullies. They counter them by calm firmness and engaging them in controlled argument. The victims should maintain a record of the attacks and keep on reporting to the authorities. In this endeavor victims should come together in a one non-violent but firm voice. (O’Reilly, Pauline, 2005)   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  References O’Reilly, Pauline, RN, MN, 2005. Professional Growth: Fostering Psychologically Health Professional Relationships. BCIT, School of Health. Developing mentoring Canadian Nurses Association, 2004. Achieving Excellence in Professional Practice: A Guide to Preceptorship and Mentoring. Developing Programs for preceptorship and Mentoring. Retrieved on 10/24/07 from