Thursday, October 31, 2019
Significance of imperfect competition models for explaining the Essay
Significance of imperfect competition models for explaining the pattern of international trade - Essay Example The researcher states that international trade is growing day by day as a result of globalization and liberalization policies implemented by different countries at different parts of the world. The major obstacles for the smooth flow of goods and commodities between different countries have been diminished a lot as a result of globalization. At the same time one of the major problems associated with international trade is the fact that the problems happened in one part of the world can have detrimental effect in other parts of the world as well. Competition is growing immensely in the market as a result of the rapid growth of international trade. Ideally, all organizations would like to have some kind of monopoly or some kind of control over the price mechanisms in the market. However, growing competition prevent organizations from controlling the market effectively. Competition in the market can be labelled as perfect competition and imperfect competition. Perfectly competitive mark ets refer to the markets in which the firms do not possess any market power whereas in imperfectly competitive markets, some organizations definitely have control in the market as far as price mechanisms are concerned. â€Å"Competitive markets provide strong incentives for good performance - encouraging firms to improve productivity, to reduce prices and to innovate; whilst rewarding consumers with lower prices, higher quality, and wider choice†whereas imperfect competition denies all these things. ... tition†(Pomphret, 1992, p.1).This paper analyses the significance of imperfect competition in the market as far as international trade is concerned. International trade and imperfect competition â€Å"Imperfect Competition exists when more than one seller competes for sales with other sellers of similar products, each of which has some control over price†(Models of Imperfect Competition, n. d, p.1). In other words, in an imperfectly competitive market, firms may have some power in the market as far the fixing of the prices of its commodities is concerned. Monopoly or oligopoly exists in such markets. For example, Microsoft enjoys monopoly in operating system market. They are capable of fixing the prices of their operating systems like Windows 7 in global market because of lack of competition. Even though Linux and Apple’s Macintosh operating system are raising some kind of competition, still Microsoft is able to maintain their monopoly in the imperfectly competit ive operating system market. Same way, OPEC countries are enjoying oligopoly in the oil market. It should be noted that monopolies or imperfect competition helped Microsoft and OPEC to dictate the market with the help of least efficient products. Consumers forced to pay more than the actual prices of a product in an imperfectly competitive market. In short, â€Å"Firms in a competitive market have very little control over what price they receive for their output†(Perfect Competition, n.d.) whereas â€Å"Monopolies have the most market power, which yields the least efficient outcome†(Monopoly and Perfect Competition Compared, n.d., p.4) According to Krugman et al (2011) â€Å"In a competitive economy, supply decisions are determined by attempts of individuals to maximize their earnings†(Krugman et al, 2011,
Monday, October 28, 2019
How to the Methods of Calculating Banks Marketing Budget Essay Example for Free
How to the Methods of Calculating Banks Marketing Budget Essay How to Decide Banks Marketing Budget? Introduction Now a day under taking marketing activities is compulsory and a key to exist in the business environment especially in the financial sector where competition is strong. In Ethiopia there are 16 private commercial banks and three public owned banks. There is strong competition among these banks to take market share and earn profit especially for those banks that enter the market recently. In addition according to the National Bank of Ethiopia Directive, all commercial bank have to reach 500 million paid up capital in the coming four years. In order to achieve this amount of capital these banks must sell new share, persuade their existing share holders to fully pay the subscribed amount and retain the earning instead of paying the dividend. These are achieved by undertaking strong marketing campaign. All the banks have marketing budget and the budget differs based on the size and depth of their capital. However, determining the size of marketing budget is not an easy task. It is big question often asked by marketers and bank executives. In Ethiopia it is common to see Television program and football events sponsored by commercial banks, advertisement of banks products and services in any time on electronics and print media especially money transfer adverts during the holiday season, distributing giveaway materials and entertaining their customers. The marketing budget for a bank generally includes expenditures for five different activities: Advertising Debub Global Bank, MPPE Department Compiled by: Behaylu Wondafrash Promotional activities Sales promotion Marketing research Sales/customer service training and Public relations: How a bank allocates its total marketing budget among various marketing activities depends largely on bank size in terms of capital and branch distribution and advertising cost (production and air time cost). Most the Banks in Ethiopia spends about 80% of their total marketing budgets on advertising. The rest activities took 20 percent of the budget. Most banks are currently using sales promotion activity like commercial bank of Ethiopia which provide awards for who save 1000 birr and above in any branch of it and promotional activities like sponsoring Ethiopian Great Run and donating to children aid. Advertising took about 80 percent of the budget. This due to the fact that time to time increasing cost of advertising rate and production cost. The lion share of the budget is goes to the Ethiopian radio and Television Agency and then to the private FM radio stations especially Fana FM and Sheger FM. Most banks also use print media like reporter and fortune news paper. But how does a bank determine how much it should spend for marketing in general and advertising in particular? There are methods of calculation. Methods of calculation According to author of Marketing Financial Services, there are different ways to calculate a banks marketing budget. Banks use at least four methods to determine what they will spend on marketing in general and on advertising in particular: Debub Global Bank, MPPE Department Compiled by: Behaylu Wondafrash The percentage method, The competitive parity method, The incremental method and The objective-and-task method. 1. Percentage method: the percentage method states banks advertising budget is 1/10th of 1 percent of a banks total assets. This percentage method has several drawbacks or flaws. First, it is based on the banks past performance rather than on objectives for the future. Second, it views assets or deposits as the cause of advertising rather than recognizing that increases in these variables might be, to some extent, the effect of advertising. Third, it discourages aggressive advertising and reduces advertising expenditures in periods of economic slowdown. Research indicates that firms that maintain or increase their advertising during periods of recession do better after the recession. 2. Competitive parity method this method is also known as follows the leader. A bank determines what its competitors are spending on advertising and simply follows their lead. This method is based on the erroneous assumption that the market responds in the same way to the same volume of birr spent by different banks. It fails to take into account the effects of variations in creativity, different uses of media, the timing of campaigns, and a banks image and recognition level in its market area. Furthermore, a banks competitors probably use no more rational a system for determining their advertising expenditures than does the bank that is following their lead. 3. Incremental Method: under this method a bank simply increases its advertising budget by a certain percentage each year. The percentage may take Debub Global Bank, MPPE Department Compiled by: Behaylu Wondafrash into account the rate of inflation or the growth rate of the bank or it may be dictated by a planner or budgeter whose primary objective is to make the bottom line show a targeted return on assets. Whatever the percentage increase, this method does not take in to account the desired objectives of advertising and the most cost effective ways to attain them. 4. Objective-and-task method. Using this method, the bank bases its advertising budget on what it will cost to meet the marketing objectives it had defined. The bank then weighs this cost against the expected net benefit of the new business to ensure that the cost of advertising will not reduce the profit margin on the newly acquired deposits or loans beyond acceptable limits. For example, Let us take Debub Global bank (DGB) and assume that a banks goal is to increase its one-year deposit volume by 100 million birr over its expected normal growth during a promotion period. It calculates that the profit margin on those funds (deposits) will be 6 percent (or 6,000,000 birr). The bank must then decide how much it is willing to invest in advertising in order to generate an extra 6,000,000 birr of income. The selected amount will vary from bank to bank. This method also has its drawbacks. While it works for specific promotions that have immediately measurable results, such as increased deposit or loan volume, it cannot be used to determine the level of advertising necessary to build awareness of the bank and to develop and maintain an image for it. A bank that advertises only when it has a specific promotion to communicate may be out of the media for considerable periods of time. Most marketers agree that some maintenance level of advertising, either product or institutional, is a necessary investment, simply to keep the banks name in front of its publics.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Cardiovascular Disease
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Cardiovascular Disease Mohammad Faisal Association of moderate to severe Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning and Cardiovascular disease Introduction Carbon monoxide (CO) is colorless and odorless gas which can be very fatal and has important clinical values mainly due to the toxicological affects it can create. A broad range of studies suggest that acute CO poisoning may cause sudden deaths and other deadly clinical manifestations such as toxicity of central nervous system, comma etc. In USA 50,000 cases of CO poisoning along with 2700 deaths are reported each year (Lee, F. et al., 2015). However, the relationship between moderate to severe CO poisoning and developing cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) has not been studied properly even though CVD is assumed to be a frequent outcome of CO poisoning (Henry, C. R. 2006). Since general people might easily be exposed to CO through incorrectly installed, poorly ventilated or poorly maintained household appliances, it is not uncommon to be exposed to various level of CO poisoning as well. Therefore, in this literature review I have explored the correlation between moderate to severe CO poi soning and cardiovascular risk in the general population ranging from children to adults. Usually carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations are measured in order to determine the extent of poisoning (moderate to severe) caused by CO. The articles regarding acute CO poisoning are not considered in this review since it usually causes sudden death and reports regarding acute CO poisoning and long term manifestation of CVD is not clear and very limited. In this review, in total 7 articles were used; five of the studies were published during the last 7 years, whereas 2 of them were published in 2006. Relationship of CO poisoning to Myocardial injury and Peripheral artery disease Moderate to severe CO poisoning was studied in a prospective cohort study from 1994 to 2002 in Hennepin County Medical Center. The study was followed up till 2005 and the investigators found that myocardial injury (MI) was a frequent clinical manifestation in the moderate to severe CO exposed group. The two markers of MI: cardiac troponin I or creatine kinase-MB levels were measured and found to be higher among the exposed group than usual. Investigators determined that the hazard ratio (HR) of patients who eventually died from MI and who died from other consequences other than MI was 2.1 (95% CI: 1.2-3.7) (Henry, C. R. 2006). In another retrospective study in Taiwan, investigators examined a large cohort of patients who were subjected to CO poisoning and compared them with a frequency matched control cohort at a ratio of 1:4. The study was done from 1998 to 2010 and the investigators used Cox proportional hazards regression models for their analytical approach. Outcome was measured using angiography, magnetic resonance angiography and it was found that the patients exposed to moderate to severe CO poisoning had 1.85-fold higher chances of developing peripheral artery disease (PAD) compared to the control group. However the risk was much higher between the two groups when some comorbidities such as hyperlipidemia and diabetes were ignored, which eventually supported the CO poisoning and peripheral artery disease (PAD) more strongly (Chen, Y. et al., 2015). Risk of Developing Cardiovascular disease Since moderate to severe CO poisoning is related to myocardial injury, a large retrospective cohort, somewhat similar to the previous one mentioned above was done considering the CO poisoning and hospitalization data from 2000 to 2011. Investigators found a significant association between CO poisoning and arrhythmia among the CO poisoned patients (1.83 fold higher) compared to the control cohort. Also a significant correlation was seemed to exist with Coronary artery disease (CAD) and Coronary heart disease (CHD), but the correlation was not statistically significant after adjusting for confounders (Lee, F. et al., 2015). This study was particularly important considering the fact that most of the previous studies, regarding this association were done in small scale. For example, a case report between CO poisoning and subsequent development of cardiomyopathy was reported in a restaurant worker who was diagnosed with very high levels of cardiac enzymes along with high carboxyhemoglobin , even though he was ruled out of acute ischemic heart disease according to diagnosis reports (Kim, H et al., 2015). This type of study indicates an association of CO poisoning with cardiovascular disease but as mentioned before it wasnt enough to be convincing and required large sample based investigation rather than any individual case report to establish the association. For this reason, the two cohorts, done from 1998 to 2010 and 2000 to 2011 were particularly important in this regard. In Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC), 230 patients who were diagnosed with moderate to severe CO poisoning were examined, and investigators reported frequent cardiovascular and myocardial injury (MI). Among those patients 35% had elevated levels of creatine kinase or troponin I (cardiovascular biomarkers) along with 37% MI injury biomarkers. Even most of the patients who died during hospitalization, were diagnosed with cardiac arrest, Coronary artery disease (CAD) along with abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) (Satran, D et al., 2006). However, some case reports indicated a difficulty of diagnosis between severe CO poisoning and myocardial injury due to a large spectrum of confusing symptoms of CO poisoning. CO poisoning is often involved with tissue hypoxia which might indicate neurological manifestations other than cardiovascular manifestations and make the diagnosis procedure somewhat complex (Grieb, G. et al., 2011). Most of the reported studies regarding CO poisoning a nd cardiovascular manifestations were conducted with adult participants. However, a particular study indicated that CO poisoning may have more harmful effects to infants and children than the adults due the fact that, the basal metabolic rate along with the tissue oxygen demand is much higher in children. This study was conducted between 2004 to 2007 and reported an association between CO poisoning and cardiovascular manifestations, according to the diagnosis reports of elevated cardiovascular biomarkers among children under 17 years of age, but surprisingly the electrocardiogram (ECG) reports were normal (Teksam, O. et al., 2010). Limitations There are some limitations in the studies regarding moderate to severe CO poisoning and cardiovascular manifestations. Even though, in some studies- an association to CVD was shown, information regarding participants use of medication, or any previous treatment for CVD was not available which might have been influential. Moreover, some of the the risk factors such as smoking, dietary pattern, obesity etc. were missing (Chen, Y. et al., 2015). Some studies were retrospective which may not establish a causal relationship between the exposure and outcome. Investigators also suspected miscoding and misclassification in some cases of disease definition. Some other factors such as family history of CVD, educational background, socioeconomic status were also missing. Another important limitation was lack of sufficient laboratory data including electrocardiogram (ECG), and other cardiovascular markers which were considered to be vital for CVD manifestation as well. In some study, investigato rs were uncertain whether the patients developed cardiovascular disease before they were exposed to CO poisoning. Patients who were diagnosed at later stages of any study were subjected to loss to follow-up for long term analysis of CVD morbidity (Lee, F. et al., 2015). Finally, the epidemiological and geographical differences may not be generalized to USA and other countries. Conclusion Moderate to severe carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is responsible for tissue hypoxia, which may ultimately lead to myocardial injury. Other than hypoxia, CO poisoning may also cause free radical formation, lipid peroxidation, and nitric oxide (NO) induced cellular apoptosis-which all may be responsible for developing cardiovascular disease in long term. A prospective cohort study including the measurement of all these biomarkers for a reasonably long time would elucidate more clear association with CVD. It has been evident from some studies that diagnosis of CO poisoning is complex and risky to draw any conclusion for any association. So, other than depending on hospital based data, some other animal models like mouse can be used in this purpose at times. Also, some studies showed some different clinical patterns of CO poisoning and CVD. In one study, a group of participants showed the presence of less cardiac risk factors even though they were subjected to severe CO poisoning. On the other hand, some other participants showed the presence of higher cardiac risk factors while they were subjected to moderate CO poisoning. Age and heart dysfunctions of some specific location e.g. left ventricular function were found to be coherent with the observed risk factors (Satran, D et al., 2006). In this regard these data need to be considered, even though many retrospective studies lacked these data. So, it can be said that future studies will definitely require the evaluation of serial biomarkers along with electrocardiogram (ECG) of all participants, who are exposed to moderate to severe CO poisoning. This will definitely help the therapeutic approach along with developing proper strategies to prevent any cardiovascular disease associated with moderate to severe CO poisoning. References Chen, Y., Lin, T., Dai, M., Lin, C., Hung, Y., Huang, W., Kao, C. (2015, 10). Risk of Peripheral Artery Disease in Patients With Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Medicine, 94(40). doi:10.1097/md.0000000000001608 Grieb, G., Simons, D., Piatkowski, A., Altiok, E., Eppstein, R. J., Bernhagen, J., Pallua, N. (2011, 06). Carbon monoxide intoxication versus myocardial infarction: An easy diagnosis? Burns, 37(4). doi:10.1016/j.burns.2011.01.002 Henry, C. R. (2006, 01). Myocardial Injury and Long-term Mortality Following Moderate to Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Jama, 295(4), 398. doi:10.1001/jama.295.4.398 Kim, H., Chung, Y. K., Kwak, K. M., Ahn, S., Kim, Y., Ju, Y., Kim, E. (2015, 04). Carbon monoxide poisoning-induced cardiomyopathy from charcoal at a barbecue restaurant: A case report. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 27(1). doi:10.1186/s40557-015-0063-2 Lee, F., Chen, W., Lin, C., Kao, C. (2015, 03). Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Subsequent Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Medicine, 94(10). doi:10.1097/md.0000000000000624 Satran, D., Henry, C., Adkinson, C. (2006, 03). Cardiovascular Manifestations of Moderate to Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 47(3), 298. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2006.01.009 Teksam, O., Gumus, P., Bayrakci, B., Erdogan, I., Kale, G. (2010, 08). Acute cardiac effects of carbon monoxide poisoning in children. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 17(4), 192-196. doi:10.1097/mej.0b013e328320ad48
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Plato’s Theory of Ideas :: History of Philosophy
Topic: Plato’s Theory of Ideas Student: Milena SadÃ… ¾ak Date: december, 2001 Author’s introductionary remark: Still innocent and so naà ¯ve, the common human consciousness slowly began to raise itself, giving birth thereat to great men, who will forever remain in the hearts of the â€Å"consecrated†. One of those great men was Plato. Plato as a philosopher. Plato as an artist. Plato as the birth of concsiousness of its own limitedness. Plato as my own flight from reality. Being young and inexperienced, and having read one small but important part of Plato’s great treasury of dialogues, I stood lost and confused. It is impossible for a philosopher to believe in the existence of two simultaneous worlds. But that is what his words are saying to me. Did he truly believe that our souls had existed in that perfect world, prior to their birth? Being certain that Plato did not think so, and having realized the boundaries of my understanding, I’ve consulted people who dedicated their lives to this great philosopher. I must admit that it was just then that my confusion reached its utmost point. I have never seen so many confronted opinions on the same topic. Well, we have the dialogues right in front of us, what is the thing that’s keeping us from realizing Plato’s thought as it is, and at least reduce the number of confrontations? I know what my obstacle is: youth, lack of experience, lack of knowledge, but what is theirs? CONCLUSION: The young common human consciousness created a genius, but a young one, such as itself. Youth as such carries with it the impossibility of valid thought-word transmission. The space is too big. In time, the young common consciousness perfects itself. Its improvement implies the improvement of individual consciousness. The possibility to validly transmit thought-word is greater, therefore the interspace is reduced, and the number of dissacords in interpretations of philosophical works is reduced as well. Plato still belongs to the young common consciousness, therefore, we have inummerable explanations of one and the same thing. Theory of Ideas Nowadays, Plato is rightfully considered the originator of idealism. To explain in details what the concept of idealism means represents a great difficulty and demands great effort, so I will merely define idealism as a philosophy which reduces all existence to forms of thought, or in Plato’s case, idea. The word â€Å"idea†originates from the Greek word â€Å"eidos†which literally means â€Å"appearance, image†. In Plato’s thought, â€Å"idea†represents the first principle, cause, form, shape, essence.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Jeffrey Dahmer
Jeffrey Dahmer When I was a little kid I was just like anybody else. I was born in Milwaukee in May 21, 1960, the son of Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. At the age of six after some minor surgery, which coincided with the birth of my brother, there seemed to be a change in me. At the time a career opportunity for my father resulted in my family moving from Iowa to Ohio. I don’t know why it started. I don’t have any definite answers on that myself. If I knew the true, real reasons why all this started, before it ever did, I wouldn’t probably have done any of it.Though the thoughts were like arrows, shooting through my mind from out of the blue. By the time I was fourteen the compulsions to murder and necrophilia began to occur. I’d rather be talking about anything else in the world right now, but just after I graduated from high school, in June 1978, I picked up a hitchhiker named Steven Hicks, I took him home to my parents' house, where we drank beer and had sex. When he tried to leave, I killed him with a barbell by hitting his head. That night in Ohio, that was one impulsive night. Nothing’s been normal since then. It tainted my whole life.After it happened I thought I’d just try to live as normally as possible and bury it, but things like that don’t stay buried. I didn’t think it would, but it does, it tainted my whole life. I wish I hadn’t done it. At the same time of my first killing, my alcohol consumption became uncontrollable and in January 1979, I dropped out of Ohio State University after only one term due to my drunkenness. Thus, my recently remarried father insisted that I enlist in the Army, and I was sent to Germany. Though my drinking problem persisted and two years later the Army discharged me for alcoholism.Following my discharge I returned home to Ohio where I went through Hicks' decomposing remains, pulverized them with a hammer, and scattered the pieces even more widely in the woods. La ter in October 1981 I was arrested for disorderly conduct and my father sent me to live with my grandmother in Wisconsin, but my alcohol problems persisted. My next arrest occurred some years later, in September 1986, for masturbating in front of two young boys, for which I received a one-year probationary sentence. In September 1987 I took my second victim, Steven Toumi, whom I met in a gay bar.We checked into a hotel room and drank a lot. I had no intention of doing it. However, the next morning, I found Toumi dead beside me. I was in complete shock. I just couldn’t believe I had done it again after those years when I’d done nothing like that. I don’t know what was going through my mind. I have no memory of it. I tried to dredge it up but I have no memory whatsoever. I bought a large suitcase to transport Toumi's corpse to my grandmother's basement, where I had sex with, and masturbated on it, before dismembering it and disposing of the remains in the rubbish. I developed a pattern of murder that persisted for the duration of my thirteen year killing spree: I sought out mostly African-American men at gay meeting places, lured them home to his grandmother's basement with promises of money or sex, where I would ply them with alcohol laced with drugs, strangle them, have sex with the corpse or masturbate on it, then dismember the corpses and dispose of them, usually keeping their genitals or skulls as souvenirs.I often took photos of each victim at various stages of my murder process, so I could recollect each act afterwards and relive the experience. This re-enactment included assembling the skulls and masturbating in front of them, to achieve gratification. My grandmother eventually tired of the late nights and drunkenness, although she had no knowledge of the other activities, forced me to move out in September 1988, but before that I killed another two people at her house.At this point I had an extreme close call with authorities: I had an encounter with a thirteen-year-old Laotian boy which resulted in charges of sexual exploitation, and second-degree sexual assault, being laid against me. I pleaded guilty, claiming that the boy had appeared much older and, while I awaited sentencing, I moved back in temporarily with my grandmother, where I once again put her basement to gruesome use; in February 1989 I lured an aspiring African-American model, named Anthony Sears, and I drugged, strangled, sodomized, photographed, dismembered and disposed of his body.In May 1989, at my trial for child molestation, to my defense the counsel argued that I needed treatment, not incarceration and the judge agreed, handing down a five year probationary sentence, with one year prison sentence on â€Å"day release†, under which I continued to work at my job, but returned to the prison at night. I was released after ten months, despite my father writing to the judge urging him that I be held until I had received appropriate treatm ent. Then I spent three months with my grandmother on my release before moving into my own partment in May 1990. During the next fifteen months before the time of my capture, my victim count accelerated; and I killed 12 more young men. I developed rituals as I progressed, experimenting with chemical means of disposal, and I also consumed the flesh of my victims. I drilled into my victim's skulls while they were still alive, injecting them with Muriatic acid to see whether I could extend my control to the living. Most of my victims died instantly, but one man survived for a number of days in a zombie-like state, with limited motor function.I was always careful to select my victims on the fringes of society, so that it was less likely for the police to search for them. In the case of my thirteenth victim I had yet another close call; it was a 14-year-old Laotian boy who was, coincidentally, the younger brother of the boy I had been convicted of molesting three years earlier. To my dis may on May 26, 1991, my neighbor, Sandra Smith, called the police to report that a young Asian boy was running naked in the street. When the police arrived, he was incoherent, and the police believed me when I told them that the boy was my 19-year-old lover who had just had too much to drink.The police escorted me and my victim home at which point I strangled the boy and continued with my usual rituals. My luck finally ran out on July 22, 1991, when two Milwaukee police officers picked up Tracy Edwards, a young African-American, who was wandering in the streets with a handcuff dangling from one of his wrists. They decided to follow up his claims that a â€Å"weird dude†had drugged and restrained him, and they coincidently arrived at my apartment, where I calmly offered to get the keys for the handcuffs.Edwards claimed that the knife I had threatened him with was in the bedroom and when the officer went in to corroborate the story he noticed photographs of dismembered bodies lying around. He shouted to his colleague to restrain me so I fought back but I was eventually subdued. A subsequent search revealed the head in the fridge, as well as three more in the freezer, and preserved skulls, jars containing genitalia, and an extensive gallery of macabre photographs. I think in some way I wanted it to end, even if it meant my own destruction. Yes, I do have remorse, but I’m not even sure myself whether it is as profound as it should be.I’ve always wondered myself why I don’t feel more remorse. I was completely swept away with my own compulsion. I don’t know how else to put it. It didn’t satisfy me completely so I was thinking another one will. Maybe this one will, and the numbers started growing and just got out of control, as you can see. When you’ve done the type of things I’ve done, it’s easier not to reflect on yourself. When I start thinking about how it’s affecting the families of people, a nd my family and everything, it doesn’t do me any good. It just gets me very upset.Despite having confessed to the killings during police interrogation, I initially pleaded not guilty to all charges. However, against the advice of my legal counsel, I changed my plea to guilty by virtue of insanity. My defense then offered every gruesome detail of my behavior, as proof that only someone insane could commit such terrible acts, but the jury chose to believe the prosecutor's assertion that I was fully aware that my acts were evil, but that I chose to commit them anyway, which resulted after only five hours deliberation in the finding of me being guilty, but sane, on all counts, on February 17, 1992.I was sentenced to fifteen consecutive life terms, a total of 957 years in prison. I adjusted well to prison life, although I was initially kept apart from the general population. I convinced authorities to allow me to incorporate more with other inmate. On November 28, 1994, in accord ance with my inclusion in regular work details, I was assigned to work with two other prisoners, one of whom was a white supremacist murderer, Jesse Anderson, and the other a delusional, schizophrenic African-American murderer, Christopher Scarver.Twenty minutes after we had been left alone to complete their tasks the guards returned to find that Scarver had crushed my skull, and fatally beaten Anderson with an object. Following my death, the city of Milwaukee was keen to distance itself from the horrors of my actions, and the ensuing media circus surrounding my trial.In 1996, fearing that someone else might purchase my fridge, photographs and killing tools collection and start a museum, they raised more than $400,000 to buy his effects, which they promptly incinerated. This is the grand finale of a life poorly spent and the end result is just overwhelmingly depressing, it’s just a sick, pathetic, wretched, miserable life story, that’s all it is. I should have gone to college and gone into real estate and got myself an aquarium, that’s what I should have done.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Pedatritions essays
Pedatritions essays In Michael Rich MD and Miriam Barons MD study, Child Health in the Information Age: Media Education of Pediatricians, they conduct a survey of 209 pediatric residency programs. This survey compares with and updates information in the 1986 survey The Impact of Television on Children: Current Pediatric Training Practices. Many questions were designed to elicit comparable information as the previous survey as well as incorporating other aspects that were not as significant in 1986, such as the internet and video games. Hypothesis: The objective of this study was to determine what pediatric residency programs are teaching trainees about media and the influence of media on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents. Methodology: Surveys were sent to 209 different pediatric residency programs in 44 states and Puerto Rico. The survey of residency curricular training consisted of 17 items about childrens exposure to media including television, movies, popular music, computer/video games and the Internet, the effects of this exposure on specific health risks, and associations between program characteristics and media education in the residency curriculum. Results: The data collected showed that there is little training for the affects of media. Across the board only one item scored more then 30%. In the category of Interventions on Media Exposure in regards to whether residents are taught to discuss media us with patients or parents, only 47% checked of yes. While the rest of the items scored even lower out of the 7 items from the 1986 survey all improved, 5 of which either almost doubled or id infact double the percentage from the previous survey. They concluded that there needed to be a media education curriculum for pediatritricians in training and provide formal faculty training in the teaching of media issues. The research was conducted in a very adiquate fashion. I cant think of a bett...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Project Management Research Paper Example
Project Management Research Paper Example Project Management Paper Project Management Paper The scenario is a business owner wants to expand the building in which the business in occupying, but the business owner does not know where to start. This is the point where the business owner needs to incorporate project management. To understand project management, the business owner needs to know what a project is, the basic phases of the project life cycle and purpose, and the importance of project management for an organization to accomplish tasks. Once the business owner understands project management, the expansion can begin. Project management does not need to be complex. Taking the time to understand the process will help an organization achieve maximum success. What is a project? Projects are any series of activities or tasks that have a characteristic of possessing a specific objective needing to have accomplishments within certain specifications, possessing a specific start and end date, possessing a budget to keep, uses human and nonhuman resources, and are multifunctional in nature (Kezner, 2009). A project is anything that helps a company improve on its operation, product, or marketing. When one thinks of a project, the words build, move, and non-routine come to mind. Project life cycles A project life cycle is a logical sequence of activities to accomplish a projects objectives or goals. The project life cycle has five major stages that most organizations use: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closure. These stages help a project to stay on time, budget, and within scope. As with most plans, a project must broke down into smaller stages depending on the size, scope, and resources that will be in use during the project. Project initiation A project must start with an idea. Because everyone has a different idea of what can help a company, all the projects must go through a selection process. During the initiation stage, several steps will be accomplished. All the projects will go to management for review and a selection of the best project given resource limits will get approval. The recognition of benefits of the project will also get an approval from management. All preparations of the documents will need to be complete to help get the project approval. The final step is the assignment of the project manager (Kerzner, 2009). Project planning The planning stage is the most important stage in a projects life cycle. The planning stage is when the aspects of the plan will be laid out on the table. The actual work to accomplish, the quality and quantity of work, and the resource needs to define. A plan of action will be put into place that will include the scheduling of all activities, the budget, the time, and the objectives. Once the plan is put into place, an evaluation of all the risks can be accomplished to ensure the project will be a success (Kerzner, 2009). Project execution The execution stage is when the project work actually starts. During this stage is when the project manager will negotiate for the project team members he or she will need for the project. The project manager will also be directing and managing the work by holding meetings to ensure everyone understands what he or she is to do. The manager will also be working with the team members to help them improve on any process that is not working (Kerzner, 2009). Project monitoring and controlling The project monitoring and controlling phase is one of the critical steps in the process. During the monitoring and controlling phase, the project manager is tracking the progress of the project. In monitoring and controlling the project, the project manager will analyze the variances and know the impacts of the variances if something goes wrong or gets off track. By analyzing the variances and impacts, the project manager will be able to make adjustments if the need arises. Project monitoring and controlling also helps to compare actual outcomes to what the predicted outcome is (Kerzner, 2009). Monitoring and controlling a project will help the project manager see exactly what is going on and what needs fixing before a major crisis can begin. Project Closure The last phase of a project is the project closure. During this phase, the project manager will verify all the work has been completed within time, budget, and specifications the client requires. Once the client has approved the project, the contract will have closure, all financial aspects of the charge numbers will have closure, and all administrative paperwork will have closure (Kerzner, 2009). The project closure process will ensure the project is complete and no other issues will arise. Importance of Using Project Management An organization needs to stay competitive or it will not survive. When an organization initiates a project, project management needs to be in place to ensure several items are not forgotten. Project management helps to elevate barriers that may present itself during the project. Project management will help identify responsibilities to individuals to ensure all activities are accounted for, minimizes continuous reporting activities, identifies time limits, measures accomplishments against plans, can identify problems before the problems become too big to handle, helps with corrective actions of problems, and can improve estimating capabilities for future projects (Kerzner, 2009). Project management is a way for organizations to make sure their projects are on track and can be accomplished within the specifications, time, and budget. Without project management, the project may not even get off the ground, and if the project does start it may not finish at all. Conclusion A project is any task that meets certain criteria such as time, budget, and specific objectives. A project has a life cycle that includes five steps: project initiation, project planning, project execution, project monitoring and control, and project closure. Each step in the project life cycle is important to the success of the project in different ways. One needs to know what the project is, how to progress in the project, working on the project as a team, knowing what is happening during the project, and know when the project is complete. Without the use of project management, organizations may possible not survive in the world market because every day individual’s want new and better items to play with or have in their homes. Project management is an important part of any organizations, and by understanding what a project is, the organization will have an idea of what projects to complete to meet the objectives of the organization and the expectations of its clients.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on Searches Or No Searches
Searches or No Searches By: Julia Nicoletti Searches or no searches, that is the question. Say the principal at your school has instituted random locker and book bag/back pack searches to check for weapons and/or drugs. Anyone who is caught, will immediately be suspended. Performing these searches will do so much for your school. Searching will increase the trust and support of the parents who send their kids to your school. The searches will also make the students feel more safe and secure at school. These searches will decrease the weapons and drugs on campus. Random searches will increase the trust and support of the parents who sent their kids to your school. A family has a high school student in their family. The family lives in the not so good side of Cleveland. The school has records and is known for weapons, drugs, and shootings. If there were locker and bag searches, the family would probably send their teen to the school. Parents would rather send their teen to a high school that is known for performing these searches, not to a school that is known for drugs and weapons. The school would gain a lot of trust and support from parents if they did this. The more trust, the more students. The more students, the more money from the government. The more money, the better facilities. Feeling safe is one thing you need in school. With out feeling safe, more tension will stir up in school. Twenty-nine percent of students polled by Educational Communications, Inc., last year said that they know someone who brought a weapon to school, which is a scary statement. If there were searches being performed frequently, there would be no reason to be nervous of being shot or stabbed in school. Most kids hate going to school and when you have students who bring weapons to school, it helps persuade them against it even more. Random checks would decrease the number of illegal weapons in the school. By doin... Free Essays on Searches Or No Searches Free Essays on Searches Or No Searches Searches or No Searches By: Julia Nicoletti Searches or no searches, that is the question. Say the principal at your school has instituted random locker and book bag/back pack searches to check for weapons and/or drugs. Anyone who is caught, will immediately be suspended. Performing these searches will do so much for your school. Searching will increase the trust and support of the parents who send their kids to your school. The searches will also make the students feel more safe and secure at school. These searches will decrease the weapons and drugs on campus. Random searches will increase the trust and support of the parents who sent their kids to your school. A family has a high school student in their family. The family lives in the not so good side of Cleveland. The school has records and is known for weapons, drugs, and shootings. If there were locker and bag searches, the family would probably send their teen to the school. Parents would rather send their teen to a high school that is known for performing these searches, not to a school that is known for drugs and weapons. The school would gain a lot of trust and support from parents if they did this. The more trust, the more students. The more students, the more money from the government. The more money, the better facilities. Feeling safe is one thing you need in school. With out feeling safe, more tension will stir up in school. Twenty-nine percent of students polled by Educational Communications, Inc., last year said that they know someone who brought a weapon to school, which is a scary statement. If there were searches being performed frequently, there would be no reason to be nervous of being shot or stabbed in school. Most kids hate going to school and when you have students who bring weapons to school, it helps persuade them against it even more. Random checks would decrease the number of illegal weapons in the school. By doin...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pd 100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pd 100 - Essay Example It could be angst, anxiety or anguish; it could be melancholia or ennui, a feeling of boredom or extreme lack of interest in anything. Most people associate the word or feelings of stress with anything that is negative, it connotes something bad. But a fact is that stress can be either positive or negative; when it is positive, it is called as eustress. This should be what people strive for, to have eustress, such as feelings of hope, vitality, vigor and a zest for life, instead of being always negative. Eustress literally means â€Å"good stress†and it is a cognitive response to stress that is desirable and healthy. It leads to feelings of satisfaction or a sense of well-being, which enhances the feelings of fulfillment and being in control. However, for purposes of this discussion on stress, I am a bit more inclined to delve on the topic in the negative side of stress. One type of stress that has a very bad effect on both the physical and mental well-being of a person is wo rry. It has a severe debilitating effect on a person, some to such an extent that it can induce paralysis in its very serious manifestations. A person who worries too much ends up accomplishing nothing but only ends up worsening his or her own situation. I always worry a lot about many things, sometimes to the point of being paranoid, hallucinatory or plainly idiotic. Worrying is a basic emotion; it can help a person to some extent because it keeps a person alert, it is instinctive in the â€Å"fight or flight†response. Worry becomes destructive only when it is carried to extremes, because by then, that person worries about something that is relatively harmless, by ascribing something bad might happen, or worry about an event or occurrence that has a very little chance of ever happening. Worry is a very diffused feeling of anxiety, and as such, it is hard to find a solution for it and a remedy that prevents it from recurring. An example of this kind of worry is a hypochondri ac, a person who worries about his health, on almost anything and everything, from the food he eats to the lack of exercise, the air he breathes if it contains germs or not, in the place he stays, whether it is clean of bedbugs, roaches, or fleas. It is an exaggerated sense of worrying that is not commensurate with the facts, or with the state of reality that is obtaining at present. It is a negative response to a perceived threat or impending event, instead of seeing it positively as a challenge, which is positive, the very essence of the eustress discussed a bit earlier. I worry a lot about money, my finances, my state of health, about the future, almost on anything that it is causing havoc on my health, causing me endless sleepless nights at times because worry keeps me awake and prevents me from relaxing my mind, and hence also my body functions that are supposedly needed to induce me to sleep. I know that worrying is not very productive, and it is even counter-productive, in th e sense it prevents me from finding solutions to my problems and hence, resolve and put to rest my endless worries. But it seems I cannot do something to prevent myself from worrying; I am helpless against it. It is imperative that I find ways to lessen worrying too much as it is causing me stress
Friday, October 18, 2019
Reducing CO2 emissions from automobiles and trucks Term Paper
Reducing CO2 emissions from automobiles and trucks - Term Paper Example The auto industry sector is playing a leading role by proposing and embracing ways in which these emissions can be reduced in both its products and production sites. Various strategies are being used to reduce the emissions from automobiles and trucks as more research is being conducted to come up with better solutions (US DOT, 2010). This paper will discuss the current methods being used to reduce Co2 emissions from automobiles and other proposed methods that are still being reviewed. In the US, according to Dupont (2009), The National Highway Traffic safety Administration department (NHTSA) together with the Environmental Protection Agency have extended the National programme for reducing greenhouse gases emissions such as Co2 for Model years 2017 through 2025. In Europe, the automobile manufacturers have come up with practical, innovative and practical ways of reducing carbon dioxide emissions to show their commitment in achieving cost effective carbon dioxide reductions. Reductio n of Carbon dioxide emissions calls for an integrated approach as no single approach can work out on its own. New developments in motor vehicle technology need to be combined with alternative sources of fuel, efficient car use and driving style, improved traffic management, and imposing carbon tax. For this to succeed, the automotive industries, fuel sector, policy makers and drivers must work t in partnership to achieve the desired results (Zachariadis, 2012). Various Ways of reducing CO2 Emissions from Automobiles and Trucks The most widespread method that is adopted is the introduction of low carbon fuels. These alternative fuel sources include bio diesel, natural gas, electricity, liquefied petroleum gas, and hydrogen. Research shows that these alternative methods apply for light-duty vehicles. Carbon dioxide reduction benefits from using renewable fuels depend on the production method of the fuel, the raw materials, carbon intensity of energy used in the production and the time frame evaluation. Research by the United States Transport Department (2010) shows use of advanced biofuels from cellulosic sources yields more benefits compared to first generation biofuels. Car engines are being adjusted in the current times and alternative fuels are being produced in large scale. Use of hydrogen in fuel could reduce about 80% of Carbon dioxide emissions per vehicle in the long term for a period of about 25 years or more. In case of electric vehicles, low carbon energy sources must be used in the battery technology in order to significantly reduce carbon emissions in the long term by about 80% (DOT, 2010). The second method that is being practiced in carbon emission reductions is increasing vehicle fuel economy. This method involves development and market introduction of advance engines and transmission models, materials that are light, improved vehicle aerodynamics with reduced rolling resistance. Currently, there are many technologies entering the market tailore d for different consumer preferences, usage and driving styles. In the past more than 50 new carbon dioxide reducing technologies in vehicles have been introduced by ACEA members, reducing carbon emissions by 13% and other technologies are coming up
Information Technology Investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Information Technology Investigation - Essay Example It usually doesn't include its own authoring capabilities; instead, it focuses on managing courses created by a variety of other sources." (An E-Learning Glossary, 2008) E-learning has evolved along with the spread of the Internet, and today e-learning is one of the new innovations that are helping educators and administrators reach out to students across boundaries and time zones. E-learning has also ushered a new breed of entrepreneurs who are leveraging web based learning management systems to offer innovative, low cost and customized learning tools to students across the world. I was a part of an educational start up that offered a range of preparation tools for select international tests. I was a part of a small sub-team that analyzed the web based LMS landscaped and identified the most suitable LMS for the firm. Through this software investigation, I aim to identify the present trends in web-based LMS and e-learning. I also aim to identify the future evolution of e-learning. A web based learning management system offers a holistic and all encompassing training and assessment set up that allows tutors and administrators to design, create, manage, deliver, adaptive, interactive and innovative online learning tools. A web based learning management system creates a low cost yet highly effective learning and assessment environment that c... In addition to this, a web based learning management system also offers both the user and the tutor the flexibility to create or access content at their discretion. Most e-learning software applications come with a administrator/admin module that lets the tutor easily create and upload content with a authoring tool and a web browser. A typical web based LMS system also has features that allow the tutor as well as the learner assess and monitor the learning, thereby making the learning process highly interactive and customized. LMSs have evolved to be modular and they can often be integrated with other software applications like student information systems, online libraries and web analytics. This modularity and the ability to be integrated with other applications allows the administrator/decision maker utilize the data captured to design highly focused learning and assessment tools. Despite the fact that e-learning and LMS is a relatively old phenomena, it is yet to mature and stabilize. The LMS landscape does not have a clear leader, and is still rapidly evolving. The future potential of LMSs is highly promising, and the LMS of future should be an open ended learning platform. While the present LMSs use in-house generated content and is primarily a tool to manage and track content usage, the LMS of future should be a flexible, adaptive environment that will be integrated with the greatest content depository- the internet. The truly futuristic LMS should be able to intelligently source content from the web and complement that content with content generated in-house and offer much better learning tools. Business
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Analysis of an important sources related to the previous research Term Paper
Analysis of an important sources related to the previous research - Term Paper Example Durkheim firmly believed that sociology is the ‘science of institutions’, which aimed to delineate the structural "social facts" (Durkheim, 1895, 13).  He opined that social science should be holistic in nature and appeal, meaning that sociology should be the study of various incidents from the lives of common men which can be associated with the society at large, instead of just limiting oneself to studying the actions of just one individual. It is this very aspect that prompted me to choose Durkheim’s book Suicide (first published in 1897), for my research paper. The book enables one to comprehend the fact that suicide by a certain section of the population (young male population) at regular intervals reflects a grave social problem. It is thus necessary that we view the various instances of the young male suicides in UK together as one incident, and examine this incident from a broader social perspective, with a holistic angle. Durkheim believed that â€Å"society is a unity which displays characteristics that cannot be reduced to those of its component individuals†(Giddens, 2). If we wish examine this theory in the context of the large number young males that commit suicide both in UK and worldwide, we will have to review the entire scenario from a new perspective and search for certain fundamental reasons that are driving all these young men to commit suicide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) more than 90,000 adolescents in the age group of 10-19 years commit suicide every year, while more than 4 million in this age range attempt suicide, worldwide (WHO, 2001), while in UK suicide forms to be the â€Å"The [second] biggest killers of boys and young men are suicide (10%)†(Boseley, Drink and drugs a leading cause of young deaths, 2009). It is seemingly impossible that such large numbers of young people committing suicide worldwide are doing so for the mere sake of some isolated personal reasons. So
Festivals of Greece & Rome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Festivals of Greece & Rome - Essay Example The Romans theatre history shows that they had several problems especially the stage craft and the imbalanced concept of drama with stage performances. As a result the stages in the beginning were constructed based on Greek models. In fact the concept of drama was introduced to Romans only from the Greeks. In this instance Romans stand next to the Greeks not equal to Greeks. The Greeks have a mythological background for all its religious festivals. Greeks’ strong faith in the supremacy of God is evident from the worship of each God and the reason they associate with their Gods. They honored their Gods through these festivals and had a faith that they could be punished in terms of earthquake or war if they don’t honor Gods. A festival according to both Greeks and Romans is not only for them but also for other visitors and participants from other countries to take part in competitions and contests. Especially sports, music and games. The course of the festival is declared as holiday. Greeks declare their festivals honoring their Gods such as Zeus, Olympia, Hera, and Dionysus who symbolize health, fertility, vegetation etc. The Greeks looked at their Gods as personifications of spring and periods. Where as most of the Roman festivals are celebrated during summer. Women were treated with equal importance as a result a special festival is organized for women honoring the Goddess Olympia, where sports events were conducted for women. The Panathenic festival in honor of the Goddess Hera, contained contests for singers, poets and playwrights. The Athens festival was considered as the most interesting event of the year, where series of operas, symphonies and ballets were performed at the theatre of Herodes Atticus. The influence of Greek drama could be seen in all the plays of all the times. Greeks performed plays in other religious festivals also especially the Church quoted dramatic scenes to explain religious
Kindle Fire Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Kindle Fire - Research Paper Example The decisions made by consumers are affected by this behavior and this is the reason why Kindle Fire will be marketed successfully under the behavioral segment. This approach has increased the Kindle fire sales made over the years. The rocketing sales are also controlled by the demand and supply forces such that when demand on Kindle Fire declines, the Amazon’s sales are drastically affected. Evaluation Under the behavioral approach of segmentation, the customers will be divided under various segments. Consumers will be evaluated based on their usage rate, the benefits gained, loyalty and occasion in which they use Kindle Fire. There are various ways of growing a business. The first method is as aforementioned; to attract new customers and the second way is to retain the already existing customers. For Kindle Fire to continue existing in the market, Amazon has to maintain a strong customer base (Cheshire, 2012). This is only through customer dependability. Customer loyalty is targeted as one of the behavioral approaches of consumers. The strategies applied to maintain the Kindle Fire’s loyal customers are different from those that are used in attracting new customers. Customer loyalty is hence one of the techniques of determining customers under the behavioral segmentation. ... It will be easier to identify the customer who needs change the product more often than one who does not use one so often. The other way in which Kindle buyers can be segmented according to their behavior is by identifying those who buy on occasions. Freytag and Clarke’s (2001) argument is that buying on occasion is under behavioral segmentation because the customer is likely to target the holidays and festivities when companies come up with offers at discounted prices. Such a customer base may be large since most people tend to save a lot of money for their holidays and festivities. Segmenting the Kindle Fire customer according to the benefits he or she gains is also another way of evaluating the customer’s behavior towards the product. While Kindle’s competitors, such as Google Nexus and the laptops, have their own benefits, some customers may still look for the benefits they gain from Kindle Fire tablets that they cannot get from its competitors. One of the be nefits attained from the Kindle Fire tablet and not laptops is that it is easier to transport the Kindle from one point to the other as compared to laptops. A laptop is heavier as compared to the tablet. The Kindle tablet is also beneficial to clients who are always online for business purposes or projects. The other advantage of Kindle Fire over other digital gadgets is that it easily usable in the education industry (Cheshire, 2012). This can be fused with good pricing, 24hr customer support and customization of devices for customers in order to be able to stay competitive in the market. This means using a break-up strategy where the prices are favorable as compared to other devices and being able to pack devices as per the specification of customers.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Public Safety and Privacy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Public Safety and Privacy Analysis - Essay Example Civil rights and privacy laws are quite different of each other. The importance of which depends upon the timing of the question. It is established that for the protection of citizens, civil rights are set so that the citizens can enjoy their liberty. The agencies that enforce law are demoralized at the same time when they have to adhere to Fourth amendment as its protection permits crimes to persist (Stimson, 2004). Here we may cite the ruling of apex court concerning sex offenders, privacy and public safety. The Supreme Court of United States of America only just made a rule in relation to sex offenders, privacy, and public safety. The legislating body of America and the Supreme Courts are concerned about public safety or the protection of privileges of people individually. According to the Patriot Act defined by the US government, all the groups responsible for putting law into effect can question the Fourth Amendment if it bypasses the rights of citizens. Americans with the suppo rt of law enforcement organizations are ensured that they will be facilitated with their due civil rights and security (Stimson, 2004). The other day US Supreme Court made a decision according to which, the condemned sex delinquents are to be exposed on internet by giving their addresses over internet. There is no chance given to the delinquents in terms of their identification as a threatening individual for the society (Stimson, 2004). Litigation over electronic control gadgets are popular amongst the litigants despite the fact that in number of cases tools are used properly. According to Wallentine (2010), courts while deciding such case are making use of the â€Å"principles of Graham v. Connor†with regard to the usage of an â€Å"electronic control device†. In the case of Bryan v. Macpherson, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal held that â€Å"TASER or any other electronic control device†is in effect an in-between quantum of force (Wallentine, 2010). In the case of Bryan who made use of drugs and we can say that he was mentally ill in terms of his health. TASER was used by the law enforcement officer due to which, Bryan fell down and lost his four teeth besides minor injuries. After this incident, the law enforcement officer was sure about the fact that Bryan was distressed mentally and was in urgent need of safety (Wallentine, 2010). When the court examined this case along with other matching cases, it was of the opinion that for analyzing the situation of the convict, the law was not applied rightly for the situation. The law enforcement officer made a mistake by selecting the wrong strategy to deal with the convict. The force option was wrong. There is a further reportage that the officer made use of more than required force in using the TASER against the convict for his own reasons that are still unknown until this juncture. According to the court, usage of TASER for Bryan was not reasonable since Bryan did not pose an immediate t hreat to the officer / other person. The decision is enforceable on officers within the 9th Circuit. The judges were of the view that officers are responsible to clearly understand established law (Wallentine, 2010). Another two cases that relate to the usage of TASER namely â€Å"Brooks v. Seattle†and â€Å"Mattos v. Aragano†are in the process to be allocated to judges of 9th Circuit Panels to define the law. However, the constitutional explanation is the prerogative of Supreme Court.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Kindle Fire Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Kindle Fire - Research Paper Example The decisions made by consumers are affected by this behavior and this is the reason why Kindle Fire will be marketed successfully under the behavioral segment. This approach has increased the Kindle fire sales made over the years. The rocketing sales are also controlled by the demand and supply forces such that when demand on Kindle Fire declines, the Amazon’s sales are drastically affected. Evaluation Under the behavioral approach of segmentation, the customers will be divided under various segments. Consumers will be evaluated based on their usage rate, the benefits gained, loyalty and occasion in which they use Kindle Fire. There are various ways of growing a business. The first method is as aforementioned; to attract new customers and the second way is to retain the already existing customers. For Kindle Fire to continue existing in the market, Amazon has to maintain a strong customer base (Cheshire, 2012). This is only through customer dependability. Customer loyalty is targeted as one of the behavioral approaches of consumers. The strategies applied to maintain the Kindle Fire’s loyal customers are different from those that are used in attracting new customers. Customer loyalty is hence one of the techniques of determining customers under the behavioral segmentation. ... It will be easier to identify the customer who needs change the product more often than one who does not use one so often. The other way in which Kindle buyers can be segmented according to their behavior is by identifying those who buy on occasions. Freytag and Clarke’s (2001) argument is that buying on occasion is under behavioral segmentation because the customer is likely to target the holidays and festivities when companies come up with offers at discounted prices. Such a customer base may be large since most people tend to save a lot of money for their holidays and festivities. Segmenting the Kindle Fire customer according to the benefits he or she gains is also another way of evaluating the customer’s behavior towards the product. While Kindle’s competitors, such as Google Nexus and the laptops, have their own benefits, some customers may still look for the benefits they gain from Kindle Fire tablets that they cannot get from its competitors. One of the be nefits attained from the Kindle Fire tablet and not laptops is that it is easier to transport the Kindle from one point to the other as compared to laptops. A laptop is heavier as compared to the tablet. The Kindle tablet is also beneficial to clients who are always online for business purposes or projects. The other advantage of Kindle Fire over other digital gadgets is that it easily usable in the education industry (Cheshire, 2012). This can be fused with good pricing, 24hr customer support and customization of devices for customers in order to be able to stay competitive in the market. This means using a break-up strategy where the prices are favorable as compared to other devices and being able to pack devices as per the specification of customers.
Terrorism in Nigeria Essay Example for Free
Terrorism in Nigeria Essay Nigeria is a country in the West of Africa with an interesting population of over 160 million people. A British Colony, Nigeria was hitherto peaceful and seen as key to African development and interests. Such has been the opposite of the true state of the supposed Giant of Africa since gaining independence in 1960 and declaring a Republic in 1961. After years of Military Dictatorship and coups left the country under-developed for much of her early post-independent years, Democracy was returned to the Oil rich Nation. The country divided across religious and ethic lines with the North dominated by Muslims, and the South by Christians. The country’s major trade partners include the USA and UK. The early independent kingdoms and states that make the present day British colonized Nigeria are; i. Benin Kingdom ii. Borgu Kingdom iii. Fulani Empire iv. Hausa Kingdoms v. Kanem Bornu Empire vi. Kwararafa Kingdom vii. Ibibio Kingdom viii. Nri Kingdom ix. Nupe Kingdom x. Oyo Kingdom xi. Songhai Empire xii. Warri Kingdom The name Nigeria was suggested by a British Journalist Flora Shaw in the 1890s. She referred to the area as Nigeria, after the Niger River, which dominates much of the country’s landscape. The word Niger is Latin for black. Nigeria has over 250 ethnic groups, which the three major and internationally recognized are Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo. Other smaller groups include the Fulani, Ijaw, Kanuri, Ibibio, Tiv, and Edo. Prior to their conquest by Europeans, these ethnic groups had separate and independent histories; hence their amalgamation was a construct of their European Colonizers. That singular act of amalgamation has proved costly year after year as communal, religious, and ethnic clashes characterize the present-day Nigeria. With porous borders on the West to Benin, North to Niger and Chad, and on the East to Cameroun, clashes often than not spiral out of the shores of Nigeria to neighbouring countries. Nigeria gained independence from Britain on 1st October, 1960 and following independence, vicious fighting between and among ethnic political parties created chaos within the fledging system. On the 15th of January, 1966, a group of army officers most of whom were Igbo staged a military coup, killing many of the government ministers from the Western and Northern tribes. Six months later, Northern forces within the military staged a countercoup killing most of the Igbo leaders. Note that Nigeria’s persistent ethnic rivalry is deep rooted and dates back to colonization. From Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) in Northern Nigeria, to the Militants in the Niger Delta (Southern). The Afenifere in Western Nigeria to MASSOP in the East, continuous calls for disintegration and de-amalgamation by the aforementioned groups underlines the many ethnic divide and challenges facing Nigeria since creation. The current sophisticated attack on government institutions by an Islamic extremists group popularly known as Boko Haram (Western Education is Sin – Islam) buttress the notion that agitations from these groups have long departed from mere campaigns and media sponsored attacks. Suicide bombing that once was alien to Nigeria now characterize an already tensed and over-stretched system. Nigeria’s quest to quell all form of ethnic aggression and divide will most undoubtedly succeed if the Government looked into the origin and distinctions of the diversities rather than combating a generational dissent.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Strategies for a Countrys Development
Strategies for a Countrys Development Aspects that make a country develop. Abstract. The objective of this research paper is to explain how a developing country can achieving development, explaining of the three most important aspects that contribute to development such as Economy, Technology and Education. The Economy can be improving with methods like manage resources properly, focusing on production to avoid buying from other countries or how to put people in financial positions. We can see that the only way education can improve is by completely changing the current system and implementing a system where creativity is the main feature. And lastly we will talk about the use of technology that has meant throughout history, a very important tool in development. Thanks to technology have been able to meet many needs and solve many problems. If a country remains focused on solving these situations, it will succeed in achieving development. Keywords: developing country, Technology, Education, Economy, solve problems, relation. Aspects that make a country develops. Many countries are called developing countries, these countries should found solutions for situations that dont allow full development. To consider a developed country, the needs of the inhabitants must be met and they must have a good quality of life. The most part of developing countries depends of developed countries and for this reason these countries donÂÂ ´t have a good economy, because basically all their economy goes to big countries. There are many aspects that need to be taken into account in a developing country: there are not many sources of work, that there is a high index of poor people or that their income comes mostly from the services sector. (S, S, 2015). These situations are some of those that must be solved quickly to be able to demonstrate true development. To achieve these solutions these countries should focus on three of the most important aspects that will help achieve development; improving the economy, implementing a new education system or simply try to improve the current one and focusing on technological development. Economy. A developing country should focus on improving its economy and for this it must undergo various changes. One of the aspects that must be changed is knowing how to use their own resources for production, since most of these countries depend on the production of developed countries. On the other hand, it is desirable that in these countries the people who hold the financial positions are properly chosen, because in their hands is the management of money. They must be properly prepared to keep accounts because it isnt a simple family account on the contrary is managing accounts of an entire country. Another aspect that could contribute to the economic development of a country is to improve tourism. Some developing countries have unimaginable landscapes that many people would pay to observe. A clear example is Ecuador. Much of its income is attributed to tourism. In the article Tourism generated over 1,487 million dollars for Ecuador in 2014 taken of the website Andes, (2015) it is affirmed that tourism generated 1,487 million dollars in 2014; therefore, it represents a great economic potential for the country, because it is the third source of non-oil income preceded by shrimp and other services. Improving the economy is the most important aspect in which the government of a country should focus as this could make better investments in the fields of education and technology. Education. Another way to fully achieve development is to improve the education system. Often we observe in these developing countries the same obsolete system of education that is based on memorization. Unfortunately, the following quote is completely true: Doesnt matter where you go. Youd think it would be otherwise, but it isnt. At the top are mathematics and languages, then the humanities, and at the bottom are the arts (Robinson, K, nd). In the same way, we are accustomed to living with the same system, without realizing that creativity must developing from childhood and the only method to achieve this is to completely change the system. It is necessary to implement an innovative educational system whose aim is for students to develop their creativity. According to Alexandra Ossola (2014), in her article Scientists Are More Creative Than You Might Imagine all humans have innate creativity, but to observe result, creativity must be cultivated and put into practice. We must start with ourselves for improve our own education. For example in Kambwambwa there is a case of a young innovator whose story was written by Sarah Childress (2007) in her article A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, Electrifying a Nation this young man built A windmill to supply electricity to his house and his village. He did not go to school. He did not go to school but he was able to build the windmill because he educated himself. He took the fact initiative and became a hero to his people thanks to that he was innovative and used his creativity and his desire to get ahead to build something new. We must understand that education is the basis of development, if a country has a good education system over time, subject will have good professionals and they will be responsible for generating new sources of work and therefore the development process will be faster. Technology. Technology is another area that potentially helps the development of a country. Thanks to this tool it has attained meet many needs. Lets start talking about the industry, technology has played a very important role in the development of the industry and production, through the creation of new machines and devices allowing to minimize production time has been achieved undermine expenses since machines replacing workforce and therefore potentially the economy increases. Second, talk about a developed country is talk about of a country that have a good economy, a good education and a good quality of life. Throughout history, we can see how the use of technology has facilitated the lives of humans, for example, the discovery of electricity permitted a great advance in the world, thanks to this invention we have light every day, Can use all the electronic devices and this allows to develop new discoveries day by day. Another way in which technology contributes to development is communication, thanks to the technology has been able to have a communication between all the countries of the world of instantaneous way. Before, to communicate with a relative on the other side of the world had to wait weeks, even months, now, thanks to the technology with just a click we can even see our family in real time through a screen. We can see that before it was almost impossible to diagnose diseases, such as cancer or simply to know if a bone was broken, now thanks to all electronic devices the diagnosis of diseases is almost immediate. The use of X-rays, blood tests or radiation has saved too many lives, and this also means development because the goal of a developed country is to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. Conclusion. In conclusion, it is important to be clear on the aspects that a country should focus on in order to accelerate its development. A developed country is characterized because its inhabitants have a good quality of life, for this reason, improving the economy is the first step for development, because having good income will allow investing in education and technology. We must find new methods such as the correct use of resources, and how to find people prepared to carry out the financial charges. Improving education is another path to development, if students learn with a new study vision, many changes will be achieved. Implementing creativity in classrooms is the key to training professionals with new visions and creating new sources of work and opportunities for other people. Finally, the use of technology has meant a remarkable development in many respects. This tool has been able to satisfy many needs and has been able to help all industries by creating new devices and solving var ious problems. If a country begins to solve problems that do not allow it to improve its economy,education and technology, insurance can achieve full development in all areas. References: ANDES. (15 de June de 2015). Obtenido de Childress, S. (12 de december de 2007). Ayoung tinkerer builds a windmill, electrifying a nation. Obtenido de Ossola, A. (12 de november de 2014). Scientist are more creative than you might imagine. Atlantic. Robinson, K. (s.f.). Do schools kill creativity? S, S. (2015, julio 18). Key Differences. Retrieved from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Free Essays - The Seven Commandments of Animal Farm :: Animal Farm
The Seven Commandments of Animal Farm The Seven Commandments are the basic principles of animalism worked out by the pigs and described originally as "unalterable laws" by which the animals were to live. The Seven Commandments were written on the barn wall for all animals to see and read if they could. The original Commandments are: 1. Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy. 2. Whatever goes on four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill any other animal. 7. All animals are equal. Almost immediately after the Commandments are written the cows have to be milked. The milk they produce is taken by the pigs exclusively so the seventh Commandment seems to be undermined from the very beginning. When the pigs also start claiming the windfall apples, Squealer explains that they are not taking them as privilege but because science has shown that milk and apples are necessary for the pigs' "brain work". This at least satisfies the animals that they are equal to the pigs but it does not fool the reader. The first two Commandments are subtly broken in the first years of Animal Farm but there is no attempt to rewrite them. Snowball, the hero of the Battle of the Cowshed, becomes an enemy of the farm after his expulsion by Napoleon, while the resumption of trade via Mr Whymper causes some discussion but, as Squealer points out, trade was not banned in writing and Mr Whymper is not treated as a friend. The first alteration to the Commandments comes after the pigs move back into the farmhouse. The ban on sleeping in beds is changed in Napoleon's favour by the addition of the words "with sheets". At this point in the history of the farm the pigs do not quite have enough power to do what they like and Squealer is forced to change the Commandments to fit new circumstances. But sleeping in beds is a minor matter compared to murder, and the next alteration to the Commandments is far more shocking. After the failures of the winter and the collapse of the first windmill, the pigs use Snowball as scapegoat.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Comparing the Loss of Innocence in Cullens Incident and Naylor’s Mommy
Loss of Innocence in Cullen's Incident and Naylor’s Mommy, What Does "Nigger" Mean?  Unfortunately, a question that many African Americans have to ask in childhood is "Mommy, what does nigger mean?," and the answer to this question depicts the racism that still thrives in America (345). Both Gloria Naylor’s "'Mommy, What Does "Nigger" Mean?'" and Countee Cullen's "Incident" demonstrate how a word like "nigger" destroys a child’s innocence and initiates the child into a world of racism.  Though the situations provoking the racial slur differ, the word "nigger" has the same effect on the young Naylor and the child in Cullen’s poem. A racist society devours the white children’s innocence, and, consequently, the white children embody the concept of racism as they consume the innocence of the black children by stereotyping them as "niggers."  The word "nigger" causes the young Naylor and the child in Cullen's poem to begin viewing the world in terms of â€Å"black and white†, and the racial epithet establishes an invisible barrier between the black and the white worlds. Neither child ever indicates the color of the people he/she speaks of. Naylor gives her most in-depth physical description of the child that calls her "nigger" when she recalls that she handed the papers to a little boy in back of me" (344). Naylor’s vague description gives the appearance that the young Naylor sees no important distinctions between the boy and herself. However, the fact that the â€Å"little boy†calls her â€Å"nigger†proves not only that the boy sees a major distinction between himself and Naylor, but also that the boy is white (344).  The child in Countee Cullen’s poem gives a similarly â€Å"color†-less description of the â€Å"Baltimorean†boy as he/she say... grandmother’s living room took a word that whites used to signify worthlessness or degradation and rendered it impotent" (346). In this response to the derogatory term, Naylor’s essay offers a tool to fight racism and a message of hope for the innocent minority children which Cullen’s "Incident" lacks: In the process of socialization in a racist society, a child may lose innocence, but a child may also gain strength and character by rising above any racist stereotypes society applies to him/her. Works Cited Cullen, Countee. "Incident." African-American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology. Ed. Al Young. New York: Harper Collins, 1996. 398. Naylor, Gloria. "Mommy, What Does "Nigger" Mean?" New Worlds of Literature: Writings from America’s Many Cultures, second edition. Eds. Jerome Beatty and J. Paul Hunter. New York: Norton, 1994. 344-47.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Malcolm X
Malcolm X used literacy as the main tool to gain knowledge. If Malcolm X were alive today he would have been just as likely to have needed and valued literacy. Writing can be used as a means of increasing understanding of complex subjects. Technology can prove to be too distracting for cognitive learning. Malcolm X used writing as a way to memorize and better understand words. While imprisoned in the Charleston Prison he began to copy the dictionary from beginning to end. In doing so Malcolm started thinking about the words he had written down and even remembering their meanings.In today[‘]s era of TV and video Malcolm X would have surely valued literacy equally as he did in his time. The act of writing helps the writer better understand complex subjects. In the case of Malcolm X the copying of the dictionary helped him broaden his vocabulary and gave him a better understanding of written works. [During his prison studies Malcolm X realizes a connection between writing and cogn itive learning. â€Å" I woke the next morning, thinking about those words immensely proud to realize that not only had I written so much at one, time but id written words that I never knew were in the world.Moreover, with little effort, I also could remember what many of these words meant. †] As Malcolm continued to learn new words, he was able to pick up a book for the first time, read it and understand what the book was saying. There is good evidence that writing things down might in fact help the writer remember things better. While Malcolm X was re writing the dictionary he was absorbing more than if he was to watch a video or television. [deleted]Malcolm X compares the dictionary to a miniature encyclopedia. [ â€Å"with every succeeding page, I also learned of people and events from history.Actually the dictionary is like a miniature encyclopedia. †] As he proceeded to re write the dictionary he found himself learning about people, places and events from history . In todays era of technology television programs and videos can be too distracting for cognitive learning. The overwhelming amount of entertaining media can prove distracting when using television or movies as a learning tool. One must be able to differentiate the educational programs from entertaining fictional programs. The dictionary [,]however[,] is filled with factual knowledge and is a more effective learning tool.Malcolm X accredits most of his knowledge to the time he spent imprisoned. In his time in jail he had [few] distractions, which allowed him to better absorb knowledge. In today’s technologically driven world there are many more distractions than in the past. With distractions such as television, movies and video games one can be content with just passing time rather than learning and further increasing their knowledge. Malcolm X emphasizes the harm of distractions on cognitive learning. Had he lived in today[‘]s technologically driven world he would hav e had many more distractions to worry about.If Malcolm X had lived in today’s era of television and video he would have needed and valued literacy all the same. Malcolm’s desire to learn would have pushed him away from the distractions of television and videos. Even in today[‘] world Malcolm would have valued the dictionary as his main source of knowledge. Motivated to learn as much as he could he would have used writing as his major tool in cognitive learning. Only by copying the dictionary was Malcolm X able to absorb as much knowledge as he did. Malcolm X Robert Jones Engl. 2072-001 02/24/2010 Compare and Contrast Of Malcolm X Poems Malcolm X, one of the most iconic faces of the civil rights movement if often paid tribute to by writers and poets. Robert Hayden and Margaret Walker are two African American poets that paid homage to Malcolm X. Interestingly enough; two poems about the same person are written in two completely different ways and focus on separate intervals of his life. Robert Hayden focuses on Malcolm’s life as a big picture and uses metamorphosis as the central theme, along with metaphoric language throughout to paint the picture of a very religious, very focused man. Margaret Walker focuses on the death of Malcolm X. She uses sonnets to form her poem and vehement descriptive language to paid homage to the late Malcolm X. Immediately in the next four lines Malcolm’s childhood transforms into his teenage/young adulthood years. He seems to be happier than he was as a child, yet still troubled. He became known as Dee-troit Red Malcolm was already fleeing his given name on the search to change who he felt he was. The metamorphosis that Hayden focuses on is made even more apparent with this line. He conked his hair Hayden does not meaninglessly place this line into the poem. The conking of the hair was something that was very popular amongst many African American males during the 1920’s through the 1960’s. This was an attempt by Malcolm to appear to look more like a white male. The attempt of metamorphosis was not only the central them of Hayden’s poem but was also a central theme in the life of Malcolm X. Malcolm’s childhood controlled what he was slowly becoming as an adult. â€Å"His injured childhood bullied him†¦he could not hurt the enemy powered against him there. In these few lines in the poem it was apparent that Malcolm have made some attempts to better himself and perhaps gain equality but the evidence of his troubled youth and need for change held him back. Part three of Hayden’s poem solidifies the theme of metamorphosis. â€Å"He X’d his name†, the letter X is used in the poem as a means of abandonment. Perh aps even abandonment into the unknown. The Malcolm X that is known by many today is shown in this part of the poem. â€Å"He became his people’s anger†¦vengeance for their past. †The by any means necessary Malcolm that is immortalized was ere in part three. He was viewed by many as an angry individual. His metamorphosis is finally at its fulfillment here. Hayden still uses the term ice to create the opposition of Malcolm. â€Å"Drive them from the lush ice gardens of their servitude†Ice is apparently still the evil white people that were present in the beginning of the poem because Hayden speaks of servitude in this line, which is slavery. Malcolm change is permanent now and he is attempting to change those around him as well. Part four of this poem is where the changed Malcolm meets his demise. He becomes a martyr. Hayden writes that â€Å"time brought the iconic trophies. †In this point on Malcolm’s life his change was forever due to his death. â€Å"Hejira to his final metamorphosis†, Hejira is a burial place in Saudi Arabia. Hayden places this city in the poem to allow readers the omnipotent feel that Malcolm’s final metamorphosis was directly linked and guided to his death. Margaret Walker focuses on Malcolm X’s death her poem â€Å"For Malcolm X†was meant to pay homage and perhaps even respect to Malcolm X. There are some similarities found between her poem and Robert Hayden’s poem. Her central theme is death. She uses sonnet form to paint a picture of the funeral of Malcolm X and also creates emotion through her descriptive language. â€Å"All you violent ones†¦whose hearts cry out heartbreak†, in these two lines there are seemingly opposite meanings but Margaret Walker paints the picture of struggle just as Hayden did at the beginning of his poem. Both authors uses profoundly descriptive dialect. â€Å"Whose black faces have hollowed pits for eyes†, the scene created here jumps out because of the way it was written. The central theme of death becomes dominant in this one line. The eyes have been thought of by many as a portal to ones soul. If it is hollow the person if thought to be lifeless or without a soul. Using black instead of African American creates a feeling of death. Black is the generally accepted color of attire to mourn ones death at a funeral. Another similarity that was apparent between both Walker and Hayden was their views of white people. Although Hayden uses terms such as: icy: Walker uses the term white devil. Both are very descriptive language used to describe the white man at that point in time. Margaret Walker creates the scene by allowing readers insight into the scene of the funeral. All you gambling sons and hooked children and bowery bums†, this is letting us know the people who are in attendance at this funeral. Both authors make it apparent that the black bourgeoisie is just as negatively thought of as the hateful white person. Malcolm conked his hair which after he had done it became apparent to him that he was trying to portray himself more favorably in the white person’s eye s. Margaret Walker speaks of the black bourgeoisie and this one the more popular occurrences of the black bourgeoisie, to conk their hair. Margaret Walker and Robert Hayden both acknowledge Malcolm’s relation to the Nation of Islam. Hayden focused his poem around this segment of Malcolm’s life. Walker’s description of Malcolm’s body shows that his religion was an important part of his life. â€Å"The snow white moslem head-dress around a black face†, she maintains the theme of death through the contrast of color here. Walker just as Hayden used metaphoric language in her poem to describe what Malcolm and his words meant to people. â€Å"Our blood and water pour from your flowing wounds†, with Malcolm’s death many people felt as though a part of themselves had died as well. He was a driving force in the civil rights movement and people found life in him. With death being the central theme the lines subsequent to this one describes things that would physically kill a person but it gave a new perspective on life to those who heard his words. â€Å"You have cut or breasts and dug scalpels into our brains†, his words pricked the hearts of many of the people who heard them and caused them to think more and take charge of their freedom. Describing this through actions that would lead to death made these lines in the poem very profound. Malcolm X How is it that a man who was completely illiterate, a criminal and even worse he was black, in a time that meant you were less than a dog, could go on to lead a nation of black people towards freedom? Malcolm X is the classical story of tenacity, adversity, and determination and his end result was triumph. To Malcolm X reading was the most important thing in the world to him, and no matter how hard it would be he wanted nothing more than to learn. He knew that if he were to change his life around and make something of himself, he had to begin with the smallest of aspect which as learning how to read.His persistence did not Just help him become the man he wanted to be, but it propelled him into the history books and he will forever remain a figure for many because he simply chose to take advantage of one of the most basic educational tools which is reading. Showing the world that every man deserved to be treated equally and that no matter how big or small your goals are if you are ten acious enough then you will reach them. Malcolm X played a major role in African American history. He was a Civil Rights leader and was very powerful to many people f his time and even now.He enforced the idea that all people were created equal and that the way of life should remain that way. Malcolm has influenced much of society today. He changed the world's direction and shape in many ways. He inspired many African Americans to fight racism continuously and proactively. He offered an alternative to martin Luther kings argument to non-violence and pacifism. He also showed that African Americans could also be articulate and highly intellectual. While in prison, Malcolm is tried to make great use for his time.He ran across a man named Bimbo, whom he became very Jealous of, because Bimbo seemed to have it all together. Malcolm envied Bimbo, Elijah Muhammad, and had great respect for him even though he did not know him. Malcolm loved the way that Bimbo always was in the topic of discu ssion in many conversations people were having, and to Malcolm, Bimbo's vocabulary was flawless. He felt as if he knew exactly what he was talking about and that he was an all-around amazing person. After watching Bimbo in amazement he began to read books. Books in which he could barely understand.Saying, â€Å"They might as well have been in Chinese. †Soon after, he went to the Norfolk Prison and began trying reading more and more. He requested a dictionary, a tablet, and some pencils from the prison, and once they were granted to him he began copying pages from the dictionary, Just reading it back to himself over and over. He was self teaching himself to read, write and understand all at once. He took it one step at a time, one day at a time and his strategy was to start with copying the first page in the dictionary of As, and then he read them back to himself continuously.He eke up the next day thinking about the previous words he had written and was shocked and proud to have written that many words. This is what began to mold Malcolm X into an amazing man, he was able to teach himself to understand the fundamentals of reading and writing and then went on to make a monumental movement in African American history. All it took was some dedication and belief in himself. Malcolm used many different dictionaries while imprisoned. He was so fascinated with his learning the dictionary so quickly that he went on the next day and began writing the second page.He explains in the article, â€Å"l studied the next page and the same experience came when I studied that (X 16). †The more pages he wrote in the dictionary the more he would explain that he would learn more about people, places and events in history. Soon after the As section had filled a full tablet he moved onto the B section of the dictionary. â€Å"That was the way I started copying what had eventually became the entire dictionary (X 16). †He was extremely successful while in priso n, how many men are sent to prison and then teach themselves to read?He took it upon himself to take a bad situation and turning it into time for him to reflect and prepare himself to become great, which speaks volumes of his character and determination. It was Civil Rights leaders like Malcolm X who have helped to ensure no one has to struggle to obtain the ability to read and write. He made it his purpose to educate everyone in future generations so that it would help lead too brighter, wiser America. It was during the time of self-enlightenment that Malcolm brother, Shorts, visited him and Jail talked about his recent conversations with the Muslim Religions Organization of the Nation of Islam.After liking to his brother he explained to him, Malcolm decided to study the Nation of Islam. He came across the leader of the nation, Elijah Muhammad. Muhammad preached that white society constantly worked to keep African Americans from empowering themselves and achieving political, econom ic and social success. Among other goals, the Nation of Islam fought for a state of their own, one separate from state inhabited by the white people. Malcolm was named the minister at the No's Boston mosque, Temple No. 11. The following year he also became the minister at Temple No. 2 (Philadelphia) and Temple No. (New York). In the sass's he was invited to participate in numerous debates and television shows. In 1963, the New York Times reported that Malcolm X was the second most sought after speaker in the United States. This is when Malcolm X began to become a household name and began to affect people's lives on a completely different level. Even though Malcolm X was seen as a great man and one of the greatest leaders to ever walk the face of this Earth, he was scrutinized by so many people as well.Unlike Martin Luther King Jar, who was equally as important to the Civil Rights movement in America, Malcolm X as a physical, demanding and aggressive person. He didn't choose to have sit ins, protests and marches, he made it his purpose to get his message across loud and clear. He viewed protests as futile, while they served their purpose, most of the time people do not like to acknowledge there is a problem until people began to get hurt. This is also led to some criticism from his own race about the way he did things, but still he stood by his beliefs and knew in his heart that what he was doing was for the good of his people.Even though his views weren't always agreed with by everyone hey were very effective and no one ever denied how intelligent and how caring he was. For the times Malcolm X was the worst nightmare for the typical suburban, middle class White American. He was aggressive, persistent, intelligent and didn't wait for result but demanded them. Ever since he realized how much he wanted to be someone, he made it his agenda to change everything about his old self. He learned how to read and never stopped educating himself, adopted the Islamic faith , and even changed his name from Malcolm Little to Malcolm X.He saw it more important than anything else to lead his people. He was tired of Blacks being unable to read the most basic things such as a daily newspaper, he was unhappy with the way Blacks were being treated and took it upon himself to change all of that by changing himself and then showing the world that if you want something in life you have to take it. Even today many people are still adopting the principles that Malcolm X brought forth to us, all of which started from a man wanting to make something of himself because he was tired of seeing himself, and more importantly, seeing his people struggle. Malcolm X Robert Jones Engl. 2072-001 02/24/2010 Compare and Contrast Of Malcolm X Poems Malcolm X, one of the most iconic faces of the civil rights movement if often paid tribute to by writers and poets. Robert Hayden and Margaret Walker are two African American poets that paid homage to Malcolm X. Interestingly enough; two poems about the same person are written in two completely different ways and focus on separate intervals of his life. Robert Hayden focuses on Malcolm’s life as a big picture and uses metamorphosis as the central theme, along with metaphoric language throughout to paint the picture of a very religious, very focused man. Margaret Walker focuses on the death of Malcolm X. She uses sonnets to form her poem and vehement descriptive language to paid homage to the late Malcolm X. Immediately in the next four lines Malcolm’s childhood transforms into his teenage/young adulthood years. He seems to be happier than he was as a child, yet still troubled. He became known as Dee-troit Red Malcolm was already fleeing his given name on the search to change who he felt he was. The metamorphosis that Hayden focuses on is made even more apparent with this line. He conked his hair Hayden does not meaninglessly place this line into the poem. The conking of the hair was something that was very popular amongst many African American males during the 1920’s through the 1960’s. This was an attempt by Malcolm to appear to look more like a white male. The attempt of metamorphosis was not only the central them of Hayden’s poem but was also a central theme in the life of Malcolm X. Malcolm’s childhood controlled what he was slowly becoming as an adult. â€Å"His injured childhood bullied him†¦he could not hurt the enemy powered against him there. In these few lines in the poem it was apparent that Malcolm have made some attempts to better himself and perhaps gain equality but the evidence of his troubled youth and need for change held him back. Part three of Hayden’s poem solidifies the theme of metamorphosis. â€Å"He X’d his name†, the letter X is used in the poem as a means of abandonment. Perh aps even abandonment into the unknown. The Malcolm X that is known by many today is shown in this part of the poem. â€Å"He became his people’s anger†¦vengeance for their past. †The by any means necessary Malcolm that is immortalized was ere in part three. He was viewed by many as an angry individual. His metamorphosis is finally at its fulfillment here. Hayden still uses the term ice to create the opposition of Malcolm. â€Å"Drive them from the lush ice gardens of their servitude†Ice is apparently still the evil white people that were present in the beginning of the poem because Hayden speaks of servitude in this line, which is slavery. Malcolm change is permanent now and he is attempting to change those around him as well. Part four of this poem is where the changed Malcolm meets his demise. He becomes a martyr. Hayden writes that â€Å"time brought the iconic trophies. †In this point on Malcolm’s life his change was forever due to his death. â€Å"Hejira to his final metamorphosis†, Hejira is a burial place in Saudi Arabia. Hayden places this city in the poem to allow readers the omnipotent feel that Malcolm’s final metamorphosis was directly linked and guided to his death. Margaret Walker focuses on Malcolm X’s death her poem â€Å"For Malcolm X†was meant to pay homage and perhaps even respect to Malcolm X. There are some similarities found between her poem and Robert Hayden’s poem. Her central theme is death. She uses sonnet form to paint a picture of the funeral of Malcolm X and also creates emotion through her descriptive language. â€Å"All you violent ones†¦whose hearts cry out heartbreak†, in these two lines there are seemingly opposite meanings but Margaret Walker paints the picture of struggle just as Hayden did at the beginning of his poem. Both authors uses profoundly descriptive dialect. â€Å"Whose black faces have hollowed pits for eyes†, the scene created here jumps out because of the way it was written. The central theme of death becomes dominant in this one line. The eyes have been thought of by many as a portal to ones soul. If it is hollow the person if thought to be lifeless or without a soul. Using black instead of African American creates a feeling of death. Black is the generally accepted color of attire to mourn ones death at a funeral. Another similarity that was apparent between both Walker and Hayden was their views of white people. Although Hayden uses terms such as: icy: Walker uses the term white devil. Both are very descriptive language used to describe the white man at that point in time. Margaret Walker creates the scene by allowing readers insight into the scene of the funeral. All you gambling sons and hooked children and bowery bums†, this is letting us know the people who are in attendance at this funeral. Both authors make it apparent that the black bourgeoisie is just as negatively thought of as the hateful white person. Malcolm conked his hair which after he had done it became apparent to him that he was trying to portray himself more favorably in the white person’s eye s. Margaret Walker speaks of the black bourgeoisie and this one the more popular occurrences of the black bourgeoisie, to conk their hair. Margaret Walker and Robert Hayden both acknowledge Malcolm’s relation to the Nation of Islam. Hayden focused his poem around this segment of Malcolm’s life. Walker’s description of Malcolm’s body shows that his religion was an important part of his life. â€Å"The snow white moslem head-dress around a black face†, she maintains the theme of death through the contrast of color here. Walker just as Hayden used metaphoric language in her poem to describe what Malcolm and his words meant to people. â€Å"Our blood and water pour from your flowing wounds†, with Malcolm’s death many people felt as though a part of themselves had died as well. He was a driving force in the civil rights movement and people found life in him. With death being the central theme the lines subsequent to this one describes things that would physically kill a person but it gave a new perspective on life to those who heard his words. â€Å"You have cut or breasts and dug scalpels into our brains†, his words pricked the hearts of many of the people who heard them and caused them to think more and take charge of their freedom. Describing this through actions that would lead to death made these lines in the poem very profound. Malcolm X Robert Jones Engl. 2072-001 02/24/2010 Compare and Contrast Of Malcolm X Poems Malcolm X, one of the most iconic faces of the civil rights movement if often paid tribute to by writers and poets. Robert Hayden and Margaret Walker are two African American poets that paid homage to Malcolm X. Interestingly enough; two poems about the same person are written in two completely different ways and focus on separate intervals of his life. Robert Hayden focuses on Malcolm’s life as a big picture and uses metamorphosis as the central theme, along with metaphoric language throughout to paint the picture of a very religious, very focused man. Margaret Walker focuses on the death of Malcolm X. She uses sonnets to form her poem and vehement descriptive language to paid homage to the late Malcolm X. Immediately in the next four lines Malcolm’s childhood transforms into his teenage/young adulthood years. He seems to be happier than he was as a child, yet still troubled. He became known as Dee-troit Red Malcolm was already fleeing his given name on the search to change who he felt he was. The metamorphosis that Hayden focuses on is made even more apparent with this line. He conked his hair Hayden does not meaninglessly place this line into the poem. The conking of the hair was something that was very popular amongst many African American males during the 1920’s through the 1960’s. This was an attempt by Malcolm to appear to look more like a white male. The attempt of metamorphosis was not only the central them of Hayden’s poem but was also a central theme in the life of Malcolm X. Malcolm’s childhood controlled what he was slowly becoming as an adult. â€Å"His injured childhood bullied him†¦he could not hurt the enemy powered against him there. In these few lines in the poem it was apparent that Malcolm have made some attempts to better himself and perhaps gain equality but the evidence of his troubled youth and need for change held him back. Part three of Hayden’s poem solidifies the theme of metamorphosis. â€Å"He X’d his name†, the letter X is used in the poem as a means of abandonment. Perh aps even abandonment into the unknown. The Malcolm X that is known by many today is shown in this part of the poem. â€Å"He became his people’s anger†¦vengeance for their past. †The by any means necessary Malcolm that is immortalized was ere in part three. He was viewed by many as an angry individual. His metamorphosis is finally at its fulfillment here. Hayden still uses the term ice to create the opposition of Malcolm. â€Å"Drive them from the lush ice gardens of their servitude†Ice is apparently still the evil white people that were present in the beginning of the poem because Hayden speaks of servitude in this line, which is slavery. Malcolm change is permanent now and he is attempting to change those around him as well. Part four of this poem is where the changed Malcolm meets his demise. He becomes a martyr. Hayden writes that â€Å"time brought the iconic trophies. †In this point on Malcolm’s life his change was forever due to his death. â€Å"Hejira to his final metamorphosis†, Hejira is a burial place in Saudi Arabia. Hayden places this city in the poem to allow readers the omnipotent feel that Malcolm’s final metamorphosis was directly linked and guided to his death. Margaret Walker focuses on Malcolm X’s death her poem â€Å"For Malcolm X†was meant to pay homage and perhaps even respect to Malcolm X. There are some similarities found between her poem and Robert Hayden’s poem. Her central theme is death. She uses sonnet form to paint a picture of the funeral of Malcolm X and also creates emotion through her descriptive language. â€Å"All you violent ones†¦whose hearts cry out heartbreak†, in these two lines there are seemingly opposite meanings but Margaret Walker paints the picture of struggle just as Hayden did at the beginning of his poem. Both authors uses profoundly descriptive dialect. â€Å"Whose black faces have hollowed pits for eyes†, the scene created here jumps out because of the way it was written. The central theme of death becomes dominant in this one line. The eyes have been thought of by many as a portal to ones soul. If it is hollow the person if thought to be lifeless or without a soul. Using black instead of African American creates a feeling of death. Black is the generally accepted color of attire to mourn ones death at a funeral. Another similarity that was apparent between both Walker and Hayden was their views of white people. Although Hayden uses terms such as: icy: Walker uses the term white devil. Both are very descriptive language used to describe the white man at that point in time. Margaret Walker creates the scene by allowing readers insight into the scene of the funeral. All you gambling sons and hooked children and bowery bums†, this is letting us know the people who are in attendance at this funeral. Both authors make it apparent that the black bourgeoisie is just as negatively thought of as the hateful white person. Malcolm conked his hair which after he had done it became apparent to him that he was trying to portray himself more favorably in the white person’s eye s. Margaret Walker speaks of the black bourgeoisie and this one the more popular occurrences of the black bourgeoisie, to conk their hair. Margaret Walker and Robert Hayden both acknowledge Malcolm’s relation to the Nation of Islam. Hayden focused his poem around this segment of Malcolm’s life. Walker’s description of Malcolm’s body shows that his religion was an important part of his life. â€Å"The snow white moslem head-dress around a black face†, she maintains the theme of death through the contrast of color here. Walker just as Hayden used metaphoric language in her poem to describe what Malcolm and his words meant to people. â€Å"Our blood and water pour from your flowing wounds†, with Malcolm’s death many people felt as though a part of themselves had died as well. He was a driving force in the civil rights movement and people found life in him. With death being the central theme the lines subsequent to this one describes things that would physically kill a person but it gave a new perspective on life to those who heard his words. â€Å"You have cut or breasts and dug scalpels into our brains†, his words pricked the hearts of many of the people who heard them and caused them to think more and take charge of their freedom. Describing this through actions that would lead to death made these lines in the poem very profound.
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