Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Gambling Is The Largest And Most Financially Significant...
Gambling is Canada’s largest and most financially significant entertainment industry. The world of gambling is not limited to solely the casino. It has a presence everywhere, even innocently, from video games to Wal-Mart arcade games. In the adult world there are various types of gambling, ranging from horse racing to scratch lotto cards. One could argue that gambling is a regular part of life. We have become almost desensitized to it because it is so apparent in our world today. Gambling is considered a fun, exciting past time. The most appealing part about gambling is obtaining money without actually having to earn it. Not only is gambling appealing to citizens, but also it is rather appealing for the state. It accounts for 267,000 full†¦show more content†¦One of the major costs of gambling is problem gambling, also known as an addiction to gambling. Problem gamblers are not only a risk to themselves, but they disrupt the lives of other people, such as their partn ers, parents, children, or friends. The government providing treatment for problem gamblers does not necessarily repair the casualties committed by the gambler. One third of all gambling revenue is produced by problem gamblers, therefore society is wrongfully profiting off the backs of the helplessly addicted. As of right now, there is no national policy on problem gambling. There is no focus on educating the public on what is responsible gambling or the prevalence of problem gambling. Problem gambling needs to be addressed, because the onus of self-control cannot be placed on those who have a serious impulse control disorder. In the words of John Maynard Keynes, â€Å"Individual liberal is important, but it was never the sole consideration because it always had consequences for other individuals†. As much as people have the right to make their own informed choices about gambling, they also have the duty not to infringe on the rights of others. This is similar to John Mil l’s claim that â€Å"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others†. This is not to say that the state has a duty to parent individuals, but that the state has the duty to intervene if one
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Internet - Ethics of Online Medical Records
The Ethics of Online Medical Records Abstract: This paper describes the ethical implications of developing a national online medical database. Such a database would contain the lifetime health records of every U.S. resident by combining information from a variety of sources. The advantages of such a system are many, but in the end, the question remains whether patients want to trade privacy for better healthcare. A lonely ninety-year-old Chinese woman walks into a clinic. Without any medical records, the physicians diagnose her with stroke, and she is immediately hospitalized. Two days later, her son arrives at the hospital, apparently quite angry with the doctors. He informs the physicians that her mother has†¦show more content†¦Today, the medical records of most Americans are scattered across multiple clinics and hospitals, possibly across several states. The task of piecing together a patients medical history can become quite time-consuming and laborious, as the files first need to be located and then faxed [5]. The possibility of combining medical records into a central medical database would solve many of these problems, as well as bring new benefits. With a shared medical database, doctors would have vital information about a patient at their fingertips. Very little time would be lost in looking for a patients medical records and piecing the data together. A shared medical database would save lives by providing accurate and complete information to doctors, especially those not familiar with their patients. For instance, if a person had a serious accident while vacationing in a different state, the doctors there would have instant access to his medical records in his home state. Locating the patients family doctor and faxing the patients medical history would be unnecessary. If the patient has allergies to certain drugs, the doctors would be aware of it, thus avoiding further complications [6]. With more complete information, doctors would be given the power to treat an unfamiliar, out-of-state patients in a timely and effective manner. Sharing medical data would also enormously benefit organizationsShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Substance Of An Action1685 Words  | 7 Pagesand government agencies use the AHIMA Code of Ethics as a frame of reference. The AHIMA Code of Ethics echoes the commitment of all to endorse the profession s values and to act ethically. Individuals of good character and through their good faith can determine what the moral questions are and seek to make dependable ethical judgments that must have within them the ethical principles to practice and apply. 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Reflection free essay sample
And also there some difficulties and things which I have to correct for next time if I have to write this type of assignment. First I will write about positive things which I found helped me finishing this case study on time. Case study started on 17 th September, when I went ward for this I was clear of my objectives and goal to achieve. I got chance to select any patient I want from any where I choose, so I have chosen the patient from same ward I m working. Therefore I was very familiar with patients and their relatives, especially disease condition of the patients. I have chosen a patient whom I was caring since her admission. But for the case study I needed more than just routine caring but patient. Thus very easily that patient has given verbal consent to make case study on her disease condition. I built good rapport with the patient which made it easily to communicate and give health education to her. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Next things is I got so much support from ward incharge, as I couldn’t get any kind of leave, she arranged my duties all morning shift as I wanted and allocated me only for that cubicles where my case study patient was. I’m really thankful for her doing that. In ward other nurses also tried to make those 5 days duties easily for me and helped a lot in my work.Similarly my lecturer helped me a lot during the case study, she came to ward when I was doing case studying explained objectives and gave time to clear doubts. She watched closely during the course and advised to finish when there was time. She advised lot of time to plan and organize the time. However there were some difficulties like doing duty and part time studying is hard. I can’t give as much time I give for studies. During this case study period, in some weeks I got only one off mostly that will be on Sunday, and sometime called for duty because of lack of nurses. I tried my best to finish before, so that I can give for feedback.But duties were too hectic and too tiring, some days I was unable to touch the assignment. Unavailability of books from library after reserving that book for long time most difficult situation I faced. Similarly inaccessibility for hinari and ebsco full text researches was also a problem I faced. Lot of my time I spend on searching for articles, researches and journal for literature review. Likewise because of unable to manage time, ACLS classes and exam took lot of time which I could have given to case study. Unfortunately, I m not very good at managing my time, I believe this was biggest problem.So for future improvement I must learn how to manage my time. There were so many other interruptions during the case study time. Although there was a lot of work in preparing this assignment, improvements always can be made. If again I got chance to write this type this of assignment, I will start writing case study same day I start caring the patient. This time i started writing case after finishing five days of clinical. I thought I can write this with in few days. But know I realized that if I would want best out this assignment I would have given enough time for this, prepared more, and organized.
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