Monday, December 30, 2019
Math in Special Education Essay - 948 Words
There’s no denying that education is constantly changing, but what’s truly astounding is the difference that can be throughout the years in math. More is changing in math classrooms than the tools that are used. The expectations that 21st century students face are completely transforming the approach that’s being taken in classrooms across America. The United States wants to make sure its students are ready to compete on a global level, and teachers are stepping up to the plate. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) has led the movement for education reform in mathematics. The NCTM began in the mid-1970’s and was a public voice of mathematics education that supported teachers, and tried to ensure learning of the†¦show more content†¦Students need to understand the reasoning behind the way math works, these standards put this into practice. A second groundbreaking document released by the National Council of Teachers Mathematics was Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics. This set of standards â€Å"present[s] a vision of what teaching should entail to support the changes in curriculum set out in the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards. This document spells out what teachers need to know to teach toward new goals for mathematics education and how teaching should be evaluated for the purpose of improvement†(Burris). It was essential for this change because it changed how mathematics was taught. Teachers now had new goals and had different processes of evaluation, which in the end, resulted in a greater improvement for themselves, and also great academic achievement for students. â€Å"The NCTM followed with the 1995 release of Assessment Standards for Teaching Mathematics. NCTM produced this important document because new assessment strategies and practices needed to be developed that will enable teachers and others to assess students’ performance in a manner that reflects the NCT M reform vision for school mathematics†(Burris). This allowed teachers to give better assessments to their students, which led to them being able to better asses themselves. It was easier for them to know what theyShow MoreRelatedA Special Education Math Teacher808 Words  | 4 PagesFor the last three years, I have worked as a special education math teacher in the facility setting, both in residential treatment, and juvenile corrections. I believe that my work has exemplified the advancement of the values of character, diversity, leadership, and commitment to service. My experiences have also been the driving force that has ultimately led me to seek an education in the field of law. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
PHI 445 Personal Organizational Ethics Essay - 4557 Words
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD PHI 445 Personal Organizational Ethics Week 1 Discussions and Journal 1. Psychological Egoism After reviewing Chapter 1 in your textbook and watching â€Å"Virtue Ethics,†find a contemporary article showing how the theory of psychological egoism in a corporation resulted in an ethical dilemma. Is there a way that the decision-making process within a large corporation can overcome this fact of human selfishness? What would be a solution in this scenario? How does the theory of psychological egoism fit within your personal body of ethics and values? How does the theory of psychological egoism fit within the ethical structure of the company†¦show more content†¦Explain how people running businesses would construct their companies if they utilized these ethical theories. For example, you might personally think that people should act to increase the overall happiness for the greatest number of people (utilitarianism). You would explain utilitarianism and then explain how a company based in utilitarian ethics would function. In other words: What products would they make? How would they treat their employees? How would they treat their customers? How would they manufacture their products? How would they utilize their resources and profits were they to become successful? Reflection Prompt #2 Analyze three of the punishments that corporations undergo when they have acted unethically (i.e., name them, define them, explain what they are). In addition, explain three threats to running an ethical corporation. Finally, from your own perspective, explain whether or not a corporation should have to function by the same codes of morality that individual people in society have to abide by or if they should be allowed to get away with certain actions that people in society cannot get away with. Week 2 Discussions and Journal 1. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Adam Smith and Karl Marx Essay Free Essays
Adam Smith and Karl Marx Modern political economic theory and philosophy can be greatly attributed to the works of two men who seemingly held polar opposite views on the subject. Adam Smith, a Scottish philosopher, published his most well known work An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776 and is most often associated with the ideas and principles of the political economic system known as Capitalism. At the other end of the spectrum is Karl Marx; the German philosopher most often associated with Communism and the author (or co-author) of The Communist Manifesto. We will write a custom essay sample on Adam Smith and Karl Marx Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper seeks to discuss the core differences in their respective political economic philosophies with regards to what economic value is and what the role of government should be in their versions of political economy. This will conclude with the argument that while Smith’s work had laid the foundation for modern economic philosophy, it was Marx who would ultimately leave the most significant impression upon the world with his revolutionary ideas. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (commonly abbreviated as The Wealth of Nations) is considered to be the first full treatment on the study of Economics. This work essentially lays the foundation for the economic system known as Capitalism. Interestingly enough, Capitalism was a term first brought into the public debate, somewhat pejoratively, by Karl Marx himself in describing a â€Å"capitalist†as a private owner of capital or the means or production. (â€Å"Capitalism†(Wikipedia), 2008). A consensus definition of this idea is an economic system based on private individual ownership of property in which the distribution of goods is determined freely by competing market forces and investments are made by individuals. (â€Å"Capitalism†(Merriam-Webster), 2008). In a Capitalist society, individuals are free to own property and invest their capital in the pursuit of profit with relatively limited influence or barriers from the government. The Wealth of Nations was organized into five books of several chapters each. The first two books examine the fundamentals of the market system and include explanations relating to the role of labor, the nature of capital and markets, and the motives people have for entering into the market system. The third book is mostly an historical examination of the economics in ancient societies. The fourth book is the core of Smith’s argument for the capitalist society and it in these chapters that Smith lays out the core arguments for the limited role of government that is required for long term economic success. The fifth book deals primarily with government spending, revenues and taxation. The Communist Manifesto was much more a call to action than it was a treatise on economics and is a much shorter work than Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. Marx also published a very thorough (and denser) economic examination known as Das Kapital in 1867. The conclusions reached in that and other works would underpin the concepts found in The Communist Manifesto. It is not inaccurate to say that Communism is in many ways the opposite of Capitalism. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and co-author Friedrich Engels listed 10 attributes of an ideal Communist society. The first one lays out the primary condition: â€Å"Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. †(Marx Engels, 2006, p. 32) This effectively describes state-ownership and control of all capital and the means of the production made for the benefit of all in a classless society. Communism espouses the idea that the economy should function for the greater good of all society and not merely act as a tool to enrich the ‘bourgeois†or ruling classes. As the title would indicate, The Communist Manifesto lays out the purpose and reasoning for the existence of the Communist party that was developing across Europe in that time. In the prologue, Marx and Engels state the books purpose: It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Specter of Communism with a Manifesto of the party itself. Marx Engels, 2006, p. 2) The chief disagreement between Capitalists and Communists is who or what is entitled to ownership and the means of production. In chapter one of the second book of The Wealth of Nations, Smith defined capital as the stock (read: assets or money) that a person does not immediately consume for which the owner expects to derive a fu ture profit. (Smith, 1909) This of course implies that the individual has possession and ownership of the capital item in the first place. Marx bestows a social aspect upon what capital is in The Communist Manifesto. Marx stated that capital is a â€Å"collective product? nly by the united action of all members of society, can it be set in motion. Capital is therefore not a personal, it is a social power. †(Marx Engels, 2006, p. 23) In other words, capital belongs to all of the people that are needed to not only produce it, but to provide a reason for its value. One thing that Marx and Smith seems to have agreed upon is something economists call the Labor Theory of Value. While they would ultimately come to different conclusions on the use of the value, the basic assumption is this theory is that value is ultimate derived in an object from the labor necessary to produce it. â€Å"Labor Theory†, 2008) In chapter 5 of book I of The Wealth of Nations, Smith argues that â€Å"the real price of everything? is the toil and trouble of acquiring it. †(Smith, 1909, p. 36) Smith distinguishes this from the nominal value of an item that can vary based on market forces; he holds that the real value is constant in relation to the labor that it used in its production. Smith argues in the following chapter that there are three components to the price of an item: the labor needed to produce it, the â€Å"rent of the land†or resources needed to make it, and the â€Å"profit of stock†that compensates the investor for risking his resources. In Das Kapital, Marx also recognizes the labor component of any item in the first chapter. He states that any commodity has a use-value and an exchange value that is derived from the labor needed to produce it. (Marx, 2000) Marx however viewed the â€Å"profit of stock†as the ability of the capitalist to exploit the wage laborers out of the surplus value of the things they create because of their control over the means of production. The role of government in relation to the economic system is a central theme of how ultimately successful the economic system would become. One of Smith’s core arguments to the success of capitalism is summarized in his most famous metaphor of the â€Å"invisible hand†found in Chapter 2 of Book IV in The Wealth of Nations: By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. (Smith, 1909, p. 351-352) Smith argued that in a fair and free market economic system, producers will act in their own self-interest to maximize their profits. As profits increased, competitors would come about seeking to obtain a share of the profits, and would thus drive down prices through this competition. The result was more efficiency and productivity that would lead to the long term benefit of all of society. He was against any government action that would serve to disrupt this natural balance such as trade restrictions, wage laws, and industry regulation. Smith essentially believed that the more the government stayed out of the way, the better off society would be as a whole. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx makes an argument for an entirely stateless society. â€Å"Political power†he states, â€Å"? is merely the organized power of one class for oppressing another. †(Marx Engels, 2006, p. 3) A common theme of The Communist Manifesto is the struggle between different classes of society, to which Marx simplifies to a clash between the â€Å"bourgeois†and the â€Å"proletariats†. Marx argues that â€Å"The essential condition for the existence, and for the sway of the bourgeois class, is the formation and augmentation of capital; the condition for cap ital is wage-labor. †(Marx Engels, 2006, p. 19) Marx held the belief that in a pure Communistic society, there would be no classes, and that the government would out of necessity dominate and control the means of production in the economy. The legacy and impact of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations was felt throughout Europe shortly after its publication. In England in particular, the British prime ministers sought policies that were attributed to what they had learned in Smith’s book including a new commercial treaty with France, customs reform, and a change in fiscal policy that resulted in lower debt and government spending. Government’s throughout Europe also began to realize the fallacy of the artificial trade barriers erected between the different countries; so much so that they would prefer to trade with their American colonies more often than their own neighbors. West, 1990) Smith’s greatest impact is perhaps the academic contribution to the study of economics. Before The Wealth of Nations, there really was nothing of the sort that so thoroughly examined the fundamentals of economics. Nearly every economist after Smith, including Karl Marx, would use The Wealth of Nations as a primary so urce and base their arguments off of Smith’s suppositions. Marx’s influence on the world however was far from an academic exercise. The violent revolution that Marx predicted would need to occur in order for the proletariats to overthrow the bourgeois did indeed occur in Russia during the â€Å"Red October†of 1917. The ruling aristocracy of Russia’s Czarists came to an end at the hands of Vladimir Lenin’s Bolsheviks. This would lead to the formation of the communist Soviet Union. During the revolution, the Bolsheviks seized all the private property around the country, gave control of all the factories to the government, nationalized all the banks, seized all of the Church’s properties, and declared that they would not honor any foreign debts. Thus the first real attempt at Communism took the form of the Soviet Union; symbolized by the worker’s sickle and hammer on the flag. â€Å"October Revolution†, 2008) The actions of the Soviet Union would go on to inspire many other Eastern countries to attempt their own versions of Communism; all consistent with the principles Marx envisioned in The Communist Manifesto. The resulting conflict of economic fundamentals between these Communist entities and the more Capitalist economies of Western Europe and the United State s would spark conflict throughout much of the 20th century. References capitalism. (2008) In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Retrieved December 17, 2008, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Capitalism capitalism. (2008). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved December 17, 2008, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/capitalism labor theory of value. (2008) In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Retrieved December 17, 2008 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Labor_theory Marx, K (2000) Das Kapital Gateway Edition, Washington, DC, Regnery Publishing, Inc Marx, K Engels, F (2006) The Communist Manifesto, New York, Penguin Books October Revolution. 2008) In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Retrieved December 17, 2008, from http http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/October_ Revolution Smith, A (1909) Harvard Classics: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, New York, P F Collier and Son West, E (1990) Adam Smith’s Revolution, Past and Present. Adam Smith’s Legacy: His thought in our time. Retrieved December 17, 2008 from http://www. adamsmith . org/images/uploads /publications/ADAM_SMITH_Legacy. pdf How to cite Adam Smith and Karl Marx Essay, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Leadership For Learning Management - Free Sample
Question: During an organizational change process, if pay is used to enforce desired behaviors, clear targets for performance need to be established. Unclear goals or the acceptance of average performance will sabotage the transformation process.For this assignment, write a paper that responds to the following questions: Should pay be linked to the present or expected value to the educational organization? Should pay be adjusted at certain points in transformation process? Who should monitor the process and determine if the pay being awarded is having a positive effect on hard-wiring behavior? What does the literature say about extrinsic motivators such as pay? Answer: Introduction The study of the assignment will make the reader gain massive knowledge regarding the various process of the organizational change. The study will also make the reader understand the importance of clear targets on the achieving of the desired performance. The transformation process will massively affect by the acceptance of the average performance of firm or due to the unclear goals. The using of the various mediums which can ensure good connectivity within the educational organization has also been elaborated within the assignment in the desired section of the study as per the requirement (Rothwell Kazanas, 2013). Moreover, the various other factors that can affect the performance or the present and expected value of the educational organization has been discussed with various detailed information within the study which will provide exact idea regarding the main motto of the assignment. Furthermore, it can also be referred that the various sections that needs to be well analyzed an d kept up to date in order to maintain a certain amount of decency within the institution has been studied within the assignment with intense care. Argument on linking pay to the present or expected value to the educational organization The various sections that the educational organizations consist of should be well screened by the management of the educational organizations. Moreover, the present value of the educational organizations certainly depends on the amount of quality that the firm is providing to the students of the organization (, 2015). Meanwhile, the various other sections also determine the present value of the organization which increases the amount of reputation that the educational organizations currently enjoy within the market. Therefore, the solution to the above study quiet clearly states that Pay can be linked to the present or the expected value of the education al organization that can have huge impact on the whole organization. These indicators like pay help the firms and the organization massively to grow a vast amount within a low span of time that will make the organization even more success which will help the firm in a professional manner (Blackson, 2011). The expected value of the organization is a certain section that can be evaluated before the actual time and is just an assumption of the type and amount of fund that the organization can collect in the coming days. Meanwhile, it can also be referred that the various other factors within an educational organization also leads to the achievement of the desired goals of the organization. However, this can also be said that the Pay can be linked with the educational organizations with ease, as these types of tools are of high significance to the educational organizations in order to increase the present value of the organization that will automatically increase the expected value of the organization (Stokoe, 2009). Argumentation on adjusting pay at certain points in the transformational process The argument in this section starts with the adjusting procedures which can be used to adjust pay at certain points. The major argument is highlighted when the question of adjusting pay for the process of transformation arises. The argument can be given a certain direction by monitoring the whole transformational process which will definitely extract the various issues that can got highlighted by the evaluation of the same the transformational process. In, case pay is not adjusted the process can face severe problems due to the lack of updated information, which in future can affect the firm in a huge negative manner. The transformational process needs to know the various loopholes that the firm was facing in the recent past and which affected the practices of the educational organizations as a whole (Hersey Blanchard, 2012). Therefore, it can also be refereed that adjusting pay at certain points can turn out to be vital for the educational organizations as this will not only keep t he whole format updated by will also make a huge positive effect on the activities of the whole educational organizations. Meanwhile, it can also be argued that there are various educational organizations that do not use any sort of element such as pay but are still successful in the recent era which is massively competitive. Furthermore, it can also be argued that the adjusting of the pay at certain time will also enable the management of the firm to keep updated information regarding the current status and needs of pay. Monitoring of the process and determining if pay being awarded is having a positive effect on hard wiring behavior The process should be monitored by the management of the firm along with the administration division of the firm that will ensure all types of achievements that can be made by the firm in the near future. The pay that has been awarded can give huge boost to the various individuals in the organization, and hence will have a huge positive effect on the hard wiring behavior of the organization. These will happen as the hard wiring behavior includes seizing the opportunities that are offered by a diverse workforce which can help the organization to achieve a competitive marketing advantage with the industry (McAnnally-Linz, 2014). The awarding of the pay can smooth the process even more as each and every individual within the organization will get a huge boost in the morale which can provide the organization massive positive opportunities as well. The hard wiring behavior is also one of the most desired sections that all the organizations have a huge tendency to achieve. Moreover, it c an be argued that the implementation of pay which is o external in nature makes the employees highly motivated to work overtime as well. This happens as they get paid for working overtime which is often termed as incentive and hence, additional income makes each and every individual push beyond their working hours and limits (Sasisajn, 2013). Meanwhile, the argument can also be done in the section of the making this habit a regular process, as this can turn out to be of negative in nature for the organization as the individuals also needs some rest and relax apart from work despite of paying incentives. Literature review of the extrinsic motivators such as pay The extrinsic motivators are certain motivation that comes from outside of a person or individual that ensures the fact that the motivational factors are external in nature which are often takes the shapes of money and grades. These certain rewards provides huge amount of pleasure and satisfaction which may not be provided by the task itself (Hutton, 2010). A person who is motivated extrinsically will work on a task even when they have minimum amount of interest in it and hence it can be said that the extrinsic motivators such as pay plays a huge role in these various sections which makes the firm or the institution highly profitable in terms of business or professional transactions. On the other hand the extrinsic motivators do not means that the person do not get any pleasure form the work or on completion of the task. These certainly means that the person is working overtime but is quiet happy as the external matters like incentives have make them quite satisfied and is happy afte r the completion of the task (Sabitov, 2010). Conclusion The study of the whole assignment brings us to the conclusion that the various external factors that attract the individuals to push them work beyond their capabilities are massively successful in doing the same. The study also states that hard wiring behavior includes seizing the opportunities that are offered by a diverse workforce which can help the organization to achieve a competitive marketing advantage with the industry. Reference List Books Rothwell, W., Kazanas, H. (2013). Planning and managing human resources. Amherst, Mass.: HRD Press. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K. (2012). Management of organizational behavior. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Journals Blackson, T. (2011). Extrinsic attitudinal pleasure. Philos Stud, 159(2), 277-291. Hutton, L (2010). Extrinsic Developmental Patterning. (2009). Science, 316(5825), 657h-657h. McAnnally-Linz, R. (2014). Extrinsic Grace and Eccentric Existence. Modern Theology, 31(1), 179-194. Sabitov, I. (2010). On the extrinsic motivators. Notes, 87(5-6), 874-879. Sasisajn, J. (2013). The Extrinsic motivators. Advanced Optical Technologies, 2(1). Shamovsky, V. (2013). Extrinsic Pathway for motivating. Reactome, 45. Stokoe, W. (2009). Language: From Hard-Wiring. Sign Language Studies, 1063(1), 163-180. Website,. (2015). Extrinsic Motivation. Retrieved 25 May 2015, from
Thursday, November 28, 2019
United States and Mexico War in 1846 Essay Example
United States and Mexico War in 1846 Paper There has been debate on whether or not the United States should have gone to war with Mexico in 1846. The United States had sixteen soldiers killed in battle and believed Mexican troops were invading their territory. However, Mexico thought the annexation of Texas was a violation of security and power on Mexico and that the United States was setting themselves up for a war. Each side had inferred their territory boundaries, which also caused the war. Both sides have done wrong, however, I believe the United States was right to have gone to war with Mexico. According to OSullivan, God gave Americans the right to spread west and take power of the land that is rightfully theirs. Through OSullivans eyes, the annexation of Texas was just the beginning to the land the United States is going to gain. The Mexican government had no organized authority, and should not have been ruling a vast amount of land. If people had the same motives and beliefs as OSullivan, then we had every right in the annexation of Texas. Gods will comes over our will. Polk ordered military to take place â€Å"between the Nueces and the Rio Grande River†to defend the union. Mexican troops invaded Texas simply because it secceded from Mexico. Mexican troops invaded American territory, and in return, the Americans fought to defend themselves and their country. Also, this territory was officially Texan territory as declared by Congress, so there could be no assumptions made by either side as to which territory either troops were on. Because there was an invasion, blood shed, and threat to the United States through Texas, the United States troops stood their ground and defended their country. We will write a custom essay sample on United States and Mexico War in 1846 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on United States and Mexico War in 1846 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on United States and Mexico War in 1846 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer According to Velasco-Marquez, The Mexicans saw the annexation of Texas as â€Å"a declaration of war†and â€Å"inadmissable for legal and security reasons†. Despite who started the disruptancy, either country should defend themselves. If the United States made the first move
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Green Marketing
Green or Environmental Marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and assist any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, with minimal negative impact on the natural environment. Green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as modifying advertising. Economics is the study of how people use their limited resources to try to satisfy unlimited wants . Ultimately green marketing looks at how marketing activities utilize these limited resources, while satisfying consumers wants, as well as achieving organization's objectives. The most successful brands on earth connect with their consumers emotionally in addition to logical facts and rational appeals. Effective green product marketers connect with the concerned and aware consumers willing to pay a premium to buy green products by empowering them to clean the air, purify the water, or help save endangered forests and species. It's the reason why consumers buy green products in the first place. Giving the consumers an option to buy such beneficial products will make them feel like they are making a difference Product purchasing and consumption are the #1 ways in which Americans act upon their environmental worries. Ask an American adult what he/she is doing to save the planet and their responses most likely will center on product-related behaviors like turning off the lights when leaving a room, recycling products and packages (and more recycling), and looking for green labels when shopping. Why Firms are starting to use green marketing 1).Organizations perceive environmental marketing to be an opportunity that can be used to achieve its objectives. It appears that all types of consumers are becoming more concerned and aware about the natural environment. In 2001 the people in 22 countries were polled about their opinions on green m... Free Essays on Green Marketing Free Essays on Green Marketing Green or Environmental Marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and assist any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, with minimal negative impact on the natural environment. Green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as modifying advertising. Economics is the study of how people use their limited resources to try to satisfy unlimited wants . Ultimately green marketing looks at how marketing activities utilize these limited resources, while satisfying consumers wants, as well as achieving organization's objectives. The most successful brands on earth connect with their consumers emotionally in addition to logical facts and rational appeals. Effective green product marketers connect with the concerned and aware consumers willing to pay a premium to buy green products by empowering them to clean the air, purify the water, or help save endangered forests and species. It's the reason why consumers buy green products in the first place. Giving the consumers an option to buy such beneficial products will make them feel like they are making a difference Product purchasing and consumption are the #1 ways in which Americans act upon their environmental worries. Ask an American adult what he/she is doing to save the planet and their responses most likely will center on product-related behaviors like turning off the lights when leaving a room, recycling products and packages (and more recycling), and looking for green labels when shopping. Why Firms are starting to use green marketing 1).Organizations perceive environmental marketing to be an opportunity that can be used to achieve its objectives. It appears that all types of consumers are becoming more concerned and aware about the natural environment. In 2001 the people in 22 countries were polled about their opinions on green m...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Megacities in Asia - City report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Megacities in Asia - City report - Essay Example Tokyo’s population growth has been influenced by the availability of jobs that lure Japanese citizens to move in to work in the industries. Despite the city’s area being 0.6% of total Japan landmass, the city holds approximately 10% of total japan population. The large population in the city makes Tokyo the most densely populated prefecture in Japan. However, like the whole of Japan, the city is characterized by an ageing population. The birth rate is low thus growth in population is almost zero. For example, in 2010, there were 109000 births and 104000 deaths. This implied that the population grew by only 4000 for the whole year (Tokyo Metropolitan Government). In the same year, the child population (ages 0 – 14) was 1.477 million labor force (ages 15 – 64) at 8.85 million and finally the aged populace (ages 65 and over) at 2.642 million. The figures can be simplified into percentages to 11.4%, 68.2% and 20.4% respectively. Tokyo is characterized by light industries that are comprised of electronics, and manufacturing of agricultural chemicals and products. Moreover, the city is more of managerial city that houses the offices of many companies in other areas in japan. Most heavy industries are located outside in the prefectures surrounding Tokyo and also other cities such as Fukushima and Osaka. Japan is a heavily industrialized country. Thus, Tokyo offers a center where stock trade is done. The Tokyo stock exchange takes the second position in the world after New York. In 2013, the stock exchange market was US$4.5 trillion. This depicts Tokyo as a major economic center in Japan and the world (Clark 164). The per capita income of japan is one of the highest in the word. Tokyo, being the biggest city in terms of GDP in the world, enjoys a high per capita income of $55766. This is relatively higher than that of the whole country because of the high GDP of Tokyo is in excess of $837 billion. Education in Tokyo
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Quantitative Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Quantitative Research Methods - Essay Example There are a number of factors that can be expected to have important role in determining the cognitive ability of individuals in their childhood. These factors include various characteristics of a child including gender, birth weight, breast feeding, etc., parental factors like parent qualification, parents’ social class etc. socioeconomic issues of family including ethnicity, religion, income, housing etc., other family related issues like childcare, bedtime, ability to read, etc. and geographical factors. This study will make an attempt to find which of these factors have significant effect on cognitive ability of children in UK. The thesis statement for this research can be stated as follows: Various children specific, parental, family specific and geographic factors affect cognitive ability of individuals at early age. Against this thesis statement the following research questions can be made: How do children specific factors like gender, birth weight, breast feeding etc a ffect the cognitive ability of a child? How do various parental factors like parents’ qualification, social class, etc. affect the cognitive ability of a child? How do socioeconomic factors related to a family, like ethnicity, religion, income, housing, etc. ... hypothesis: Children specific factors like gender, birth weight, breast feeding etc do not significantly affect the cognitive ability of a child Alternative hypothesis: children specific factors like gender, birth weight, breast feeding etc significantly affect the cognitive ability of a child. Hypotheses related to second research question: Null hypothesis: Various parental factors like parents’ qualification, social class, etc. do not significantly affect the cognitive ability of a child. Alternative hypothesis: Various parental factors like parents’ qualification, social class, etc significantly affect the cognitive ability of a child. Hypotheses related to third research question: Null hypothesis: Socioeconomic factors related to a family, like ethnicity, religion, income, housing, etc. do not significantly affect cognitive ability of a child. Alternative hypothesis: Socioeconomic factors related to a family, like ethnicity, religion, income, housing, etc. significa ntly affect cognitive ability of a child. Hypotheses related to fourth research question: Null hypothesis: Family related factors like bedtime, ability to read, childcare, etc. do not significantly affect cognitive ability of a child. Alternative hypothesis: Family related factors like bedtime, ability to read, childcare, etc. significantly affect cognitive ability of a child. Hypotheses related to fifth research question: Null hypothesis: Geographical factors do not significantly affect cognitive ability of a child. Alternative hypothesis: Geographical factors significantly affect cognitive ability of a child. In order to test these hypotheses a statistical test of regression will be conducted. The data and method for the test will be discussed in the next section. Data and Method: Sample data: For
Monday, November 18, 2019
Collision of the right to privacy and the right to freedom of Essay
Collision of the right to privacy and the right to freedom of expression - Essay Example The verdict of the cases, whether they were in compliance with the Human Rights Act, has been made. A discussion of the European Convention and the acts adopted by the Convention has also been made. An evaluation of the prior laws that helped to mould the Human Rights in Europe is also analyzed in the paper. Human Rights are the set of guidelines laid down by legal bodies and organizations that safeguards the rights and freedoms of human beings. The elementary rights and freedoms, which every human being irrespective of cast creed social stature; are entitled to can be collectively termed as Human Rights. Human Rights include civil rights, freedom of expression, political rights, and also equality before a court of law for uniform generation of justice. Civil, economic, cultural, social and political are the various classification of Human Rights. However, Human Rights, although are made for social benefits are not social rights. Social rights are more like objectives which need to be attained, while Human Rights are objectives or norms which are to be followed. Human Rights are laws which need to be obeyed to maintain the social, cultural and legal balance. The different classification of Human Rights is a contribution to it, as it covers all necessary aspects, which needs to be covered for the well being of the civilians. . The history of human rights can be traced back to thousands of years covering cultural, political, legal and religious aspects. Emperor Ashoka of India issued the 'Edicts of Ashoka' back in 250-270 BC, which is a collection of thirty three inscriptions on pillars, made by the emperor. The edicts, being the first form of Buddhist preaching, were moral in nature and were based on doing basic good deeds. The Magna Carta, formerly known as the English Legal Charter was written in Latin and was issued in 1215. It is one of the important historical examples that developed the English law, to protect the rights of the people against monarchial rule. It influenced the development of constitutional laws and common laws. The British Bill of Rights, 1689 was an act that protected the interest of the people against government actions in the United Kingdom. The Geneva Conventions, and the Lieber Code, 1864 can be described as the initiations that laid the basic foundations of International Humani tarian laws. International Humanitarian laws The Geneva Convention adopted by the International Committee of Red Cross was one of the first attempts to safeguard the interest of individuals fighting in wars. It was revised after the World War II and adopted by the Red Cross Community in 1949. Presently the Geneva Conventions are referred to as the Humanitarian law, under the governance of International Committee of Red Cross. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. This is a non binding declaration that was adopted after the World War II. The UDHR may be referred to in any national and international cases, and is considered to be a central component of international humanitarian law. (United Nations, 2008) Human Rights Treaties The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) were the two most important treaties that were
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Final Strategic Direction For The Company Mcdonalds Marketing Essay
The Final Strategic Direction For The Company Mcdonalds Marketing Essay The concept of strategic positioning was considered to be a part of marketing terminology which is capable to explain the other marketing tools configuration such as price, product, place and promotion. It is generally exploited to explain the position of the organization in the market in a particular segment. This will help to improve the shares in the market, dominance, improve the profits by efficient use of factors such as cost, location, service in order to increase the ROI. Many organizations may gain particular position in any one of the 4 Ps and gaining in all is very complex and difficult as is generally aimed to attract the consumers. The strategic position is a complicated concept which require more complex commerce functioning which may generally increase the overheads to a company. For the effective planning of a strategic positioning in an organization more efficient and sophisticated tools and techniques and information are required. This concept is practiced when the organization tend to spread in to various other segments of the souk from the existing segment.(Middleton, J. (2003). The strategic positioning can be based on the insight of consumers which will determine the nature and requirement of the clients. This will assist the management for a better decision making in the form of marketing planning, strategic marketing and development of novel products. An in-depth analysis is required for a better interaction of the brand with the consumers. This will help to estimate the perceptions, attitudes, values, beliefs and trends of the current market. Jim Downey October 2007, the strategic positioning of an organization is carried to plan for the future of the organization that may include various steps such as: Concept of future obligation of the organization Collection of the information which is a multifold task such as internal and external data of the company along with the estimation and assessment of the rivals company and its indifferent services and products. Critical analysis of various factors of the organization Strategy determination either by continuing the originally practiced strategy or by altering as per the study and requirement. Finally implementation of the strategy in order to accomplish the objectives and mission of the organization. Concept and definition of Strategic Positioning: Thomas A. McLaughlin has explained the concept of strategic positioning as the position aspired by the organization. The concept is achieved by entertaining certain step by step procedure such as crafting the mission of the organization or reiterate the previous mission the organizational and souk examination screening of the internal optimistic conditions making over the position of the company in next few years the premeditated arrangements of the organization has to be amalgamated achievement plan has to be exercised accordingly The author describes that the concept of strategic planning has eventually transformed into the concept of strategic positioning. The following is considered to be various factors which are involved to achieve a Strategic Positioning of any organization. Figure no. 1: Factors of Strategic Positioning in the organization Ref: Thomas A. McLaughlin, Strategic Positioning Mind Your Strengths, Focus on the Future From the above figure, it is evident that the implementation of the concept of strategic positioning in any organization is possible through proper amalgamation of the factors such as: Vision Mission Resources Strategic planning Structure of the organization The vision, mission, objectives and values are characterized by every organization to improve its efficiency. This is shown in order in the following figure: Figure no. 2: Vision, Mission, statement of organizations Ref: Ref:,%20Mission%20and%20Value%20Statements.pdf Vision: the basic aspect of Vision is to grant an outlook image of the organization in advance. This is carried on a visualization otherwise a delusion. These may include the following factors like: Enlarge the probable fore look It is ashored in actual circumstances necessitates audacity derived from resonant principles and morals Mission: every business live with a reason. The term Mission sums up to a declaration by recognizing the basis on which an organization exists along with its purpose or upcoming goals. These declarations recognize the companys community and deal with its situation about philosophy, morals, and values of application. Strategic Planning: Strategic planning helps to determine the fact that where the company at present and what are its targets and is considered as a bit higher than marketing. All the aspects like H.R, economics, I.T, procedures, appointing, back-up tactics, framework, user interface, work place outline and the variables which influence the venture along with its efficiency, can be persuaded through this. It helps the authorities get a clear vision of where the development is, what can be its long-term goals and be responsible for its future resolutions. Worrell, L. (1998) Tools and techniques of strategic analysis: 4.1) Strategic Analysis: (Juce- Vicius, 1998) The concept of strategic analysis is defined as a method for carrying analysis on the ecology of the business under which various functions of the organization are conducted and plan for the strategies. The strategic analysis of an organization is accomplished to concentrate on various functions of the organization such as: Studying the requirement of the clients To thoroughly study the market To study the threats and competitors products and strategies Various tools and techniques are involved to determine the environment of the company through the following tools and techniques such as: 4.2) SWOT analysis: according to Craig Fleisher and Babette Bensoussan (Prentice Hall, 2002) the term SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is considered as the basic tool in the strategy planning which help to scan the environment, to identify the external factors of the organization which can be overcome by proper planning. It helps to recognize the weak points and strengths i.e., internal factors of the organization. All these are planned strategically to achieve its future goals. This can be carried out as an element of strategic planning or as an independent aspect in the organization. This can be explained through the following figure: Figure No. : SWOT Analysis Ref: 4.3) PEST analysis: according to Jim Downey October 2007, the PEST analysis is similar to the SWOT analysis. This generally comprises issue of Political; Economical, Social and Technological aspects which are comprise all the external factors. Clear study is carried out to identify these factors and strategic plans are made. The following figure will explain the PEST analysis for an organization: Figure no. : PEST Analysis Ref: Goal grids: this type of tool helps to recognize its future goals and act upon it accordingly in a strategic approach. 4.5) Supply chain analysis: according to P. Mohan Chandra, the general supply chain management includes various aspects like stock managing, logistics management and acquisition and supplying or circulation. The following are considered to be other form of tools that also may help in studying the environment of the company: Porters five forces analysis: Michel E. Porter has developed this technique in the year 1979 which is a very aggressive method for estimating and appraising the viable strengths and the current position of the company in the market. This evaluation and estimation is possible for any company by assessing the 5 forces that explains the present situation and amount of antagonism of the commerce in the market. This concept will help to determine the power situating points in the organization. Hence this is a two fold estimation of current position of the company and helps in the strategical planning for the position to reach in the future. As it helps to assess the strength points of the company and souk, this may facilitate to overcome the weak points and drawbacks. Power of the dealer: this force will help to assess the features of various dealers and their strengths and weaknesses such as the quantity of dealers for every input, estimation of the service or product of dealers exceptionality, strong points and size of the dealer, the relative change in the price for changing from the current dealer to the other. Power of the Buyer: this force is employed to estimate the cost reduction for the buyers by employing the following factors such as the current market situation with figure of consumers, estimating the significance of the individual consumers of the company, the change in price for changing from one buyer to the other. Aggressive competition: this force is generally employed to estimate the aptitude and number of the opponents of the current souk along with analyzing the services and products of these competitors. Threat due to replacement products: the products which are a near replacement of an existing product may involve excessive risk and clients may prefer the product with lesser cost which may reduce the competitiveness of the company and power of the company in the souk. Threat due to fresh contestant: this force will be able to study the new entrants in to the souk who may in turn reduce the profitability of the preexisting company. This can be represented through the following figure: Figure no. : Porters Five Force Model Ref: 4.6) Value Chain Analysis: (Sigitas VaitkeviÄ ius, Gediminas Merkys, Asta SavaneviÄ ienÄ-, 2006) the concept of value chain analysis has been devised in the organizations to estimate the value produced by the organization to the consumers. For estimation and analysis of value chain, the internal aptitude of the company is assessed by parting various activities of the firm in to different clusters or groups. Examining and improving each cluster may raise the value which may assist to enhance the antagonism of the company through each raised value in the market. This analysis is carried out in 3 steps as follows: The first step may result in dividing the functions of the company in to two different sections such as principal activities that are directly involved in producing the product along with promotion, distributing the same to the clients and provide after sale sustainability. The remaining is considered to be secondary activities which may assist to perform the principle activities. The second step is to allocate price for each of these activities. This information will help to understand the interior potential for the management of the company that is treated to be an expensive insight. The last step is to determine the activities that are able to generate and improve the value by enhancing the fortification of the consumer and success in the souk. For this three main factors are considered to assess the function of each action of the value chain such as mission of the company and its functional undertakings of the operations, type of the organization and the system for the enhancement of value adopted by the company by studying the value inclusion by he downstream and upstream affiliates of the firm in dispersing the products to consumers. 4.7) Four Corners Analysis: Jim Downey October 2007 the concept of Four Corner Analysis has been fabricated by Michael Porter, which assists to study the rivals which may in turn acts as an aid for developing strategies for future of the company. The concept will useful for developing and altering the necessary changes in the strategic plans that may be devised by the rivals and triumphant steps followed by them, estimation of variable replies by each rival to react to that strategy. The changes in the environment and shifts of companies may also be studied through this technique. Generally in the organization this concept is overviewed and SWOT analysis is employed to determine and estimate the rivals strengths and weaknesses. But this may give a thorough analysis of the reaction that may follow by the rivals by studying the major functions such as motivations, actions, assumption of the management and the capabilities of the organization. This can be analyzed by the factors in the following figure which represents the Porters Four corner analysis: Figure no. : Porters Four Corner Analysis Ref: Jim Downey October 2007 Strategic Analysis Tools Topic Gateway Series No. 34 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Early Warning System: (Sigitas VaitkeviÄ ius, Gediminas Merkys, Asta SavaneviÄ ienÄ-, 2006) as the name implies this concept is employed to detect the warnings to the organization in advance and may also predict a suitable event which is very crucial for the company. These are considered to be the sources for the preliminary scenes to react for the opponents strategies. This comprises of the following 7 important factors such as: Defining the market: this will explain the scope of the organization such as geographical position, souk and brand etc. Open system: this will help to analyze the content about the rival in a broader way. Sorting out: based on the significance of the available data about the rivals may be screened and sorted based on the crucial necessities and act accordingly. Analytical aptitude: this will help to determine the way to be followed by the rival by building probable scenario and observe the signs for the preferred selection of any one of them out of the list. Interactive capability: this require well apposite group for attaining the signals to drive forward. Strategic planning: this will in turn explain the alterations in the current strategies followed by the organization according to the moves of the rival. Recurring methodology: this may considered as a cyclic method that may be repeated to stay up to date. Strategic Positioning of Mc Donalds: Company profile: Mc Donalds is considered to be the leading food chain company world wide and is prevailing brand globally at a rank of No. 8 in the world. It has a period of destruction which is considered to be due to unstrategical analysis followed in the company. But at present the analysis is satisfactory as the company again raise its share value and earnings. The following are few strategic approaches followed by the company which can be shown in the following figure: Figure no. : Strategic approach of Mc Donalds Ref: Phase No. 1: Vision/ Mission: the vision and mission of the Mc Donalds as part of the strategic positioning was established once the older one is accomplished for an effective positioning in the market. The vision at present is to be worlds best quick service of restaurant services by mixing various factors such as cost, quality, and products etc. development of new strategic planning for efficient expansion and attract the clients. The mission of the Mc Donalds company is to create a roadmap for the future of the company by increasing the share value of the company. Objective: the strategic objective is monitored in the Mc Donalds to pave enduring commerce positioning in its field of market and aggressiveness. Principles of strategic positioning: The following are considered to be various principles involved in the strategic positioning: Tactical formulation or conceptuation: strategical planning and strategical implementation as per strategy are assessed in this. Planning with future insight: the vision and mission for the next few years is planned in this segment. Variety in the style of thinking: aggressive thinking, risk taking capability, change management, thinking aptitude etc are commenced in to this. Power based techniques: this will include the requirement, geographical positioning, funds, asset values and strategic leadership etc. Ideas implemented in Mc Donald have to achieve strategic Positioning: Ries and Trout: it is considered to be resourceful work out performed by exploiting preexisting product of the company. Focusing on various factors such as brand expansion and interaction strategies are also considered to be a part of this. This will help to : existing place of the company is reinforced in the clients view untenanted place can be grabbed by commencing this technique This will decide the re-position and de-position of the company. This technique is very well executed in Mc Donalds which helped for strategic positioning of the company world wide. Treacy and Wiersema: it is a notion of discipline that shall be followed by the company. This is based on the different approach for providing unique services to the clients and also can introduce innovative product through strategic analysis and discipline that will improve the: Leadership in terms of product Excellence in terms of functioning Intimation with the consumers of the company. The strategic positioning of the Mc Donalds is as follows: Figure no. : positioning of various companies Ref: The positioning is achieved by the Mc Donalds due to its excellent insight for the consumers which has improved the superior decision taking ability by analyzing the trends, values, beliefs, attitudes and perception which helped to devise superior market panning, strategic marketing and introduction of novel food products in the market. Various concepts are being reviewed at every time such as: Segmentation of the customers Improving the satisfaction level of the customers Changing the menu as per the current demand Appraisal and evaluation. Continuous development of novel products and study various aspects such as acceptance from them, optimal features of the product, decision for embracing and falling from the product line etc. Mc Donalds strategically plans and implements timely introduction of novel products and services and takes various steps to improve the interaction with the clients. Hence the following can be considered as the main treasons for the effective strategic positioning of Mc Donalds: Cost leadership Innovation Thinking and acting differently by creating 24/7 availability of food items Effective expansion Providing eminent products with better service, value and cleanliness. Enhanced interaction Swift delivery with taste Availability of mobile restaurants 24/7. Consistent activity throughout value chain Periodical implementation of various tools and techniques such as SWOT, screening environment and souk, analysis of forecasting and scenario description Strategic group analysis, and value chain analysis is also considered to be a part of mc Donalds strategic positioning based on screening. The following figure may be helpful to explain the strategic positioning: Figure no. 3: Strategic position tools and techniques Ref: Phase No. 2: Strategic Analysis Tools and Techniques in Mc Donalds: Mc Donald makes a rigorous exploitation of the strategic analysis tools and techniques periodically to estimate the environment, its changes, to estimate the companys strategic position as well as opponents strengths and weaknesses. The following are some of the tools and techniques exploited by the Mc Donalds. SWOT analysis: this is carried to determine the internal environment of the company that include aspects such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which can be as follows: Strengths: the strengths of Mc Donalds is a global brand, global and domestic leader in the market, cost reduction and control of prices, economic growth on long term basis, superior real estate collections world wide, high accessibility, high recognition of brand, higher opportunities, able to attract all the ages of consumers, healthy environment, better generosity, strong promotion tactics, superior client service, high quality of product, interacting capability etc are considered to be it major strengths. Weaknesses: As every company has weaknesses, Mc Donald also holds weak points such as lack of clarity in the strategic direction, higher debts and feeble balance sheets, considered to have high overall costs, lack of core competencies, problems in internal functioning, poor R D, constricted line of products, deficiency of skills in promoting are few weaknesses. Opportunities: availing first 24/7 mobile restaurants and introduction of healthy hamburger is a great opportunity for the food chain expansion, ability to expand globally, increase the line of products, skill conversion in to the novel goods, taking over opponents, impeding affiliations, exploitation of innovative technologies and brand expansion. Threats: the potential threats of Mc Donalds are from fresh rival entry in the market, high priced regulations, vulnerability of the commerce operations, changes in the demography, reduced sales figure, higher no. of competitors, lower rate of growth etc are few threats faced by the company. PEST analysis: this will be able to explain the external environment of the company which also includes the factors such as political, economical, social and technological concerns of the company. Political: Mc Donalds have a considerable knowledge about the political situations of various nations where they function. The company is well organized to face any political concern Economical: it is considered to be economically stable both internally as well as the nation where they expand. Greater target of market, less cost with high earnings, concerns due to inflation is also economical factors faced by the company. Social: Mc Donald has a very aggressive reputation for its product and quality which is accepted in many social groups. As it is very tasty and natural ingredients are employed it has not many social concerns in the countries where it operate. Increased employability and working with various social groups can be observed in Mc Donalds. Technological: as Mc Donalds is known for the exploitation of innovative technology in the company. As the technical advancements takes place the Mc Donald will be able to procure and adapt to the changes of technologies to produce the products (Royle, T Towers. B, 2002). Porters five forces Plan: this is a crucial tool in strategic analysis which will explain the current position of the company in the market. Competition: Mc Donald is facing much competition from its rivals and thriving to with stand this competition to become no. 1. The new entrants now face hectic competence from Mc Donalds. It is able to surpass many food chains. Ease of entry: as the Mc Donalds is a global brand and well settled and recognized in various countries, the new entrants will face difficulty to enter and succeed. Substitutes: The companies face issues with the various substitutes offered by many companies. And with in the company varied range of products are being provided for a huge pick up for the consumers. Strength of the dealer: it is observed to have lesser strength of dealers in food and beverage industry. Strength of buyer: the buyers are also considerably having lesser strength in food industry. The other tool which tends to reposition Mc Donalds in a strategical approach is through effective value chain and inventory analysis. In Mc Donalds the analysis is made through effective inbound logistics where resources and inventory are assessed at every level of production and allocation, functioning activities which involve conversion of resources to final product, outbound logistics where the goods are distributed, sales and promoting to generate sales and client related services etc. Effectiveness of Tools and Techniques; the following are various tools and techniques exploited by Mc Donalds. The effectiveness of these tools and techniques can be observed in its financial record till date. It has been ranked worlds no. 8 position for global brand. Along with the following records: The net sales figure of Mc Donald is raised to 6.9% and the count of guests raised by 3.1% which was observed to be 6.8% and 3.8% in the previous year. The sales in the system has up surged by 11% Margins and other earnings received by the company are around 17.6% and margins due to franchisees are raised by 82.3% The share value is $3.76 which is considered to be raised by about 16% Cost allotted for operations is about $5.9 billion and expenditure of the capital is about $2.1 billion. Repurchasing of shares is implemented as part of commerce extension by $5.8 billion and enhanced dividend by $0.50 per share by 4th quarter. The current annual dividend rate is $2.00 per share. ROIIC of one year is 38.9% which was considered to be 37.5% the previous year. Strategic directions: the term strategic direction is defined as the course of action that is implemented by the company in order to achieve it goals and objectives. Any company will formulate vision and mission along with objectives as part of Strategic direction for the next few years. This can be a form of strategic planning for the development of the business. As discussed earlier Mc Donalds is keen to formulate vision and mission as per the strategic plan and attain it in a strategic approach. The inventory and resources are maintained and converted in to production along with distribution with controlled inventory process and value addition analysis. By effective exploitation of various technical advancements along with periodical exploitation of the strategic tools for estimation, the company is bale to achieve its vision and objectives. The following may few strategic directions for the company: Exploitation of technological advancement Innovative products introduction Better interactions with clients High quality and tasty products Good environmental experience Logistic analysis. Hence the future directions shall be in the form of healthy aspect of the food items produced by the company as it has observed drastical deduction in the year 2002 due to improper strategic plans and directions. The future plans shall be effective to stop repeating such thing again. Better decision making tactics and administration shall be implemented. Safety of the food Better analysis of risks such as assessment of issues Improved interactions and communicate about the chemical content and naturality to lighten the protest Improve significance Improve ethical values The issue concerned with the implementation of the above mentioned strategic direction may be arised due to the growing complexity of the company and hence collaboration shall be planned with in the individual franchisee or outlet level. Better risk management is difficult may be due to collaboration constraints, analysis shall be done to reduce the wastage which is considered to be criticism on the Mc D company for waste production inspite of recycling and overhead prices to the company. The sales can be improved by increasing the promotional value along with food safety logo along with better planning and better implementation part. Hence from the above it can be understood that with the growing complexity the strategic issues may be arised in the complex organization such as Mc Donalds hence, it should plan and execute the strategic planning separately for each outlet which will increase the scope for estimation of weak points and enhance them in to positives at each level to increase the value of the company. Presentation of the findings Hence from the above study it can be understood that strategic positioning is a concept earlier included as a part of marketing but from the past few decades it is treated separately and as a crucial concept in the organization. This concept involves a broad study about the target market, study about the clients and concept of service and enhances the strategies based on the findings to reposition or deposition the organization in the current market in a particular function. This will improve the service vision of the company. This concept involves a brief study about the capacity, inventory and demand, pricing, promotioning, control of utilization of resources etc can be estimated through this. This will help to estimate the position of the organization in the near future and system of realization can thus be assessed in divisional level of the firm. The study is made by connecting the concept in Mc Donalds to study the strategic position through various strategic analysis tools and techniques such as SWOT, PEST, Porters Five Force Analysis and Value Chain Analysis etc. As the strategies implemented by the Mc Donalds is very effective and under control, it has gained a global leader position on the factor of customer satisfaction. Conclusion: it can be concluded that, strategic position is a beneficial concept which when applied from various divisional level of the organization will increase productivity and profits to the organization which is observed in case of Mac Donalds.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
A Proposal to Stop the Poaching of the Siberian Tiger Essays -- Argume
A Proposal to Stop the Poaching of the Siberian Tiger One of the world’s most beautiful creatures, the Siberian tiger, has been roaming earth for many years. The Siberian tiger subspecies has been subjected to many obstacles, which make it very difficult for it to survive. Their main threat is not lack of food, but â€Å"man,†one of God’s most fierce and cruel species. Because of man the tiger population has reduced to approximately 400 in the wild, and restricted their remaining habitat to the Russian Far East (Field Projects). Man has done many things to destroy the Russian Siberian tiger. They have cut down forests and moved in on the tiger’s territory, causing them to flee and become fragmented throughout Siberia making it hard for them to mate and hunt. Poaching has also made it difficult for the tiger to survive. Man has illegally killed this magnificent animal over decades for sport, food, trade, medicinal purposes, and to protect their livestock. Though man is very powerful and capable of causing the extinction of the Siberian tiger, they are also capable of helping the tiger to survive. Many people are supporting conservation organizations in order to help the surviving population of the Siberian tiger. These conservation organizations are trying to stop the annihilation of the Siberian tiger by strengthening anti-poaching patrols, establishing a compensation program for farmers, and educating people. According to researchers, â€Å"between 1990 and 1994 approximately sixty tigers were poached a year†(Field Projects). Some Russian experts predicted, â€Å"that, if no immediate measures were taken, the Siberian tiger would go extinct soon after the year 2000†(Field Projects). The Russian ministry of environment began a project... ...ob to clean up what we started and end the illegal killing and help the tiger population to expand and survive in their habitat. Many foundations have been funded in order to make this possible, it is also our job to make sure they stay in effect to eventually end the poaching of the Siberian tiger. Richard Burge noted in Riding the Tiger, â€Å"The tiger is more than a charismatic predator: it is a keystone subspecies in its environment. By saving the tiger in the world, we save complex ecosystems and habitats that would otherwise be destroyed in the relentless march of human need and, all too often, greed†(U. S. Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act). Works Cited â€Å"Field Projects.†5 Tigers. 3 October 2001. United States Fish & Wildlife Service. Rhinocerus & Tiger Conservation Act. Summary Report 1999-2000.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Analytical Response: Romeo and Juliet Essay
Act 3, Scene 1 contributes to making Romeo and Juliet a true tragedy as this scene is the unfolding of a series of ill-fated events (3.1.84-87) ‘This days black fate on more days doth depend. This but begins the woe others must end’. Violence and blood is demanded early in the scene, as Tybalt is after Romeo in order to challenge him to a duel. Newly wed Romeo ignores Tybalt’s insults and respectfully declines his offer, as he knows he must respect and love the Capulet’s. Irritated by Romeo’s calm submission, Mercutio steps up to the challenge to defend the Montague name. Outraged by Mercutio’s death Romeo lets rage control his actions as he seeks vengeance upon his friend’s death, forgetting his intentions to settle the family feud. The dramatic irony of this scene, will possibly affect the audience, as they know this will cause uproar within the family feud. The events in this scene impact greatly on Romeo and Juliet, as this is the b reaking point of the play. This scene also creates a domino effect on the events later on in the play. Characters The characteristics of Mercutio have a significant influence on the events that occurred during Act 3 scene 1. It is evident throughout the scene that Benvolio is the peacekeeper as he see’s a way around the brawling, (3.1.1-3) ‘ I pray thee, good Mercutio, lets retire. The day is hot; the Capulet’s abroad; and if we meet we shall not ‘scape a brawl.’ However, Mercutio ignores Benvolio’s attempts to bypass the Montague Capulet conflict, as he is quick to temper and always ready for a fight. His use of irony to provoke Tybalt (3.1.28-33) provides further evidence on his combativeness ‘But I’ll be hanged, sir, if he wear your livery. Marry; go before to the field, he’ll be your follower. Your worship in that sense may call him man. ‘ Mercutio’s argumentative attitude leads him into a brutal affair; he is left wounded blaming Romeo for his injury. It is unquestionable that Mercutio’s pugnacious, aggressive b ehavior led to the violence of this scene that has guaranteed an unfortunate fate for Romeo and Juliet. Themes and Perspectives Act 3 scene 1 provides perspective on the resentment between the two families, Montague and Capulet. The family feud holds a great deal of power throughout Romeo and Juliet, as it is the reason for many of the unpleasant events that occur throughout the play such as; Mercutio’s death, Romeo and Juliet’s secret marriage, Romeo’s exile and of course the feud itself which also provokes the tragic ending of the play. Evidence of the theme is seen throughout Act 3 scene 1 particularly towards the end when Benvolio is left to explain the tragedy to the Prince. Lady Capulet believes Benvolio is lying, as he is a Montague therefore Romeo must die for Tybalt’s death. (3.1.38-42) ‘He is a kinsman to the Montague. Affection makes him false. He speaks not true. Some twenty of them fought in this black strife, And all those twenty could but kill one life. I beg for justice, which thou Prince, must give. Romeo slew Tybalt. Romeo must not live.’ Throughout R omeo and Juliet there is persistent evidence that the resent between Montague and Capulet conduct the tragic events and heartbreaking end to the narrative. Audience response; attitudes, values and beliefs The audience is at an advantage as they are able to see both sides of the family feud, providing them with a true understanding of the tragedy. During this scene they observe the brutal affair between Mercutio vs. Tybalt and Romeo vs. Tybalt and finally Lady Capulet vs. Benvolio. There are various reactions the audience may have experience throughout this scene. Those in the Elizabethan times perhaps felt a sense of gratification towards Mercutio for standing up to Tybalt in order to defend Romeo and the Montague name. However the contemporary audience may declare Mercutio as arrogant or foolish. The audience can recognize that both Benvolio and Romeo gave warnings to Mercutio and Tybalt. They stated the brawl was not required neither did they desire one on numerous occasions however, both Mercutio and Tybalt would not take no for an answer. Either way the audience is able to experience the full effect of the events, which help mould this star crossed love story into a true tragedy.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How to Grow a Borax Crystal Snowflake
How to Grow a Borax Crystal Snowflake Do real snowflakes melt too quickly? Grow a borax crystal snowflake, color it blue if you like, and enjoy the sparkle all year long! This can be made overnight. Borax Crystal Snowflake Project Experience Level: BeginnerTime Required: OvernightMaterials: Borax, water, pipe cleaner, clear jarKey Concepts: Crystallization, dissolving Borax Crystal Snowflake Materials You only need a few simple materials to grow borax snowflakes: StringWide mouth jar (pint)White pipe cleanersBoraxPencilBoiling waterBlue food coloring (optional)Scissors Lets Make Borax Crystal Snowflakes! The first step of making borax crystal snowflakes is to make the snowflake shape. Cut a pipe cleaner into three equal sections.Twist the sections together at their centers to form a six-sided snowflake shape. Dont worry if an end isnt even, just trim to get the desired shape. The snowflake should fit inside the jar.Tie the string to the end of one of the snowflake arms. Tie the other end of the string to the pencil. You want the length to be such that the pencil hangs the snowflake into the jar.Fill the wide mouth pint jar with boiling water.Add borax one tablespoon at a time to the boiling water, stirring to dissolve after each addition. The amount used is 3 tablespoons borax per cup of water. It is okay if some undissolved borax settles to the bottom of the jar.If desired, you may tint the mixture with food color.Hang the pipe cleaner snowflake into the jar so that the pencil rests on top of the jar and the snowflake is completely covered with liquid and hangs freely (not touching the bottom of the jar). Allow the jar to sit in an undisturbed location overnight.You can hang your snowflake as a decoration or in a window to catch the sunlight. Tips for Success Borax is available at grocery stores in the laundry soap section, such as 20 Mule Team Borax Laundry Booster. Do not use Boraxo soap.Since boiling water is used and because borax isnt intended for eating, adult supervision is recommended for this project.If you cant find borax, you can use sugar or salt (may take longer to grow the crystals, so be patient). Add sugar or salt to the boiling water until it stops dissolving. Ideally, you want no crystals at the bottom of the jar. Keeping a Borax Crystal Snowflake Crystal snowflakes make nice decorations or Christmas tree ornaments. Its possible to save the snowflakes to use from one year to the next, providing they are stored properly. Borax will react with water in the air to form a white layer. If this is undesirable, the best way to prevent it to store the snowflakes in a sealed container with a desiccant. Gently wrap each snowflake in tissue paper or a paper towel.Place the wrapped snowflake in a zipper-top plastic bag.Add a small packet of silica gel. These are included in many products, like shoes and electronics, so most people have them. Otherwise, silica gel beads may be purchased at craft stores.Seal the bag.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Cleopatra and Mark Antony Essay Example
Cleopatra and Mark Antony Essay Example Cleopatra and Mark Antony Essay Cleopatra and Mark Antony Essay Essay Topic: The Birth Mark Cleopatra and Mark Antony BY ktodd999 The love story of Cleopatra and Mark Antony Can you imagine loving someone so much you would kill yourself if you found out he or she was died? We almost become infatuated with this idea. Throughout history there has been an amply amount of forbidden tragic love stories. They all have the same sad ending, someone, killing him or herself over the loss of a loved one. There is one tragic love story that started them all. Many of us know the brilliant story of Romeo and Juliet, well this love story helped make that love story. The story Im talking about is about a sedative queen and a killing machine. Their names are Mark Antony and Cleopatra VI. Cleopatra was born around the year 69 B. C. to king Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra V Tryphaena. Many historians dont know for sure if Cleopatra the V is her true mother. The people of Egypt thought Cleopatras father was weak and they sometimes called him Auletes, which, means flute player. After her parents died, 18-year-old Cleopatra and 10-year-old brother Ptolemy XIII were passed down the Egyptian throne. This meaning they got married. Since her brother was so young Cleopatra mainly ruled while her brother Just sat back and watched. This made Ptolemy vary bitter and anger towards his sister. So Ptolemys advisors started to go against Cleopatra. With little options the young queen had to flee Egypt. She ended up in Syria were she quickly raised an army of her own. That following year with her mercenaries army, she returned to Egypts eastern broader to take on her younger brother. Cleopatra and her army were not doing so hot, so, she seek out the help of Roman general Julius Caesar. Caesar knew if he helped Cleopatra she would be in debt with him for the rest of her life. He also knew that Egypt had a lot of money and he had a lot of debts he needed to pay off. Caesar agrees and they end up winning. Ptolemy fled Alexandria and Cleopatra owed everything to Caesar. Caesar stayed in Alexandria for a while and the people where not to fond of it. Egyptians werent vary friendly towards foreigners. The two of them seemed to really like each other and maybe even be have ben in love. Around the year 47 B. C. she gave birth to a son whom is believed to be Caesars. The people of Alexandria even referred to him as little Caesar. A year after the birth of their son they left Alexandria and went to Rome. Only in Rome for a couple of years Caesars own son Brutus murdered him on the Ides of March in 44B. C. After her lover was murdered Cleopatra went back to Egypt. Caesars right hand man Mark Antony also left Rome dressed as a slaved. Not gone for too long, Mark decided instead of running like a coward he needed to go back and defend his friend. So he did, Mark gave a powerful eulogy and raised an army to kill Brutus. In charge of the will Mark was a little disappointed to find out that 17- year- old Octavian was the beneficiary. Octavian was Caesars adopted son, and Mark and him did not get along. Putting there differences aside Mark and Octavian started planning the second triumvirate. They knew they needed someone else with lots of money so they picked Marcus Lepidus. This was still not enough so they went to Cleopatra. Cleopatra sent four Roman legions, which were in Egypt because of Caesar, to help the there men. They ended up victorious and it is now known as the second triumvirate. They both agreed Octavian would rule the West and Antony would rule the East. Mark Antony was already thinking about what his next step would be. He left the triumphal and planned to organize and supply an army to invade Parthia. He knew that Casers was playing on doing this before he was brutally murdered. Antony wanted to thank Cleopatra for helping them win the triumvirate and wanted to ask her for help. So he summed her to meet him at the city of Tarsus. Cleopatra sailed to the city on an over the top boat, and dressed in robes of Isis. Antony only being a man was seduced by her charm. Mark swore to protect Egypt and Cleopatras crown. He supported the removal of her younger sister Arsinoe to exile. Cleopatra agreed to finance him. Shortly after Cleopatra sailed back to Egypt. Leaving his third wife Fulvia and their children in Rome he followed her to Egypt. Spending the winter of 41-40 B. C. etting to know each other a little better, Antony decided he needed to get back on track. A couple of months after he left Cleopatra gave birth to twins. There names were Alexander Hellos, which, means the sun and Cleopatra Selene, which, means the moon. Mark Antony could not go back to Egypt to meet his babies yet. He had to stay in Rome and prove his loyalty to Octavian. After Antonys wife died from being ill, he decided the best way to show your loyalty is to marry into someone family. Mark married Octavians half sister Octavia. Together they moved to Athens and had two daughters together both name Antonia. For a short while the two boys seemed to be getting along. Antony finally departed for his Parthian campaign, but got side tracked once again by Cleopatra in Syria. She had the twins with her and Mark Antony was so happy he decided he wanted to marry her. They had another child and named him Ptolemy Philadelphus. The Parthian campaign was not going so well. There was no military gains and he loss about 20,000 men. He decided it was over. On his way back he bypassed Athens and went start to Alexandra. Octavia was furious! If that wasnt bad enough Antony even divorced her by sending an official notice to Rome stating hat she and their children must leave the house. This not only made Octavian furious it also upset the Senate. The Senate swore an oath of loyalty to Octavian. Antony was also outlawed and war was declared on Cleopatra. Meanwhile in Alexandria Antony declared Caesars and Cleopatras son the rightful era and awarded land to all of his children. Doing this only pisted Octavian and the Senate off more. Cleopatra and Antony prepared for Octavian. The Battle of Actium took place in 31 B. C. Enemies of Octavian rallied to Antonys side, but this wasnt enough. Octavian ad many brilliant military commanders, and was very successfully right out of the gate. After a lot of heavy fghting, Cleopatra broke free and took with her 60 of her finest ships set sail back to Alexandria. Not to far behind them Antony broke through and started to sail back as well bring with him Just one other ship. When the two lovebirds got back together they knew they didnt have that much time together. They both decided that they would kill themselves before Octavian would. Despite there great loss at the battle it still took a year for Octavian to reach the land of Alexandria. Cleopatra retreated to her mausoleum and barricaded the doors. Antony heard a rumor that Cleopatra killed herself. Divested, knowing life wouldnt be worth living without her he ordered one of the salves to kill him. The slave could not do it and ended up killing himself so Mark Antony had no other choice. He drunkley fell onto his sword. Mark Antony did not die right away, Cleopatras slaves found him and made him a makeshift stretcher and took him to her. Felling terrible and full of grief she with the help of her slaves set up and get her ready for death. Dressed in her finest clothing and on a gold couch she takes an asp nd has it bit her. Some stories say that she let it bit her nipple but I dont think she was that crazy, other stories say that the snake was brought in a basket of figs. Whatever the true story is she killed herself for the man she loves. Cleopatra and Mark Antony were truly in love. So in love that they couldnt stand to think about not being with each other. Tragic love stories will always be in our history as well in our future. We love thinking about them, reading about them, and trying to understand them. The truth is we may never truly understand why people do the things they do for love.
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