Monday, December 30, 2019
Math in Special Education Essay - 948 Words
There’s no denying that education is constantly changing, but what’s truly astounding is the difference that can be throughout the years in math. More is changing in math classrooms than the tools that are used. The expectations that 21st century students face are completely transforming the approach that’s being taken in classrooms across America. The United States wants to make sure its students are ready to compete on a global level, and teachers are stepping up to the plate. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) has led the movement for education reform in mathematics. The NCTM began in the mid-1970’s and was a public voice of mathematics education that supported teachers, and tried to ensure learning of the†¦show more content†¦Students need to understand the reasoning behind the way math works, these standards put this into practice. A second groundbreaking document released by the National Council of Teachers Mathematics was Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics. This set of standards â€Å"present[s] a vision of what teaching should entail to support the changes in curriculum set out in the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards. This document spells out what teachers need to know to teach toward new goals for mathematics education and how teaching should be evaluated for the purpose of improvement†(Burris). It was essential for this change because it changed how mathematics was taught. Teachers now had new goals and had different processes of evaluation, which in the end, resulted in a greater improvement for themselves, and also great academic achievement for students. â€Å"The NCTM followed with the 1995 release of Assessment Standards for Teaching Mathematics. NCTM produced this important document because new assessment strategies and practices needed to be developed that will enable teachers and others to assess students’ performance in a manner that reflects the NCT M reform vision for school mathematics†(Burris). This allowed teachers to give better assessments to their students, which led to them being able to better asses themselves. It was easier for them to know what theyShow MoreRelatedA Special Education Math Teacher808 Words  | 4 PagesFor the last three years, I have worked as a special education math teacher in the facility setting, both in residential treatment, and juvenile corrections. I believe that my work has exemplified the advancement of the values of character, diversity, leadership, and commitment to service. My experiences have also been the driving force that has ultimately led me to seek an education in the field of law. 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